small farmer

Chapter 753 Killing Pigs

Chapter 753 Killing Pigs (22)

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry, this project is on the right track, and it doesn't take much time now, and with your investment, we can continue to recruit talents to join in." He Xiaohua was overjoyed when Zhang Feng agreed to his request , almost jumped up with excitement.

Afterwards, the two parties began specific negotiations. Since the previous controlling party had withdrawn its capital, all shares in Huaxing Agricultural Science and Technology are now owned by He Xiaohua's team.

Therefore, the negotiation between the two went very smoothly. Zhang Feng will occupy 500% of the shares with an investment of 90.00 million, and will also authorize the breeding technology of the nine kinds of soybeans to the company for free. The remaining [-]% of the shares will be used as He Xiaohua and other rewards from the company's managers.

In the end, after negotiating all the conditions, both parties were very satisfied, and signed the acquisition contract in Xu Yang's office that night. So far, Zhang Feng has added another company under Zhang Feng's banner, a breeding company that is bound to cause a sensation in the world.

"Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

After signing the contract, the two happily shook hands.

"Manager He, the future operation of the company will depend entirely on you."

"Thank you, thank you boss for your trust!"

Zhang Feng smiled. Although after Dandan's investigation, he knew that He Xiaohua was a person of good character, but the mall was like a battlefield, and his character alone was not enough, so Zhang Feng made it clear that he would send a financial officer to the company to supervise Use of company funds.

And He Xiaohua readily agreed. After all, the boss has given him such great power. If he doesn't agree to even financial matters, isn't that too ignorant?

Then He Xiaohua sent an invitation to Zhang Feng.

"Boss, when are you going to visit our company?"

"The last two days have been quite busy. How about this? I'll go and have a look after August [-]st." Zhang Feng thought for a while. The day after tomorrow is Yingzi's wedding day, and he must be the chef. He must have no time, so he has to wait for August Let's talk later.

"That's good, boss, let us know in advance if you have something to do, so we can make a good reception." He Xiaohua said with a smile.

Thinking that not long ago, the younger sister was still complaining to himself and wanted to travel, Zhang Feng did not agree at the time, but now the opportunity is just right.

Because Huaxing Agricultural Sciences is just located in the beautiful Nanhai Province, which is a famous tourist attraction in China, Zhang Feng thought that he could take this opportunity to travel there with his family, especially to let his mother see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

received investment

Excited, He Xiaohua left Qingshan that night,
Because the company's funds have been exhausted, the employees are still in arrears of last month's wages, so he couldn't afford to delay for one night, so he arrived at the provincial capital that night and bought a plane ticket to fly to Nanhai Province the next morning .


When Zhang Feng returned home that night, it was already nine o'clock, and everyone was still watching TV.

"Brother, are you back? I thought you eloped with sister Yiyi?" Xiaoyue joked with a smile.

"What? Yiyi isn't home either?" Zhang Feng smiled indifferently, and then asked.

"Yeah, sister Yiyi seems to have gone to the market in the afternoon."

Zhang Feng nodded, took the towel and walked into the bathroom.

In the morning, the sky is just getting bright,

The birds outside the window are chirping and singing!

At this time, the small mountain village also began to recover, with chickens and dogs crowing, and smoke rising from the kitchen, just like Tao Yuanming wrote in his poems.

Ai Ai Yuan Ren Village, Yiyi Ruins in the smoke.Dogs bark in the deep alley, cocks crowing and the mulberry trees are upside down.


"Xiaofeng, wake up soon, your sister Yingzi's family is going to kill pigs today!" Zhang Feng just opened his eyes when he heard his mother's urging.

"I know mom, I'll get up right away!" Zhang Feng flipped over, got up, put on his clothes, and walked downstairs.

"Hurry up, you heard the pig screaming, it should be killed soon, you wash your face and hurry over!" Hearing the howling of the pig, Wang Guilan hurriedly ordered to her son.

"Yeah, got it!" Zhang Feng wiped his face indiscriminately, dried off the water, and hurried to the square at the entrance of the village.

At this time, [-] or [-] villagers had already come to the small square, and there were one or two large stoves beside the square. Boiling water was being boiled on one of the large stoves, and broth was immediately on the other.

Now everyone is squatting on the ground eating rice noodles. Seeing Zhang Feng coming, Uncle Er Niu hurriedly waved to Zhang Feng.

"Xiaofeng is here, come and have breakfast!"

"Haven't it started yet? I thought I was late?" Seeing the two big fat pigs still chained by the roadside, Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hehe, the water hasn't boiled yet, so how can it start?" Uncle Dashan said with a smile.

Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, and he mixed a large bowl of rice noodles for himself, and added a large spoonful of minced meat, shallots and coriander, and put it on the side, and everyone can eat whatever they want, who told us that Moon Lake is vegetables many.

After a while, many villagers came here.

Especially the villagers who wanted to help butcher the pigs, all carrying a big bowl, squatting on the square, eating breakfast happily, chatting while eating.

"Tsk tsk! These two big fat pigs are really big. I guess they both weigh almost three hundred catties!" Looking at the two pigs tied by the roadside, Zhang Feng exclaimed.

"Hehe, you have good eyesight, the one on the left is only 290 three catties, and the one on the right is only a little lighter, just reaching two hundred and seven." Uncle Er Niu took a puff of his cigarette, and then said with a smile.

"Damn it, how do you know so clearly, don't these two pigs belong to your family?" Zhang Feng turned his head and asked curiously.

"Hey, what do you think!" Uncle Er Niu winked at Zhang Feng and said.

If you want to say which one in the village feeds the most pigs, of course it must be Uncle Erniu's. Their family has a lot of distiller's grains because of wine making, and they raise more than a dozen pigs in order not to cause waste.

"Er Niu, come here quickly, we have to go to the field to collect vegetables after killing the pig!" Uncle Dashan saw that the boiling water in the pot had started to boil, and quickly told everyone to prepare to kill the pig.

"Hey! Here we come!" Uncle Er Niu took a long puff of his cigarette, then gave up the cigarette butt, called the pig butchers and walked towards the fat pig.

Everyone acted together, some were pulling in front, some were pushing behind, the two big fat pigs seemed to know the fate they were about to face, so they desperately wanted to go backwards, but unfortunately they were still dragged into the pig killing rack by everyone.

Because two pigs were to be killed at a time, in order to save time, everyone was divided into two groups, and one group was responsible for killing one pig.

Zhang Feng, Uncle Erniu, Uncle Xiaoqi, Uncle Dashan, Uncle Dacun, and Uncle Daqiao together, there are about five or six people in each group.

"Hold Xiaofeng, I'm about to start!" Uncle Er Niu said to Zhang Feng holding a shining butcher's knife.

"Don't worry, I can't run away, I'll hold you back!" Zhang Feng smiled and promised.

Uncle Er Niu rubbed his hands, pulled the blood basin under the fat pig's neck, then pointed the sharp knife at the big fat pig's neck, and stabbed it in with a bang.

Aww... Aww!
For a while, the big fat pig screamed and struggled desperately, but unfortunately it still did not escape the fate of death.

Soon, the other big fat pig was also dealt with by Uncle Dashan and the others, and then everyone moved together. In less than an hour, the two big fat pigs became neatly piled pieces of pork.

(End of this chapter)

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