small farmer

Chapter 728 The Sensation Caused by Dinosaur Fossils

Chapter 728 The Sensation Caused by Dinosaur Fossils (13)

just after nine o'clock in the morning
The road outside the village became extremely busy. Cars and motorcycles rushed eastward one after another, and the traffic volume more than doubled than usual.

"Hey! What's going on today? Why are there so many cars on the road?"

Everyone sent away the vegetable truck, and looked at the scene of heavy traffic on the road with curiosity.

"I don't know, it doesn't seem like today is the day to go to the market!" Uncle Er Niu was also puzzled.

"Going to the market is not going east, is there a traffic accident down there?" Uncle Dashan frowned and guessed.

"It shouldn't be. How could there be so many people watching the fun when there was a traffic accident?" Uncle Qi shook his head after hearing this. I have to be busy with my own work, which is not as idle as before.

"I'll go over and have a look!" As he spoke, Ah Hong rode his own electric bike straight to the intersection.

After a while, I saw this guy stop a young man on a motorcycle, the two exchanged a few words in whispers, and A Hong came back on his electric scooter.

"What's the matter, Ah Hong? Did you ask clearly?" The villagers asked A Hong curiously.

"Haha, can I, Ah Hong, fail to ask?"

"Okay, don't brag, boy, tell me what's going on in the east?" Just when this guy was about to show off, Uncle Er Niu slapped him.

"Oh, okay, I'll just say..." Ah Hong quickly said what he asked.

"What? Dinosaur fossils?"

It turned out that dinosaur fossils were discovered in Gaopo Village on the lower side, and now the news has spread, so people from all over the world ran to watch it.

This is the stuff of legend.

The peerless overlord on the earth in ancient times ruled the entire earth for countless years.

Rooted in scientific research, dinosaurs are a general term for a class of reptiles that appeared in the Mesozoic period, that is, the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

Strong limbs, long tails and huge bodies are the portrayal of most dinosaurs.They mainly inhabit forests or open areas on lakeshore plains.

However, the stars change, the sun and the moon alternate, and everything has its ups and downs. The dinosaurs that dominated the earth for hundreds of millions of years finally disappeared suddenly at the end of the Cretaceous period 6500 million years ago. This has become a mystery in the history of biological evolution on the earth. Still no one can figure it out.

However, although dinosaurs have disappeared from the earth, the good fortune of nature still left many fossils of dinosaurs, allowing humans to unveil the mystery of knowing them.

Due to the long history, the fossils left by giant beasts like dinosaurs are rarer and more precious.

There are not many places in the world where dinosaur fossils are found, and every discovery can attract global attention. Therefore, the villagers were surprised when they heard that dinosaur fossils were found in Gaopo Village, and they were all ready to go to the place where the incident happened. See amazing dinosaur fossils.

As a result, the news of the discovery of dinosaurs in Gaopo Village spread in the village in an instant.

The entire Moon Lake became boiling, and the tourists who came to visit also shifted their positions one after another. After all, although the Moon Lake is beautiful, it has always been there, and the dinosaur fossils are estimated to be taken away by the country soon. Even the venue will be closed, so don't miss this opportunity.

"Brother, Gao Po found dinosaur fossils!" Zhang Feng returned home, and his family got the news.

"I know, where are you going, girl?" Seeing Xiaoyue carrying a bag and looking like she was about to go out, Zhang Feng asked deliberately.

"Oh! Brother, don't you want to see dinosaur fossils?" Xiaoyue called out to Zhang Feng coquettishly.

"Hehe, that's all right, all right, can you ask if everyone is going? I'll drive and take the family with me!" Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile. How old is this girl, and she's still so childish.

"Hee hee, I got it bro!" Xiaoyue got the order and ran to ask her mother and eldest sister with a smile.

In the last statistics, everyone in the family except the mother is going.

"Mom, you go too!"

"That's right, all the tourists in the village have gone to Gaopo now, and there is no business!"

Mother was a little embarrassed, not only had to take care of the business, but also wanted to stay at home and look after the house. After all, the family didn't want to be as barren as before. What if a thief came?
"Mom, don't worry, I'll just let Dahei and Xiaohei stay in the room and watch, it will be fine with them around!"

"That's right, Mom, besides, there is a surveillance camera at the door of our house. Isn't it a trap for thieves to come here?"

After everyone's persuasion, Wang Guilan finally let go and decided to set off with the whole family.

"Yeah! Long live mom, let's go!!" Xiaoyue cheered happily. The whole family went out to play together, as if it had been a long time ago, so not only Xiaoyue was happy, everyone was very excited.

Everyone is walking, and there are more and more members.

The second uncle's family, Yiyi, grandparents, and grandparents set off together, heading for the parking lot at the entrance of the village.

"Uncle Er Niu, are you leaving too?"

"Haha, of course, my kid has been clamoring to see dinosaurs for a long time, and today I finally have the opportunity, of course I want to see it!"

Dinosaurs are very favorite things in the hearts of children, so everyone can see traces of various dinosaurs in the toy market. Therefore, dinosaurs are also enduring products in the toy family.

Just like pandas, one is cute and the other is mighty and domineering. There are many people who like pandas, and of course there are many people who like dinosaurs.

So this time I had the opportunity to see real dinosaurs, the little kids in the village almost fell out, and finally the teacher who couldn't do it had to give everyone a holiday.

Of course, this does not rule out that the make-up teachers are also very curious about dinosaurs, and they may also want to take this opportunity to see the footprints left by dinosaurs.

Along the way, the villagers dragged their children with them, as if they were going to a playground, and the little kids jumped up and down excitedly, dancing with excitement.

Da Mao, Xiao Shitou, Tie Dan, and even the two well-behaved little girls, Da Ya and Er Ya, were very excited today. They sat on their parents' motorcycles and rushed out of the village.

"Wow, there are too many cars on the road!"

It took a while to go home, and there were more cars on the road, cars and motorcycles, rushing on the road.

It is estimated that almost all the people in the city who got the news were killed. Today's discovery of dinosaur fossils will definitely create a scene of empty streets for thousands of people.

"Wow, bro, look, there's a bus over there. Isn't this also for seeing dinosaur fossils?"

"It should be..." Look at the tourists sitting inside, and then look at the route sign on the bus that does not match this road at all, so it can be concluded that the people on the bus should be going to the same destination like everyone else Set off.

I have to say that everyone's potential has been stimulated. Not only are there a group of buses, but some are actually riding bicycles on the road, in order to get a glimpse of the style of dinosaur fossils and see the legendary mysterious dinosaur fossils with their own eyes. .

(End of this chapter)

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