small farmer

Chapter 749 Comes with beauty color ink painting

Chapter 749 Comes with beauty color ink painting (22)

I saw the wedding photos of Sister Yingzi and her prospective brother-in-law

The villagers couldn't help but marvel, it's really beautiful, very beautiful.

Even the villagers, who are usually the most gossip, have no opinion at this time. Everyone's opinion is very consistent, and they all think that it is better to leave it from our ancestors.

"Brother, don't you want to give a painting to Sister Yingzi as a wedding gift? Why don't you just draw this one?" As she spoke, the little girl opened the photos she took, found the one she was most satisfied with and took it to Zhang Feng. in front of him, and then said.

"Oh, let me take a look first!" Zhang Feng came back to his senses, took the phone, and looked it up.

In the painting, Sister Yingzi and her brother-in-law are close together. Behind them are green weeping willows and a clear lake. The water birds spread their wings and fly high, the beauty is suffocating, such a poetic and picturesque picture can indeed be painted into a very beautiful color ink painting.

"Well, it's very beautiful!" Zhang Feng couldn't help but nodded. I have to say that the photo of the little girl is really good.

"Hee hee, of course, I took dozens of photos and this one is the best!" Xiaoyue said with a smile, she was also very satisfied with this photo.

"Okay, let's draw this one, Xiaoyue, go and take out my drawing guy."

"Hee hee, I got it bro!" The little girl seemed to be looking forward to Zhang Feng's painting, as nimble as a little swallow, she ran towards the house quickly.

Soon, the little girl came out holding Zhang Feng's easel, pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

"Brother, I brought it!"

"Yeah, put it on the stall first." Zhang Feng smiled, and then began to play with these treasures of his own.

Looking at the photos on the mobile phone for a while, Zhang Feng's brush strokes slowly bloomed. Suddenly, the strokes of the brush flowed rapidly and smoothly, almost in one go. After a while, the shape of an oriental beauty appeared on the paper.

Outlined by the pen tip, red lips, eyebrows and eyes, and light hair, about a quarter of an hour, a beauty in a big red robe and a phoenix crown and Xiapei appeared in front of everyone.

Lifelike and vivid.

Seeing Sister Yingzi on the drawing paper, Zhang Yue and Uncle Er Niu were both dumbfounded and speechless in surprise.

"It's so beautiful!" After a while, Zhang Yue couldn't help but exclaimed.

Uncle Er Niu opened his mouth, and then slowly closed it, as if worried that he would interrupt Zhang Feng's thoughts if he spoke suddenly, as if he didn't dare to speak loudly, fearing to frighten the heavenly beings.

The mountains and rivers are far away and the ink is left behind, the flowers on the other side are blooming again and again, and the pen and ink are passing through the years.

Zhang Feng seems to have been completely immersed in painting, with a well-thought-out plan, his brush strokes are flying like clouds and flowing water, and a few strokes are the finishing touch. After a while, the portraits of a couple of newcomers are vivid on the paper, and they look even better than himself.

"Brother, you are really amazing!" The little girl shouted at Zhang Feng with a look of admiration.

"Hehe, of course, but I haven't finished the painting yet!" Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, and then continued with the unfinished painting.

Hanging willows, lotuses reflecting the sun, fish swimming in the flowing water, and white birds flying together in the sky that day.

The high mountains in the distance, the green trees, and the leisurely clouds in the sky, all the beautiful scenery appear on Zhang Feng's painting paper,

Although there are many scenes, there is no sense of excess and complexity at all. The unity of man and nature, and the unity of all things, everything is so natural and harmonious, so beautiful that it cannot be described in words.

"Ah, the painting is finally finished, come and see how my painting is doing?" Zhang Feng stopped his brush, turned his head and asked Zhang Yue and Uncle Er Niu with a smile.

"Brother, you are so arrogant! From now on, if I don't support the wall, I will obey you!" Uncle Er Niu directly gave a thumbs up. Although he has always known that Zhang Feng is good at painting, after seeing it for himself, he is even more superb. The painting skills are amazing. It can be said that Uncle Er Niu has already admired Zhang Feng's painting skills.

"Brother, your painting is really good, and you even have a beautiful face! Hehe!" The little girl said with a smile when she saw that the people in the painting were much prettier than the real ones.

"Hehe, of course, isn't painting just a matter of artistic processing?"

Zhang Feng smiled, thinking that when others have freckles when they are painting, you can't draw them too, right?Isn't that short-sighted, so when drawing, of course, some small shortcomings of the characters will be ignored, and the portraits drawn in this way will of course be more beautiful.

"By the way, Xiaoyue, don't gossip about it later, I'm going to frame this painting, and I'll give it to sister Yingzi when they get married!" Zhang Feng knew that his sister couldn't hide anything, so he hurriedly told her arrive.

"Hee hee, don't worry brother, I will definitely not let Yingzi know, and I will give her a big surprise then!" The little girl knew what Zhang Feng meant, and nodded her head to assure her.

Seeing Zhang Feng looking at him, Uncle Er Niu also dared to promise: "Don't worry, I will definitely not talk nonsense!"

"That's good, Xiaoyue, you are here to watch me go to the room to frame this painting."

"Understood brother!" Although the little girl was a little unhappy, she finally nodded and agreed.

Seeing Zhang Feng recuperating, Uncle Er Niu followed into the courtyard.

But this guy was impatient and kept watching Zhang Feng's frame. After watching for 2 minutes, he walked to the backyard. After a while, he walked out with a big watermelon in his arms, smiling.

"Haha, lunatic, you didn't say anything when the watermelon was ripe, and you wanted to eat it alone. I found out now, right?"

Zhang Feng turned his head, and when he heard Uncle Er Niu's words, he smiled wryly and shook his head. What a foodie, the watermelons in his backyard will definitely be reimbursed soon.

Uncle Er Niu smiled, cleaned the watermelon, walked out of the kitchen, cut the watermelon into several large pieces with three or two clicks, and then put the watermelon in the freezer to freeze.

"Well, it's so sweet, madman, I'll take one back later?" Uncle Er Niu ate a small piece first, and as soon as he ate it, he applauded again and again.

"Okay, the melons are in the backyard, which one do you want to pick yourself!" Zhang Feng ignored the foodie and started to concentrate on framing the painting.

Uncle Er Niu watched it for a while and found it very boring, so he turned on the TV and sat in the main room like an old man, eating delicious watermelon while watching TV leisurely.

The sound of eating watermelon was grunting, like Zhu Bajie, and Zhang Feng couldn't help shaking his head when he heard it.

"Crazy, there are three days until Yingzi's wedding day, are you ready?"

"What are you preparing? Uncle Dashan is the manager, and I will be in charge of cooking. Do you need to prepare?" Zhang Feng said relaxedly.

"That's right!" Uncle Er Niu nodded, the general manager is in charge of chores, and he doesn't need to worry about all kinds of vegetables, rice, oil, salt, vegetables and meat, it's much easier for Zhang Feng.

On August [-]st, the day when Sister Yingzi got married was close at hand.

(End of this chapter)

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