small farmer

Chapter 726 Fatty Blind Date

Chapter 726 Fatty Blind Date (23)

Sister Yingzi's wedding is approaching

The village seems to be getting restless

Especially those older youths who are not yet married are almost all urged by their parents to find a partner and get married early.

Even Zhang Yi was urged by his second uncle and aunt to speed up his offensive, it would be best if he could make rice to make mature rice, and let the two elders hug their grandson as soon as possible.

So, from the next day

Among the topics discussed by the villagers, there are many things about marriage.

For example, which family's son is going on a blind date, which family's daughter has found a partner, etc., the whole village seems to have entered the marriage and love mode, frantically making up for the missed marriages in the past.

Because the village was poor in the past, there were many bachelors in the village, so the parents in the village were anxious about the marriage of their children.

No, in the next few days, the folks by Moon Lake became more and more people.

Because Moon Lake is very affluent now, it is much easier for the big guys in the village to find a girlfriend. As long as there is such an intention, after the news is released, people in the nearby ten miles and eight villages will inquire about it and visit the homes of relatives and friends. Is there a suitable daughter.


noon this day
Zhang Feng and Yiyi were walking by the lake, just in time to see Fat Dun wandering back and forth by the lake shore holding a bunch of flowers.

"Hee hee, lunatic, do you think that person is fat? Is he going on a blind date?" Yiyi couldn't help laughing and asked after seeing Peng Dun.

"Hehe, it should be. In recent days, the young men in the village are all on blind dates!" Zhang Feng smiled, and he was no longer surprised by this.

Then Zhang Feng smiled and walked over quietly, shouting loudly at Fatty.

"Who are you waiting for, Chubby?"

"I'm going! Brother Feng, if you scare people, you'll scare them to death, okay?" Fat Dun was probably very nervous, and trembled from Zhang Feng's fright, then patted his chest, and complained pitifully to Zhang Feng.

"Hehe, which little girl are you waiting for here? How beautiful?" Zhang Feng smiled in disbelief, and then asked the fat man.

"Oh, it's not because my mother is always urging me, you see, she has introduced seven or eight girls to me in the past two days..."

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Fat Dun complained to Zhang Feng with a depressed face.

"Hehe, who told you not to find a girlfriend quickly, are you already 23?" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"What's 23, look at people in big cities, who doesn't get married in their 30s!" Pang Dun seems to be unwilling to start a family so early. In his opinion, a person's life is so chic, and he can do whatever he wants.

"Can you compare yourself to others? Those who marry in their 30s are either tall, rich, handsome, or white and beautiful, or they are company executives or rich second generations. Can you tell me which one you can compare to them?"

"Alas..." Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Fat Dun smiled wryly and shook his head.

"You better hurry up and find someone. If your parents know that you plan to get married in your 30s, they won't break your legs!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

In rural areas, quite a few people get married at the age of fifteen or sixteen, and they usually start a family and start a business in their early twenties, so Fat Dun's plan to get married at the age of 30 will definitely not succeed, at least his parents will not be able to pass the test.

"Pang Dun took out the photo of that girl to have a look, Yiyi and I will help you as a staff member!" Zhang Feng continued to smile and said to Fat Dun.

Fat Dun saw that he couldn't eat it secretly, so he turned on his phone slowly, and found the photo of the girl who was about to go to the village.

The moment they saw the girl's photo, both Zhang Feng and Yiyi's eyes lit up. The other party looked really good, with that kind of cute heart, fleshy, and I have to say that they have some couple looks with Fatty.

"Hey, it's pretty pretty! Fatty, come on, try to take him down!"

"Hey..." Fat Dun rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

It seems that he is quite satisfied with this girl, but Fatty is a little worried in his heart, and he is very unconfident about his appearance.

Thinking about my height of 1.6 meters 200, and more than [-] catties of fat, I wonder if the other party will be scared to turn around and leave when they see me.

So Fat Dun expressed his worries to Zhang Feng.

"Hehe, it's okay, don't worry, Fatty, fat people are all potential stocks. If you don't succeed this time, start tomorrow, keep exercising, and you will be able to become a handsome guy in half a year at most. The one who will regret it must be the other party!"

"Hey, Brother Feng!" Fat Dun gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, as if to cheer himself up.

At the same time, I also decided in my heart that starting tomorrow, I will persist in exercising, lose weight, and get rid of my fat.

"Fat pier, come on, we're leaving first!"

"Come on, you can do it!"

Before leaving, both Zhang Feng and Yiyi encouraged Fat Dun, hoping that he could find his own love.


"Hehe, Fatty is really interesting. By the way, madman, did you often bully him when you were young?" After walking tens of meters, Yiyi asked Zhang Feng with a smile.

"No way, we are all friends who play together, okay?" Zhang Feng smiled.

"Why not? Didn't you say a few days ago that when Fatty went to the toilet, you threw stones into the latrine and let the dung splash all over him?" Yiyi gave Zhang Feng a look.

"Ugh! That... that was an accident. I just wanted to scare him, but I never knew it would end up like that!"

Zhang Feng was also very guilty of that accident, and he was also very thankful. Fortunately, Fatty's father didn't come to the door at that time, otherwise he would definitely have a meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots.

But since then, Zhang Feng never joked like that again, and he seems to have grown up a lot.

At this moment, the exclamations of the little kids came from the shore of the lake.

"Ah! Big green head! There's a big green head here!"

Zhang Feng and Yiyi followed the prestige, and it turned out that it was Little Duck and the little kids were chasing a big green dragonfly with net bags, shouting excitedly.

"Oh, let it go away, little duck, you are so stupid!" Da Mao saw that the little duck didn't catch Lu Datou, and complained to the little duck with his mouth held back.

" let one go just now..."

So the two little guys quarreled by the lake.

"These two monkeys won't fight, right?" Seeing the two little guys getting angry, Yiyi said to Zhang Feng worriedly.

"Hehe, it's okay, these little brats are skinny, it's okay to fight, besides, aren't we here to watch?" Zhang Feng smiled and said.

It is common for children in the countryside to fight, and sometimes they can fight with a stone for a piece of grass.

But these monkeys are very forgetful, maybe the tears haven't dried yet, and the two played together again, so it's normal for rural children to fight and fight.

Seeing the two little guys pushing each other, Zhang Feng hurried over.

"What are you doing, ducklings? Are you going to fight?"

"Oh, Brother Crazy...we...we don't have one, do we, Da Mao?" The duckling winked vigorously at Da Mao, and then said to Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Yeah, madman brother, we two are just kidding around!" Da Mao hurriedly explained to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng shook his head speechlessly, knowing that these two guys were talking nonsense, but he didn't intend to do anything to them, as long as the two little guys couldn't beat them, so he taught them a few words and let them go.

(End of this chapter)

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