small farmer

Chapter 737 Returning with a reward

Chapter 737 Returning with a reward (22)

Seeing the actions of Zhang Feng and his brother, Master Paoshan couldn't help but shook his head, and the two of them directly broke it with their hands, which would not only cut their hands, but also waste a lot.

"Xiaoyi, it's not right for you to pick like that, let's see if we can do it like this!"

So Master Paoshan personally demonstrated to the two brothers, holding the bamboo shoot with one hand, and aiming at the root with the other hand, breaking the bamboo shoot from the root with a force, which is not only safer, but also won’t cause damage. waste.

"Oh, so that's the case, we know!"

Seeing Paoshan Master's movements, Zhang Feng immediately understood. After all, he has lived in the countryside for a long time and has seen a lot of various working skills, so the two of them are also well-informed.

So the two brothers learned and bought now, and quickly shuttled through the bamboo forest according to the method they had just learned.

"Brother, you said that the bamboo shoots here are so rotten in the mountains, what a pity!" After only half an hour of picking, the two brothers' baskets were already full, and they saw the remaining bamboo forests that could not be seen at a glance. , Zhang Yi sighed.

"What can I do about it? The road is not easy!" Zhang Feng shook his head. The mountain road is rugged, and there are no roads in many places. It is too dangerous, otherwise there would be no such problem.

"That's right, it's not realistic to build roads. The terrain here is really too steep!" Facing such a steep mountain, Zhang Yi also felt powerless.

Nature is so complicated, it is really too difficult to completely transform nature, and compared to the whole natural system, human beings are sometimes really very small.

For example, under the conditions of natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis, human beings have no way to resist. Therefore, the level of human technological civilization needs to be further improved.

"Haha, are you two resting there?" Seeing Zhang Feng and his brothers sitting on the ground chatting, the second uncle asked with a smile.

"That's right, our baskets are full? Why don't we come to help you?" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Hehe, forget it, we are almost full, but you plan to go back with the bamboo shoots on your back like this?" Master Paoshan also laughed.

"Ah? Are you going to peel off the bamboo shoots??" Zhang Feng and his brother looked at each other, and then suddenly realized, yes, the bamboo shoots with the knowledge I need, isn't it stupid to carry the bamboo shoots back with effort?
"Haha, have you learned it? Hurry up and peel off the bamboo shoots!" Master Paoshan laughed triumphantly.

I have to say, ginger is still old and spicy.

In terms of doing farm work, the old people in the village are more experienced.

I remember that there is a saying to describe bamboo shoots, with a sharp mouth, thick skin and hollow belly.

Although this sentence is used to curse people, it also objectively explains the characteristics of bamboo shoots, that is, more skin and less meat.

With a basket full of bamboo shoots, Zhang Feng and his brother peeled off the thick shells, and in the end only half was left. From this, we can know how much the bamboo shoots are wasted.

Afterwards, Zhang Feng and his brothers continued to dig bamboo shoots. Thanks to their experience, they went faster this time. They dug another pile in less than half an hour.

"Xiaofeng, don't you guys stop digging? It's not easy to come to Yunwuding!" Seeing that the two brothers had finished the work, the second uncle said with a smile.

"Isn't it all full?" Zhang Feng smiled and replied while peeling the bamboo shoots.

"Hehe, it's okay, I know you are strong, I have a snakeskin bag here, you can use it!" The second uncle smiled, took out a snakeskin bag from behind, and said to Zhang Feng.

"Then thank you, Second Master!" Zhang Feng also planned to get some more bamboo shoots back. After drying, the bamboo shoots taste very good, especially when stewed with chicken, the taste is even more indescribable.

Originally, Zhang Feng wanted to get some more to go back, and then dried them into dried bamboo shoots and gave them to friends. Now, with the support of the second uncle's bag, he can finally get another bag back.

"Zhang Yi, you don't have to mess with me, just go and help the second uncle and Paoshan master peel the bamboo shoots!"

Seeing that his cousin wanted to follow him again, Zhang Feng smiled and ordered.

"Okay then, I'll go help them!" Knowing that Zhang Feng was working very fast, Zhang Yi didn't stay to continue helping, and walked towards the two elders after saying a word.

Zhang Feng smiled, and continued to break bamboo shoots in the bamboo sea,
This sea of ​​bamboo is so big that you can't see the edge at a glance. According to Master Paoshan, although this Yunwuding is just a mountaintop, its area is not small. It covers an area of ​​at least tens of thousands of square meters, and its length and width are hundreds of meters.

It is said that before the Republic of China, when there were many bandits, the villagers often came here to avoid the bandits. There are not only bamboo shoots on the top of the mountain, but also a mountain spring. Therefore, as long as you bring a small amount of food, you can stay here for several months. downhill.

Such a good place is really not open to anyone.

If it weren't for the heavy fog here, which is shrouded in clouds and fog all year round, and it is very inconvenient to go down the mountain, it is estimated that many villagers would have the idea of ​​settling here.

Suddenly, Zhang Feng heard a few birds chirping.

Zhang Feng heard the reputation and looked around, only to see a beautiful pheasant standing not far away and crowing.

sky!Isn't this the red-bellied golden pheasant I met before?How is it here?Could it be that this is its lair?

Zhang Feng was a little excited, but he didn't dare to make the slightest movement. He was worried about scaring away this beautiful mountain elf. Such a beautiful pheasant is rare. Zhang Feng quietly took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera, and silently took pictures of it. stand up.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Zhang Yi asked loudly, as if feeling something strange about Zhang Feng.

Hearing Zhang Yi's cry, the vigilant golden pheasant flapped its wings, and disappeared before Zhang Feng's eyes in two or three strokes, flying into the vast bamboo sea.

"Oh, golden pheasant! Brother golden pheasant?" At this moment, Zhang Yi also came to his senses and shouted excitedly.

Seeing his cousin's excited expression, Zhang Feng couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"It's not all about you, kid. If you weren't yelling here, would the golden pheasant fly away?"

"Hey! Brother, didn't I see it?" Zhang Yi scratched his head in embarrassment, and said with a smirk.

"Forget it, let's fly away!" Anyway, this thing is a national key protected animal, and it is also a species unique to China, so even if it flies in front of me, I can't do anything to it, so Zhang Feng He waved his hand and said.

"Fortunately, I just took the video!" Seeing the phone in his hand, Zhang Feng smiled slightly.

"Really? Brother, show me!" Zhang Yi hurried over and grabbed Zhang Feng's cell phone.

"Hehe, it's better to be young!"

Seeing how energetic Zhang Yi and Zhang Feng were, the two old men couldn't help smiling.

In this beautiful bamboo sea, everyone not only harvested delicious bamboo shoots, but also enjoyed different scenery and experienced the different beauty of nature.

(End of this chapter)

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