small farmer

Chapter 752 Shocking Black Technology

Chapter 752 Shocking Black Technology (12)

He Xiaohua was surprised when he heard that Zhang Feng had very advanced breeding technology.

"Is what you said true?"

"Of course!" Zhang Feng smiled and nodded,
Then Zhang Feng opened his bag, took out the introduction materials of several seeds, and handed them to He Xiaohua, "Mr. He, take a look!"

He Xiaohua quickly took the information and couldn't wait to read it. After reading it, he was immediately addicted to it, and was shocked by the above technology.


Really advanced!

It's simply super black technology.

The above technology is not only advanced in results, but also the several research directions mentioned above are also very advanced. Although the current breeding science is also involved, it is still in the stage of theoretical research. It is just a hypothesis. Several techniques have been used.

shock!It was really shocking!

It can be said that these kinds of technologies are completely unique in the world. Who can have such a superb breeding technology?

After reading the introduction, He Xiaohua was stunned for a long time. He couldn't believe that such a technology could be realized, but the technical information had already appeared in front of his eyes, so He Xiaohua was really horrified.

Zhang Feng was shocked to have such advanced technology in his hands. This technology is probably the most advanced agricultural laboratory technology in foreign countries, because Huaxia's technical teacher said that it has not reached such a level.

It's a pity that what he doesn't know is that this technology is completely alien black technology, and there is no practice with foreign scientific research institutions.

"Mr. Zhang, do you have all the information on these technologies?" He Xiaohua took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and then asked.

"Of course, everything is in my hands." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"That's good, that's good, but Mr. Zhang, can you safely use these kinds of materials?" He Xiaohua was a little worried about the source of these materials. If Zhang Feng got them back from abroad, would there be any infringement of patents? question.

"Hehe, Mr. He, don't worry, these are our exclusive technologies, and we haven't applied for a patent yet. As long as we can negotiate an investment, these technologies will be exclusively licensed to Huaxing Agricultural Sciences."

"Is this really our own technology? There doesn't seem to be any scientific research institute in our country to study such advanced soybean technology, right?" He Xiaohua, as a technology madman, was overwhelmed when he heard that this was our own technology, and then asked curiously stand up.

"Ahem, brother, this is our own technology, that's for sure. You have used our company's Guoguoxiang and hangover pills, how about these technologies? Are they advanced enough?" Xu Yang smiled Interjected with a smile.

"Advanced, of course advanced, especially the fruity aroma really has a transformative effect on our fruits, and of course the hangover pills are also very good..."

Speaking of several products of Tianyang Technology, He Xiaohua is also very familiar with it, because every time a new product comes out, Xu Yang will send some to the major farms for free trial, which is also a way of publicity.

Therefore, He Xiaohua highly respects the fruity fragrance. Of course, super pesticides and super fertilizers are also extraordinary. These products have now become common products in his farm and breeding ground.

"That is, Xiaofeng doesn't have many advantages, but he has a lot of skills. This guy is like a robot cat. Maybe these skills are just a drop in the bucket with him! Brother, you can rest assured. "Xu Yang smiled, the implication is that you just use it, why do you care about its origin?
After hearing Xu Yang's words, Zhang Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes at him, shook his head helplessly, and then said to He Xiaohua:
"What is Mr. He thinking? If I want to invest, I must have more than 90.00% of the shares, but you can rest assured in terms of company management. I usually don't manage the company's specific affairs. The company's general manager is still you! "

"Xiaofeng is just a hands-off shopkeeper. Let's take our company as an example. Except for a few technologies, he has never interfered with the company's operations, and he doesn't come to the company once in a few months. I want him to participate. Don't even think about managing the company!" Xu Yang said again, emphatically.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, I promise you, but the company's current project hopes that you can support our research." He Xiaohua hesitated for a while after hearing Xu Yang's words, then gritted his teeth and finally agreed to Zhang Feng's capital injection.

To be honest, He Xiaohua felt a little sad, because Huaxing Agricultural Sciences was founded by him alone, just like his own child. Now that he has encountered difficulties, selling the company's equity is like selling his own child. How can he not be sad.

"Oh! You are researching those things now? Mr. He, please introduce them first. As long as I think it is still possible, then there is no harm in continuing the research." Zhang Feng smiled, showing a look of please.

"We are now working on molecular breeding techniques, using this technique to breed better rice varieties."

"Molecular breeding technology?" Zhang Feng was a little unfamiliar with this concept.

"Yes, molecular breeding technology is actually a genetic breeding technology"

It includes breeding using molecular marker-assisted selection breeding technology, transgenic technology, gene editing technology and genome-wide selection technology,

Some traits of rice can be directional modified according to people's wishes, so that existing varieties can be more perfect, and it is a more efficient and precise breeding technology system for new rice varieties.
Molecular marker-assisted breeding is to find DNA molecular markers that are closely linked with important agronomic traits, and realize direct selection of target traits from the genotype level, thereby speeding up the breeding process, improving breeding efficiency, and breeding disease-resistant, high-quality, high-yielding varieties .

After hearing He Xiaohua's explanation, Zhang Feng finally understood. To put it bluntly, this is also a genetically modified technology, but Zhang Feng is more conservative, and frowned when he heard this technology. Spectrum, synonymous with hidden dangers.

Now in China, genetically modified corn cannot be planted yet, so what is the future of studying genetically modified rice? Even if it can achieve rapid development in the future, when it can be actually used, it is estimated that the day lily will be cold.

"How much does this technology cost each year?" Although Zhang Feng doesn't like genetically modified food, he has to admit that genetically modified technology is indeed the development direction of future breeding technology, so he still didn't immediately veto He Xiaohua's project.

"Together with all the investment, it will cost around 1000 million yuan!" He Xiaohua looked at Zhang Feng expectantly and said.

Hearing He Xiaohua's words, Zhang Feng was relieved. Fortunately, it was only 1000 million. At first, he thought it would cost a lot.

So Zhang Feng thought about it, and quickly agreed.

"Okay, this project can be retained, but the premise is that this project cannot delay the research on soybean breeding."

 I am very grateful to the two book friends '菰サ箪' and 'Smoking Bear' for their rewards. Thank you for your support as always, and also thank other book friends for their subscription and ticket support, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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