small farmer

Chapter 760 The new house is about to be completed

Chapter 760 The new house is about to be completed (12)

Seeing the little guys eating with such relish, Zhang Feng also showed a faint smile on his face.

Life in the countryside is so plain, but full of happiness and warmth. Zhang Feng is very satisfied with this kind of life.

"Xiaoyue, send a glass of watermelon juice to Mom and Xiaolin."

"Understood bro!"

Mother set up a stall at the gate, and Zhang Lin went to draw pictures by Moon Lake.

After ordering the little girl, Zhang Feng filled a large plate with a dozen cups of watermelon juice, and walked to the new house on the west side, where the elder sister and brother Jun were looking after the workers decorating the homestay.

"Big Sister, Brother Jun, Brother Wang...Everyone, come over and drink juice!"

At this time, the homestay of the eldest sister and brother Jun has almost been built, and it has reached the sanitation of decoration. It is estimated that it will be completely completed in a few days.

However, in order to build this house, the eldest sister and brother-in-law's savings are also consumed. If it weren't for the recent tourism festival, the eldest sister earned 50 million yuan selling fast food, and it is estimated that the money for the renovation will be tight.

But with these hundreds of thousands, the current decoration looks even more beautiful, and many beautiful designs have been applied in the yard.

"Xiaofeng is here!"

"Hahaha, thank you Xiaofeng." The foreman, Master Wang, walked over with a smile, and at the same time shouted to the workers behind him with a smile, "Everyone is coming soon, you will regret it if you don't eat the juice Xiaofeng brought!"

"Eat, why don't you eat, none of us know that the food made by Xiaofeng is rare and delicious!"

Hearing that Zhang Feng sent juice to reward everyone, the workers put down their work and rushed over.

"Brother Wang, how many days will it take for this place to finish?" After distributing the juice to everyone, Zhang Feng sat on a stone bench in the yard and asked the foreman with a smile.

"Don't worry, it's coming soon, the work should be finished in four or five days!" Master Wang said with a smile.

"It's really hard work for you guys, Brother Wang, let's smoke a cigarette!" Zhang Feng thanked, saw Brother Wang finish his juice in two sips, and handed him a cigarette with a smile.

"It's not hard, it's not hard! Speaking of it, we still have to thank your family for your care, otherwise we wouldn't be able to work! Hehe..." Master Wang waved his hands quickly with a smile.

After chatting with the renovation workers for a while, and walking around the yard, Zhang Feng left the new house and returned home.

When I got home, the little ones had long since disappeared. They probably went to the lake to play in the water, or went up the mountain to pick wild fruits.

These little kids couldn't sit still for 3 minutes. After drinking the juice, they patted their buttocks and ran away. They probably went to harm the flowers and plants everywhere.

It's not very interesting to be alone at home, Zhang Feng thought about it, just like walking to Yiyi's house.


"Xiaofeng is here, Yiyi and Xiaolin are going to paint by the lake!" Grandma Liu said with a smile when she saw Zhang Feng.

"Really? The old man is not here?" Zhang Feng looked around, and found that the old man was not there, only Grandma Liu was choosing vegetables in the yard.

"Old man Zhou came back just now, so let's go and have a look!" Grandma Liu said with a smile.

It turned out that Mr. Zhou had returned, no wonder Mr. Zhou was not at home, and the two old friends hadn't seen each other for nearly a month.

After saying goodbye to Grandma Liu, Zhang Feng walked towards Moon Lake while taking a walk.

When Zhang Feng came to Moon Lake, there were a lot of tourists. Since yesterday's wedding banquet was very lively, hundreds of tourists stayed in the village, and they probably would stay here for a few nights before leaving.

Some tourists stroll by the lake to enjoy the lake and mountains beside Moon Lake, and some take a boat to wander in this beautiful lake and watch the lotus leaves in the lake that reflect the sun and the sky.

Due to the large number of tourists, Zhang Feng searched for a long time, and finally found the traces of his two younger sisters and Yiyi in a gazebo.

But at this time the three of them were surrounded by people. Zhang Feng took a closer look and found that apart from the tourists who were interested in painting, there were actually a few make-up teachers in the village.

"Ah! Brother, you are here, come and take a look, the lotus painted by the second sister is so beautiful!" The little girl exclaimed in surprise when she saw Zhang Feng.

"Really, let me take a look!" Zhang Feng smiled slightly. He had already expected Zhang Lin's painting skills. After all, the teaching function of the system is not for fooling people.

Zhang Feng passed through the crowd and came to the pavilion.

When I saw Zhang Lin's paintings, I also showed a gratified smile. My sister's paintings have really improved by leaps and bounds. Now I have barely reached the level of ordinary young painters. As long as I continue to work hard, I believe that I will soon be able to approach or even reach Zhang Feng's level. .

The lotus flowers painted by Zhang Lin are delicate and beautiful, and the lines are even and coherent, like flowing clouds and flowing water. This is enough to show that Zhang Lin, the younger sister, has made great progress in her painting skills.

"Not bad, not bad, the speed of progress is completely beyond my expectation!" Zhang Feng looked at Zhang Lin and praised with a smile.

Zhang Lin was also very happy to get the big brother's compliment. She clenched her fists excitedly and almost jumped up without excitement.

"Madman, come and help me!" Yiyi smiled and waved to Zhang Feng.

Yiyi has also studied with Zhang Feng for a long time, and under the influence of her ears and eyes, her painting skills have also improved a lot, and she is only a little behind a professional painter.

Zhang Feng smiled, moved to Yiyi's easel, and looked at it quietly.

Yiyi also painted lotus flowers in the water,
The green lotus leaves are spread across the water, and a beautiful lotus flower bone stands proudly, delicate and otherworldly. On the beautiful lotus, there is also a red dragonfly. Looking at the painting in front of him, Zhang Feng can't help but think of the sentence "Yang Wanli" Poetry: The little lotus just showed its sharp horns, and the dragonfly stood on its head long ago.

Although it is the end of summer at this time, the beautiful scenery in Moon Lake is still there, whether it is spring, summer or autumn and winter, it is still so beautiful.

Everything in the Moon Lake in spring is revived, as if nature is reborn. In summer, the moon is full of vitality with red flowers and willows. In autumn, the moon lake is full of sunset clouds and solitary ducks. The autumn water is the same color as the sky; , silently waiting for the arrival of another year of spring.

After reading Zhang Lin and Yiyi's paintings, Zhang Feng pointed out the deficiencies in them. I have to say that the foundation of both of them is already very good. After Zhang Feng's simple comments, he immediately understood his mistakes and gained a lot. a lot.


At this moment, Zhang Feng's cell phone rang.

Zhang Feng picked up the phone and looked, it was the village elder who called.

"Hey, uncle, what do you want me to do?"

"You guys haven't come over yet, it's already ten o'clock, and everyone is still waiting for dinner!"

"Okay, I'll come over right now!" Zhang Feng just remembered that today he wants to invite everyone to eat at Sister Yingzi's house, thank you for your help.

Of course, part of the reason is that there were a lot of dishes left over last night, and it would be a pity to just throw them away if you invite everyone to eat.

In the countryside, if anyone throws away the clean leftovers, it is estimated that there will be a thunderbolt, because only farmers know that every grain of food is their own hard work and sweat.

 Renmao just took a look, this month's tip is exactly 99 yuan, can I ask for another one yuan tip?At the same time, I would also like to thank the book friend 'Qiang Qiang' for today's reward, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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