small farmer

Chapter 716 Was Underestimated

Chapter 716 Was Underestimated (22)

The monthly salary is six or seven thousand,
In a small western county like Qingshan, life is already very nourishing, so although it has been a bit hard recently, the employees have not complained at all, but are full of energy.

Because the company's benefits are so good, even better than those of civil servants, many people are eyeing them. If they are a little lazy and get fired from the company, it will be too much for the loss.

However, due to the company's high benefits, the requirements for employees are naturally high, and various rules and regulations are very strict. If you miss work without reason, you will be dismissed.

If you are late twice a month, and there is no valid reason, your full attendance for the month will also be cancelled.

"Hey, madman, you came so early, is this the sun coming out from the west?" Seeing Zhang Feng's arrival, Xu Yang joked with a smile.

"Fuck, do you think this is on Venus, and the sun is coming out to the west?" Zhang Feng glared at this guy.

"Hehe, did you lose your head today?" Xu Yang continued to tease Zhang Feng.

"You're just getting water in your head, how is it? How much can the factory produce every day?" Zhang Feng gave Xu Yang a white look, and then asked.

"Now we work in two shifts every day, and we can produce about 60 hangover pills every day, and the monthly output can reach about 800 million."

"Oh, so it only takes half a month to complete all the orders?" Zhang Feng asked in surprise.

"Yes, the first batch of more than 1000 million orders will be completed soon, but these days, there are new orders every day, and it is estimated that orders will explode on a large scale next month, and the possibility of reaching 3000 to [-] million is very high .” Speaking of the company’s order, Xu Yang smiled.

The current company's products are in short supply as soon as they go on the market. For the company's operators, it is really easy, and they don't need to spend too much energy to open up the market. When it came to the fishy smell, it came surging.

"Hehe, yes, it seems that our hangover pills are indeed very popular!" Hearing such good news, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Of course, our company's hangover pills are scorpion shit—the only one, and the effect is much better than those so-called hangover pills on the market."

Hearing Xu Yang's words, Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.

Zhang Feng couldn't be more familiar with his own products.

Although the hangover pills exchanged from the system are elementary hangover pills, they are also very effective. Even if you are drunk, as long as you take the hangover pills in time, you will be fully awake in an hour, and you can even reach the level of drunk driving. Can't even find out.

If you drink less alcohol, the hangover time will be shorter. If you only drink one or two taels, it only takes 10 minutes to eliminate all the alcohol in your body.

Therefore, the launch of Jiejiu pills is a great savior for people who often socialize, and Jiejiu pills can not only relieve hangovers, but also have a good refreshing function. After getting drunk, the mind can be refreshed quickly. There are no sequelae.

"By the way, madman, when will our new production line arrive?" What Xu Yang is most concerned about is the output. If the output is insufficient, it will definitely affect the company's performance.

"Don't worry, it's coming soon. It will arrive in two days." Zhang Feng smiled, the production line is in the system, and it can be delivered to the company at any time, but Zhang Feng has to wait for another two days, so that's good explain.


At ten noon, the company's vice president recruitment officially started.

The first applicant was Chen Jiajun. Although he was not the top talent, he was enough for Tianyang Technology now.

At the beginning of the interview, the other party seemed to have a well-thought-out plan and was quite confident in his own abilities. He answered various questions from Zhang Feng and Xu Yang very fluently, and he also had a lot of opinions of his own.

After the interview, Zhang Feng and Xu Yang looked at each other and nodded. As long as there is no accident later, Chen Jiajun should be the vice president of the company.

Sure enough, the next few interviews were not as Zhang Feng expected.

Everyone's performance is similar to that of Dandan's survey. Although there are two very beautiful resumes, such as graduating from top foreign business schools and working as middle-level leaders of top foreign companies, these are just superficial things, and there are some real talents. , but not yet at the level of a senior talent, so it goes without saying that neither of them was hired.

There is another person who has too little work experience. He just graduated with a Ph.D. last year and only has one year of work experience. Therefore, neither Zhang Feng nor Xu Yang was hired. If the other party is willing to accept the position of assistant to the general manager, Zhang Feng and Xu Yang can still accept it. .

It's a pity that the other party thinks that he is a top student of Harvard Business School, and being able to go to a small county like Qingshan is to give you face and let him be your assistant. How is this possible.

So this talented student, in a fit of anger, picked up his own materials and left the company.

"Hehe..." Zhang Feng and the two looked at each other and smiled wryly, unexpectedly they were really underestimated.

"Forget it, just leave if you leave. With the potential of our company, sooner or later we will become a large enterprise with hundreds of billions of dollars, and he will be the one who will regret it then!" Xu Yang smiled indifferently, and then said.

"That's right, look down on us now, and after a year, we will let him down." Zhang Feng also laughed.

Zhang Feng is very clear about the potential of his company. Although there are only two best-selling products, Guoguoxiang and Jiejiu Pills, even if Guoguoxiang is not counted, Jiejiu Pills alone can create tens of billions of dollars for the company this year. Revenue, and it may reach two or three billion.

You know, Tianyang Technology has only been established for one year. As long as Zhang Feng is willing, he can exchange a large amount of black technology medicines from the system. It's just that Zhang Feng doesn't want to be too high-profile and cause trouble for himself, otherwise the future of this company Even more frightening, dominating the global medicine bottle market is easy.

After a while, the last applicant came in!

This is the other one that Zhang Feng has taken a fancy to. His name is Wang Gensheng. He is the deputy director of the North Pharmaceutical Factory and is in charge of production, so he is very experienced in this area.

After asking a few questions, Zhang Feng and Xu Yang exchanged glances and were very satisfied with Wang Gensheng, so Zhang Feng glanced at Wang Gensheng, stood up and said with a smile:

"Mr. Wang, welcome to join the company!"

"Ah, Mr. Zhang, I'm hired now?" Wang Gensheng thought that Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng would think about it for a long time, but he didn't expect that he was hired immediately after the interview, so he was very pleasantly surprised.

"Hehe, of course, our company welcomes talents like Mr. Wang!"

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang and Mr. Xu!" Wang Gensheng was overjoyed immediately, and quickly thanked Zhang Feng and the two.

After the interview, Wang Gensheng said that he will be able to join the job in a week, and he will soon become the vice president of Tianyang Technology, who will be responsible for the production of products.

The other person who was hired was Chen Jiajun. After learning that he was hired by Tianyang Technology, the vice president of the Lark Group also said that he would be able to complete the resignation procedures next week, and he would be able to join the job soon. Vice President of Market Development.

With the addition of two talents, Xu Yang finally felt a lot more relaxed, and the company was about to enter a faster development track, launching an impact on large companies with a scale of tens of billions.

(End of this chapter)

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