small farmer

Chapter 727 Lively Small Square

Chapter 727 Lively Small Square (33)


Just as Zhang Feng walked to the entrance of the village, he met Pangdun again.

"How about Fatty, can we have a blind date today?"

"Oh, it must be a dead end!" Fat Dun said to Zhang Feng with a wry smile.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Feng was very curious about what happened.

"We just walked around the lake, and he left in less than 10 minutes!" Fat Dun was also very depressed, thinking that it was hard to meet someone who could catch his eye, but the other party ignored him.

"Ah, so, do you want to get her phone number or WeChat?" Zhang Feng was also a little surprised when he heard what Fatty said.

"Oh, don't even mention this, it's depressing to say..."

It turned out that before Fatty had time to speak, the other party left in a hurry.

"It's okay, there is no grass anywhere in the world, remember what I said in the day, fat people are potential stocks, as long as you lose weight successfully, you will definitely attract a lot of beauties!" Zhang Feng smiled and comforted Fatty.

"That's right, I was also a handsome guy when I was a child, and I took a big schoolbag for love letters at school..." Pang Dun was also heart-warming, and soon put the failed blind date behind him, and started bragging with Zhang Feng Come.

It's a pity that he forgot that Zhang Feng was not an outsider. Zhang Feng knew everything about him when he was a child. He even remembered how this guy wet the bed when he was nine years old.

"Ahem, Fatty, I remember you have been fat since you were a child, and I don't remember, when did you receive a love letter?" Zhang Feng smiled and stared at Fatty.

"Eh! Brother Feng, people are tough! Can't you let me imagine?" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Fat Dun was stunned for a moment, and then said pitifully to Zhang Feng.

Seeing this guy playing tricks, Zhang Feng couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

"Okay, keep exercising from tomorrow, and when you become a handsome guy, you will definitely find a beautiful girl."

"Oh, that's the only way to go!" Fat Dun felt that he was also very desperate. After this fellowship, he finally had the idea of ​​losing weight.

"From tomorrow onwards, be a happy person, get up early, exercise, plow the land and grow vegetables... Don't worry, Brother Feng, I will continue to exercise from tomorrow on!" Fat Dun clenched his fists and said firmly.

Hearing this guy's crooked poems, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing, this guy is really good at playing tricks.

In fact, Pang Dun is not only a warm man, but also quite humorous and sincere in his dealings with others. The only shortcoming is that he is too heavy.

As the saying goes, being fat ruins everything, and a bloated figure has caused him a problem in blind dates.

Therefore, Zhang Feng really hopes that he can lose weight successfully. Of course, it would be even better if someone wants this one from him. After all, there are many people in China who like all kinds of things.


At this moment, there was a cooing sound from behind the big tree not far away.

Zhang Feng looked back, who else could this brat be if it wasn't a little duck.

"What are you doing here, little duck?"

"Shhh! Brother madman, we're playing hide-and-seek here!" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the little guy quickly put his finger on his mouth, signaling Zhang Feng to keep his voice down.

"Oh... ducklings, you are playing hide and seek here..." Zhang Feng said loudly on purpose, in order to cause damage to the little guy.

"The little duck is coming out soon, I see you, little duck..." Da Mao was also very strong, hearing the voice from here, he immediately spotted the little duck behind the big tree.

"Oh, it doesn't count, it doesn't count, it's the lunatic brother who told you this time..." Seeing that he couldn't hide, the duckling hurried out to argue.

"Why don't you count, anyway, I've already found you, this time it's time for you to find us..."

After some debate, the little duck finally took the blame, and then the little guy sat on the big rock angrily, glaring at Zhang Feng unwillingly.

"Okay, duckling, let's hide..."

Hearing that the little friends must hide well, the duckling immediately stood up and looked for the place where the friends might be hiding.

Behind the big tree, under the stone mill, or in the grass... search and search, there is always a place where someone can be found.

Seeing the little guys having fun, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing, seeing the children was like seeing himself when he was a child, they were all so carefree and happy.

the sky is getting dark
The stars all over the sky also slowly revealed their figure,
In the eastern sky, a bright moon hung on the treetops, getting brighter and brighter, gradually illuminating the entire dark night.

In the grass beside the square, beside the small river, crickets and frogs contend, as if they are playing a luminous sonata to welcome the arrival of the night.

Suddenly, a gust of evening wind blew.

The whole square became cooler, and the villagers sat under the big trees in twos and threes by the side of the square, chatting about topics of interest to them.

At this time, the old man and Grandma Liu were also holding hands, taking a leisurely walk in the square, quietly enjoying the pleasant rural life.

And Yiyi and her two younger sisters gathered around Sister Yingzi, chattering about Sister Yingzi's wedding. It seemed that the little sisters all sincerely wished her marriage.

Even the two stinky players who play chess every day, the second uncle and Pa Shanye, put away the chessboard at this time, smoking dry tobacco in their mouths, the tobacco leaves flickered on and off, flickering in the night .

"Xiaofeng, how about we play a movie here tomorrow?" At some point, the village elder came behind Zhang Feng, and suddenly smiled and said to Zhang Feng.

"Ah, yes! But have you bought the projector from our village?" Zhang Feng was taken aback, and asked after realizing that it was his uncle who gave him a sigh of relief.

"Hehe, let me tell you that you really don't care about the affairs of the village at all. This projector has arrived a long time ago. If it wasn't for being familiar with it, I would have asked Ah Sheng to play the movie." The uncle looked at Zhang Feng shook his head.

Although the village has been connected to the Internet and electricity, the villagers are still used to going to the village entrance to enjoy the shade in the evening, so it almost becomes a square for everyone to relax every night.

No, in the middle of the square, there are seven or eight women dancing in the square right now, exercising their muscles and bones following the music from the small speakers.

With Zhang Feng's consent, the uncle smiled and continued to ask for opinions from other villagers. The main reason was to ask what everyone wanted to watch. This was the most important thing. If you don't like it, what's the point?

After some questioning, the village head was also a little bit bigheaded. Almost all the elderly villagers liked Revolutionary War movies, such as tunnel warfare, mine warfare and so on.

But the young people in the village are different. Almost all of them like action movies at home and abroad, such as Mission: Impossible and Operation Red Sea.

Therefore, the village head was a little embarrassed, and for a while he didn't know what to put tomorrow.

 Thanks to the three book friends of 'Smoking Bear', 'The Cat Looking Up to Heaven' and 'Qiang Qiang', thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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