small farmer

Chapter 738 Clean and Clean Killing

Chapter 738 Clean and Clean Killing (12)

"Second uncle, I am busy with you to recite it?"

Seeing that the second uncle was about to carry a basket full of bamboo shoots down the mountain, Zhang Feng said hurriedly.

"Hehe, it's okay, let's go, we have to go home for lunch!" The second uncle waved his hand and said indifferently.

Zhang Feng was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Paoshan Master, who also smiled kindly and refused Zhang Feng's help. In their view, carrying a basket of bamboo shoots down the mountain would not be difficult for them.

"Okay then!" Zhang Feng smiled and didn't force them. The old people in the countryside are like this. They have their own persistence in their hearts. As long as they can do things themselves, they will definitely not trouble others.

When everyone had just reached the foot of the mountain, they unexpectedly encountered two wild guys, big black and small black. These two little bastards must have sneaked out to roam around while Zhang Feng was not at home and had no one to discipline them.

"Wow woof..."

The moment the two dogs saw Zhang Feng, they were startled and almost turned around and ran away, but after hesitating for a while, seeing Zhang Feng's face was not bad, they shook their heads and ran towards Zhang Feng.

"Haha, Xiaofeng, look, your dog is here to welcome you!"

"Yes, really two good dogs!"

Master Paoshan couldn't help sighing, they are all a litter of puppies, why are the others different from these two dogs, these two dogs of Zhang Feng's family are as smart as goblins, they can usually hear everyone talking I understand, just like a three or five-year-old child, it looks really eye-catching.

"You two sneaked out again? Huh?" Zhang Feng knelt down and rubbed the heads of the two dogs with a smile.

"Woooo..." The two dogs flopped about in front of Zhang Feng coquettishly, as if to say, Master, we are here to look for you in the mountains!
"Let's go, let's go home!" Seeing these two little things, Zhang Feng was also in a good mood, carrying the bag of bamboo shoots in one hand, and continued walking towards the village with the two dogs.

"Ah! There are hares!"

Suddenly, a gray wild rabbit jumped out of the grass in front, slid into the grass not far away, and ran up the mountain.

In summer, the weeds are plentiful, and the wild rabbits on the mountain begin to grow fat, and each one grows round and round.

Before the group of people could react, the wild rabbit had already got into the grass, leaving everyone with a look of regret.

But Dahei and Xiaohei behind Zhang Feng couldn't sit still.

The first one to rush out was Dahei. This guy inherited the gene of the wild wolf on his forehead. Not only did he look mighty and domineering, but he also reacted quickly, as if a black lightning shot out in an instant.

Not to be outdone, Xiao Hei rushed up like a leopard.

A few meters away from the grass, he soared into the air and jumped into the grass.

After a while, there was a rustling sound in the grass.

"Your family's big black and little black react so fast!" Master Pao Shan couldn't help admiring.

"Hehe, I don't know if I can catch the hare yet!" Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile, his face was still full of complacency, thinking that his dog was extraordinary.

Speaking of Big Black and Little Black, these two dogs are very familiar to the villagers.

These two guys are household names in Moon Lake.

Mighty and domineering!

Even the most powerful hunting dog in the village would lower his head in front of Big Black and Little Black to curry favor with the two guys.

Not only that, but Daheixiaohei is also very smart. He can make soy sauce for his master, and every time he can attract the attention of tourists. Therefore, Daheixiaohei also has many fans among tourists.

"Come on big black!"

"Come on, Xiao Hei!"

The two guys felt even more proud when they heard Zhang Feng's shout. They spread their feet and chased the wild rabbit hard. Getting smaller and smaller, Dahei suddenly pounced forward, jumped two meters away, threw the wild rabbit to the ground, bit his throat with one bite, and happily ran towards Zhang Feng with the wild rabbit in his mouth.

It's not that the second uncle and Master Paoshan haven't seen hunting dogs before, but which hunting dog can be as clean and neat as big black and small black, it's completely incomparable, the gap is too big!

"Haha, I'm lucky again today!" Zhang Feng narrowed his eyes, feeling extremely happy.

Dahei quickly got out of the grass, came to Zhang Feng with a wild rabbit in his mouth, wagging his head, Zhang Feng knelt down and patted its head,
"Yes, this time the performance is very good!"

"Woooo..." Dahei squinted his eyes in enjoyment, and was extremely happy to be praised by his master.

Xiao Hei also trotted over and looked at Zhang Feng expectantly, as if saying, Master still has me, and me!
"Hehe, Xiao Hei is also doing very well, keep going!" Seeing Xiao Hei's expression, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Tsk tsk! Brother, why does this wild rabbit weigh five or six catties? If it weren't for an ordinary dog, it would really be impossible to catch!" Zhang Yi was also very pleasantly surprised.

Zhang Feng mentioned the wild rabbit and said happily: "I will stew rabbit meat at noon, how about having a drink with the second uncle Pashan?"

"Hehe, let's forget about the two of us, we have to be busy arranging the bamboo shoots when we go back!" The second uncle smiled and declined,
"Yeah, this thing tastes just like that. After eating it for a lifetime, I'm getting tired of it!" Master Paoshan also smiled and rejected Zhang Feng's invitation.

have to!Hearing the second uncle's domineering answer, what else can Zhang Feng say, this old man has been a hunter all his life, and he probably has eaten more rabbits than he has eaten salt.

So Zhang Feng was no longer polite. As for Zhang Yi, there was no need to ask. Everyone must have dinner together at noon.


"Brother, are you back?"

"Wow, there are so many bamboo shoots? Huh, there's a hare?" The two younger sisters rushed to greet Zhang Feng as soon as they saw Zhang Feng walk into the yard.

Seeing the harvest in Zhang Feng's hands and back, he couldn't help but exclaim.

"These bamboo shoots were all dug from Yunwuding. This hare is the work of Dahei!" Zhang Feng said with a smile as he put down his back basket.

"Wang Wang... Wang Wang..."

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Dahei raised his head with a smile, and his face was full of praises of my expression.

Seeing that Dahei is so cute, the two younger sisters giggled, and then praised Dahei and Xiaohei so fiercely that the heads of the two dogs were almost smashed into glutinous rice balls.

"Zhang Lin, Zhang Yue, both of you, go and boil a pot of water. Cook these bamboo shoots quickly, and then dry them!" Zhang Feng instructed the two while washing his face and wiping his sweat.

"Hee hee, I got it bro!" Seeing so many bamboo shoots, Zhang Yue and Zhang Lin were also very happy.He smiled and walked to the kitchen.

And Zhang Feng also came to the pool with the wild rabbit, ready to clean up the wild rabbit, take the blood and skin,

Then chop them into pieces, and find ginger cooking wine and other seasonings, and then large pieces of radishes, which I have in my backyard.

At noon today, Zhang Feng is going to make a radish stew with rabbit meat.

This rabbit meat needs to be stewed for a long time to be delicious. It is best to use a casserole, which is easy to taste, and it is just about noon.

(End of this chapter)

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