small farmer

Chapter 721 Drawing Shrimp

Chapter 721 Drawing Shrimp (12)

come to the door

Everyone parted ways, and before leaving, the old man did not forget to tell Zhang Feng, in the old man's opinion, if you leave such good honey and don't harvest it, isn't that a waste of money?

"Xiaofeng, remember to cut the honey!"

Zhang Feng quickly nodded in agreement.

Back home, Zhang Feng took the net bag and bucket and walked to the backyard.

In the clear ditch, fish can be faintly seen. Only ricefield eels are the most vigilant. They usually live in caves at the bottom of the ditch. Only by spreading bait can they be lured out.

Now there are more than these things in the ditch in the backyard of Zhang Feng's house, besides eels and small fish, there are also crayfish and crabs.

After several months of reproduction, there are already a lot of lobsters and crabs in the ditch. Because they are not eaten often, they are also like eels, and they are about to flood.

Therefore, Zhang Feng will fish out some from time to time and give them to fellow villagers or relatives and friends, so that everyone can taste the deliciousness of his own crabs and crayfish.

"Wow, do you want to eat crayfish today?" The little girl followed with a smile when she saw Zhang Feng walking towards the backyard. She couldn't resist the delicious spicy crayfish.

"Want to eat?" Zhang Feng turned his head and asked the little girl with a smile.

"Yeah!" Xiaoyue nodded heavily.

"You can eat it if you want, then the crayfish will be cleaned by you!"

"Ah? Brother, you treat me like a coolie again?" The little girl suddenly said bitterly,

Because cleaning crayfish is too troublesome, if it is not cleaned, it will not taste so delicious.

"It's fine if you don't want to wash it!" Seeing the little girl's reluctance, Zhang Feng shook his head.

Suddenly, the little girl's eyes lit up, and she quickly patted her chest and agreed: "Don't worry, brother, I will leave the task of cleaning the crayfish to me!"

Hearing the little girl's words, Zhang Feng immediately rolled his eyes, thinking that it would be strange if you finished it by yourself, probably because you are planning to pull Zhang Lin's strong man.

"Xiaoyue, tell Yiyi and Grandpa Liu and Grandma Liu to stop cooking today and come to our house for dinner!" Zhang Feng instructed Zhang Yue while fishing for crayfish and crabs.

"Hee hee, I got it bro, I'm going right now..." The little girl got a new mission, and happily ran out of the courtyard, disappearing in no time.


"There are really too many crayfish!" Zhang Feng frowned as he looked at the densely packed crayfish in the water.

Crayfish are cold in nature and can’t be eaten too much. If you want to eat them yourself, you can’t control the speed of their reproduction, so Zhang Feng plans to catch more today, and send some to the second uncle’s family and Erniu uncle’s family later. .

In less than half an hour, Zhang Feng caught half a bucket of crayfish. Zhang Feng estimated that it was about ten catties, including one or two catties of crabs and eels that were as thick as a thumb for a few days.

Carrying the harvest to the yard, Zhang Feng packed the crayfish into fractions and prepared to give some to the villagers with better relations.

Just at this moment, the ducklings were laughing and joking, you chased me and came to the yard.

"Duck the duck, Da Mao, come here!"

"Wow, madman, these are all lobsters you caught?"

"Crazy brother, you are really amazing!"

The little ones couldn't help exclaiming when they saw the lobsters packed in plastic bags.

"Little duck, this is for your family..."

"Da Mao, this is your house..."

"There's also Erdan, remember to take it back right away, you know? If you die, you can't eat it!"

Zhang Feng gave a few bags of crayfish to the little guys and asked them to take them back by themselves.

"Hee hee, thank you madman!"

"Thank you! Madman!"

The little guys were holding a bag of crayfish, and they were all happy. The crayfish were delicious, and they couldn't help swallowing secretly at the thought of having them at noon.

Seeing that the little kids were about to leave, Zhang Feng immediately stopped the little duck: "Wait a minute, little duck, you take this bag of crayfish to Zhang Yi's house and say it was from me, you understand?"

"Got it, madman!"

The little duck ran back, carrying another bag of crayfish, and happily ran out of the house, bouncing and jumping all the way, feeling very happy.


"Brother, I'll help you!"

Seeing Zhang Feng cleaning the crabs and crayfish in a large basin, Zhang Lin hurried over to help.

"Okay, but you have to wear gloves. In the news not long ago, there was an old man whose finger was cut by a lobster and was infected with marine bacteria. He seems to have passed away, so be careful!"

"Understood brother!" Zhang Lin nodded with a smile, walked to the bamboo pole under the eaves, took two pairs of gloves, put one pair on her hand, and handed the other pair to Zhang Feng.

"Thank you!" Zhang Feng smiled. Although he didn't need it, because of his strong physical fitness, his reaction was super fast, and there was no possibility of his finger being cut by a lobster. However, Zhang Feng still smiled when he cared about his sister. Accept it.

"Brother, why are Qi Baishi's shrimps so good!" Zhang Lin asked curiously while cleaning the crayfish.

"Hehe, hard work can make up for one's weakness, and practice makes perfect. As long as you work hard and add a bit of talent, you can draw well!" Zhang Feng encouraged his sister with a smile.

Since returning home from the holiday this time, because there is no summer homework like middle school, my younger sister Zhang Lin is going to learn calligraphy and painting, and of course, gourmet cooking that everyone can't do without.

"Yeah, brother, can you draw shrimps? I don't think I've seen you draw before!" Zhang Lin nodded, knowing that drawing requires hard work, not only talent, but also willingness to work hard and be good at observation. Otherwise, no matter how talented you are, you will not be able to draw exquisite paintings.

"Hehe, I haven't drawn this one before. Let's try it after lunch!" Zhang Feng smiled.

You may have all studied Qi Baishi's shrimp play pictures, which seem to have only a few strokes, but they are full of agile beauty.

This requires strong painting skills, and only a master of traditional Chinese painting like Qi Baishi can draw such a beautiful shrimp.

In fact, anyone who pays close attention to observation knows that most shrimps in reality have six or seven knots, but most of the shrimps painted by Qi Baishi have five knots. Why does the master prefer to paint shrimps with five knots?

Everyone knows that Master Qi Baishi loves to paint shrimps, but the shrimps he paints are different at different ages.

At the age of 57, master Qi Baishi fell in love with painting shrimps. At the age of 62, he kept live shrimps on the chopping board for painting. In the pond in the yard, a group of shrimps played and played every day, and he made careful observations every day.

The 68-year-old master began to modify the painting method of shrimp. He used light ink to draw the head and body of the shrimp, and added a little thick ink to express the weight of the shrimp and the hardness of the head. The eyes changed from two small dots to two horizontal lines. pen, the shrimp drawn is more vivid, and the shrimp legs are changed from eight to six, which is very simple.

At the age of 71, Qi Baishi changed the painted shrimp legs to five, and at the age of 5, he removed the shrimp's whiskers and formed the final version of the shrimp.At this time, the shrimp is already extremely concise, highly generalized, and beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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