small farmer

Chapter 750 High Yield Soybean

Chapter 750 High Yield Soybean (12)

"Hey, lunatic, my senior brother said that he will be here at three or four o'clock tomorrow afternoon." In the evening, Zhang Feng finally received a call from Xu Yang.

"Well, I got it. Don't worry, I'll be here tomorrow. How about you? After he arrives, let's arrange to have dinner together, and then we'll talk about investment." Zhang Feng thought for a while, and then said.

"Yeah, okay, then I'll take a box in Brother Niu's restaurant, see you then!"

The two chatted for a few more words before ending the call.

To be honest, Zhang Feng is very interested in this investment. Although he does not have the ambition to revitalize Huaxia agriculture and carry the banner of agriculture, he also hopes that poor farmers can have more income.

So by investing in a professional breeding company, you have the opportunity to achieve your goals.

Because as long as there is a professional breeding company, all kinds of black technology seeds in their own system can be released with confidence. At that time, I believe that more farmers will benefit from it, and thus get rid of poverty and become rich, creating new agricultural glory.

Lying on the head of the bed, looking at the dark sky outside the window, Zhang Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, immersed in a beautiful longing.

Think about all kinds of super rice, super corn, and the land planted all over the country. How much wealth will be created by then, tens of billions or hundreds of billions?

And while making money by yourself, it can also bring more income to the farmers. How many farmers will benefit from this? Even though China is undergoing crazy urbanization, there are still hundreds of millions of farmers living in the countryside. As long as you If the seed production can keep up, how much benefit will this bring to Huaxia farmers.

However, this is just Zhang Feng's YY. If you want to change the agricultural pattern of the entire China, it will be more difficult than reaching the sky. After all, China's national conditions are like this. Even if Zhang Feng has good crop seeds, it is impossible to monopolize them. The entire Huaxia market.

Therefore, Zhang Feng is just doing his best to obey the destiny, and do what he can do as well as he can.

And China's soybeans, this is a complete tragedy,

Almost all the soybean oil eaten by the whole country comes from the United States, completely relying on foreign soybeans.

Moreover, it is a genetically modified soybean. It is not known whether this soybean has any sequelae. After all, the genes of each species are naturally selected after hundreds of millions of years, but now people have changed the genes of soybeans through human intervention. Then this gene change must be unstable, will it have adverse effects on the human body?
"It seems that we still need to quickly get out the advanced soybean seeds." Zhang Feng thought for a while, if he invested in Huaxing Agricultural Science, he must give priority to completing soybean breeding.

This is not a problem for Zhang Feng, because there are countless kinds of excellent soybean seeds in the system, with yields of thousands of catties per mu everywhere. At this time, Zhang Feng’s biggest worry is that he does not know which one to exchange. Will it cause trouble for myself.

After all, the yield per mu of soybeans in the world is not high, and it can even be said to be very low.

The highest record per unit yield of soybeans in our country is only 397 kilograms, which is still the yield per mu of the scientific research and experimental fields in Northwest Xinjiang.

In the Northeast and Huanghuai regions, the highest record per mu is less than 330 kilograms, which is the yield potential of my country's soybean varieties under ideal conditions.

This is still the highest record, and our average yield per mu is even lower, only three or four hundred catties. Because the United States is cultivated on large farms, the yield per mu is not much higher than ours. Far more than us, so the output will be so much.

However, the highest records in the United States are much higher than ours. For example, in 2006 and 2007, a farmer in the United States achieved world high yield records of 625 kilograms per mu and 693 kilograms per mu in the soybean production competition, almost twice our highest record.

Seeing these materials, Zhang Feng was deeply moved. He did not expect the soybean production in our country to be so low.

Although soybeans are also grown in the village, everyone grows them as vegetables, that is, edamame that everyone eats on weekdays, and a small amount of soybeans are made into tofu and bean curd after they are mature and dried.

Therefore, everyone will not particularly care about its yield per mu, but according to Zhang Feng's estimation, the yield of soybeans in mountainous areas like Guizhou Province is estimated to be only about [-] catties per mu, which is far lower than that in the Northeast, or even in areas such as Huanghuai.

Even the Northeast is not so good!
The yield per mu is only three or four hundred catties. Even if it can be sold for two yuan per catty, it is only 800 yuan in income, which is not as much as growing corn!
It's no wonder that China's soybean planting area is decreasing year by year. If it weren't for the government subsidies in the main producing areas, it is estimated that our soybeans have long been impacted by foreign soybeans.

"The yield per mu of soybeans is too low!" Zhang Feng shook his head, thinking that if Huaxia had paid as much attention to soybeans as rice and corn in the early years, then Huaxia's soybean production would not be so terrible now.

"But that's good too, the breeding technology in the system finally has a big effect!" Thinking of this, Zhang Feng laughed happily.

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng immediately gave an order to Eggy.

"Eggy, find me some soybean breeding techniques with a yield of about [-] jin per mu!"

"Okay master, please wait a moment!" Eggy's voice immediately rang in Zhang Feng's mind.

Ten seconds later, Dandan's search finally yielded results.

"Master, I have found a total of nine soybean breeding techniques, ranging from tropical, subtropical, to temperate, and each has three types of early, middle and late."

Eggy is worthy of being Zhang Feng's system steward, she is thoughtful, even taking into account the differences in regions and climates.

"Okay, but what are the advantages of these types of soybeans?" Zhang Feng asked with a satisfied smile.

Although Eggy began to introduce Zhang Feng.

The yields of these nine kinds of soybeans produced by the system are very good. Under the experimental conditions, the yield per mu is as high as 1000 catties. Even ordinary farmers can have a yield of about [-] catties per mu. If it is in a large farm, the yield will be Higher, estimated to reach [-] two hundred catties.

The most important thing is that these types of soybeans not only have a high yield per mu, but are far higher than the world average level, and they also have more fat content.

According to Dandan's introduction, these soybean seeds contain the least fat can reach 40.00% five, and the highest can reach about 50.00%.

Such a high oil content is even higher than that of genetically modified soybeans in the United States, and it is much higher.

Because the oil content of genetically modified soybeans in the United States has just reached a little over 40.00%, that is to say, our worst is a few percentage points higher than that in the United States.

I have to say that the system produced is awesome,
These seed technologies can only be considered average in the system, and there are many seed technologies with a yield of three to five thousand catties per mu.
But because the yield per mu was too terrifying, Zhang Feng didn't take it out rashly.

 I am very grateful to the two book friends 'Qiang Qiang' and 'Dao Meng Tian Ji' for their rewards, and thank you for your subscription and tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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