small farmer

Chapter 754 Please Help Banquet

Chapter 754 Please Help Banquet (12)

The men in the village don't care about washing

After killing the pigs and breaking them into meat pieces, they hurried to the vegetable field at the entrance of the village. Everyone had to finish harvesting today's vegetables before the arrival of the vegetable truck, otherwise it would delay today's income of thousands of yuan.

"Xiaofeng, let's go, I'll leave this place to you women!" Before leaving, Uncle Er Niu winked and teased Zhang Feng.

"Hurry up and get out, you really can't spit ivory out of your dog's mouth!" Zhang Feng gave Uncle Er Niu a hard look and said.

"Hahaha..." Hearing Uncle Er Niu's words, the other villagers laughed.

Aunt Osmanthus even laughed, and then said to Zhang Feng: "Haha, Xiaofeng, you belong to our women's group now!"

The other women were also very happy, and made fun of Zhang Feng, and all of them said that Zhang Feng was welcome to join their organization.

Seeing that everyone was making fun of him one after another, Zhang Feng was a little dumbfounded.

But what has to be done has to be done.

With the seven aunts and eight aunts in the village, they cleaned up the cut pork and the internal organs of two fat pigs.

Fortunately, there were a lot of people helping today. After working for about two hours, I finally cleaned all the pork and put it directly into the freezer at Uncle Er Niu's house to prepare for tomorrow's banquet.


"Brother, are you back?" The little girl asked with a smile when she saw Zhang Feng walking in.

"Well, have you finished your homework today?"

"Half done, let's take a break now, and do the rest at noon!" The little girl replied while watching the TV.

Zhang Feng shook his head speechlessly. This girl is the laziest girl in the family. Take myself and Zhang Lin as examples. Both of them are the kind of people who study very seriously. In the free time, you can play as you want, unlike this girl who procrastinates every time, and only slowly completes it when the school is about to start.


Just when the villagers were busy killing pigs

The tourists are also very excited, because every time Moon Lake Village holds a banquet, it is a good time for tourists to enjoy delicious food.

So this morning, when everyone saw that the villagers had killed two fat pigs, they immediately asked the villagers. When they learned that someone in the village would get married tomorrow, the tourists were overjoyed and expressed their desire to participate in this gluttonous feast.

Hearing that many tourists were going to attend tomorrow's wedding banquet, the host couldn't sit still, because the various ingredients prepared might not be enough.

So the aunt hurriedly showed the situation to the village chief, who also attached great importance to this issue, and immediately called the wedding supervisor, Uncle Dashan. After some discussions, the two finally decided to allow tourists to participate. After all, the wedding is of course The more lively the better, and tourists want to participate, if the village does not allow it, it will definitely have a certain impact on Moon Lake's reputation.

Therefore, it would be better to agree to it, which would not only attract more tourists to the village, but also make Sister Yingzi's wedding more lively.

However, the village did not directly publicize it, because if too many people come, it will definitely increase everyone's pressure. You must know that every time the village holds a village banquet, it can attract thousands of people to participate. People, even a few nearby counties and cities will have a large number of people come here admiringly.

At that time, there will be tens of thousands of tourists at least. How can the village receive so many tourists? You must know that there will be at least a thousand tables for a banquet for 1 people. I can't help it either.


As soon as Zhang Feng came out of the shower, he received a call from Niu Zhong.

"Xiaofeng, the ancient city food competition is about to start today, why haven't you come over yet?"

"What? Food contest?" Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"That's right, you forgot, kid. Didn't you ask me to get two big fish for me last time? It's just to participate in the food competition!" Hearing that Zhang Feng seemed to have forgotten about it, Niu Zhong said to Zhang Feng speechlessly. explained.

"Oh, I remembered, I remembered, but the village is a bit busy today, my cousin is getting married tomorrow, and I have to help with the preparations today, so maybe we won't go!" Zhang Feng said with some regret,

To be honest, Zhang Feng is also more interested in the ancient city in the county, but today is too busy, so he really can't spare time.

"Ah, well then, go ahead, I want to invite you to my new store in the ancient city for a meal!" Niu Zhong felt a little regretful when he heard that Zhang Feng had something to do. He originally wanted to invite Zhang Feng to a meal. Get together, but it seems that the time is a bit unlucky, so we can only wait later.

"Hehe, thank you, brother Niu. Anyway, the ancient city is there, so why would he run away? Let's get together again after we're done working for a few days!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone.


"Crazy, you ran away, hurry up and cook, everyone is still waiting for dinner!"

As soon as Zhang Feng went home to rest for a while, Uncle Er Niu called to urge him.

Zhang Feng looked at the time, it was only 10:30, so he said very speechlessly:
"I'll go, Uncle Er Niu, you are a starving ghost reincarnated, right? I just ate two bowls of rice noodles this morning, and now I'm hungry?"

"Fuck you, you are really biting Lu Dongbin and don't know good people. I told you to come here earlier. Isn't it almost twelve o'clock when the dishes are ready?" Uncle Er Niu rolled his eyes and said to Zhang Feng angrily.

"All right, all right!! I'll be right over!" Zhang Feng couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, changed into old clothes, and walked towards the small square.

In rural areas, the day before the wedding, the closest relatives and friends are invited to dinner, so that everyone can help the next day.

So Zhang Feng has a lot of work today, and at least a dozen tables of banquets must be prepared, because almost all the strong laborers from the village will come.

"Uncle Dashan, are the ingredients ready?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile when he came to the entrance of the village and saw Uncle Dashan directing the women in the village to prepare the ingredients.

"Hey, Xiaofeng, you are here. The dishes have just been washed and cut, and I am waiting for you, the chef." Seeing Uncle Dashan, he said with a smile.

"Okay, Uncle Dashan, shall I start cooking?" Zhang Feng asked Uncle Dashan.

"Okay, it's almost eleven o'clock, and it's almost twelve o'clock when the dishes are ready." Uncle Dashan nodded and asked Zhang Feng to start cooking.

There are not many dishes at noon, usually six dishes and one soup, and most of them are vegetables, with less meat, but now this dish is everyone's favorite, because the dinner at night is too greasy, now People in China are not short of oily meat, so they are much less interested in eating meat.

I have to say that everyone's life is really much better now.

I remember that before the 90s, large pieces of fat meat was what everyone loved to eat most. When buying meat, you had to buy fat pork with more than three fingers of fat. No one wanted lean pork because there was no fat.

(End of this chapter)

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