small farmer

Chapter 759 The tasks and rewards of the little kids

Chapter 759 The tasks and rewards of the little kids (22)

"I think this set looks good!" Hearing what the eldest sister said, Xiaoyue immediately pointed out the first set!
"I think this one is better. You can see that this one is not only slimmer, but also fits better with Brother Jun's dress." Xiaolin, on the other hand, liked the last one better and expressed some of her own opinions.

Hearing the answers from the two younger sisters, the elder sister was a little confused. In fact, she preferred the second set, but neither of the younger sisters chose this set!
"Xiaofeng, which one do you think is better?" So the eldest sister turned to ask Zhang Feng for his opinion.

Zhang Feng smiled slightly and replied, "Sister, actually, I don't think it matters which of the three of us looks good, as long as you like it!"

"That's right! That's right! Elder sister, you can choose whichever one you like!" The little girl nodded quickly and said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Zhang Lin also nodded with a smile.

Seeing that the younger brother and younger sister said so, but the eldest sister still didn't make a decision immediately, "Then I'll think about it again, and let Li Jun see it later!"

"That's right, brother Jun also needs to have a look!" Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, as the groom of course has a lot of power to decide on the wedding dress.

Hearing what the younger brother said, the elder sister also laughed.

She likes the three sets of wedding dresses brought out by her brother very much. Each set has its own characteristics and is very beautiful. The most important thing is that these sets of dresses are completely tailor-made for the two of them, and they match well. Very good, really perfect.

So the eldest sister said gratefully to her younger brother: "Thank you, Xiaofeng!"

"Sister and brother, do you still have to be polite?" Zhang Feng smiled and waved his hands.


"Sister Xiaoyue!"

After a while, the little kids from the village ran in smiling.

"Ah, you little ducks, don't you go to school?" Xiaoyue asked the little duck with a smile.

"Of course, today is Saturday!" the little duck said with a smile, a happy smile appeared on his face, obviously there was no class on the weekend, and the little kids were very happy.

"Crazy brother?" The little duck saw Zhang Feng, and shouted to Zhang Feng with a smile.

"What's wrong?" Seeing the little guy's expression, Zhang Feng knew that something was wrong.

"Crazy brother, let's go to the backyard to see the big watermelon, shall we?"

have to!Hearing the little guy's words, Zhang Feng still didn't understand the little guy's routine. The little guy must be greedy for his own watermelon.

So Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing.

"What? Do you want to eat watermelon?"

"Hmm! Hmm!" The little guy nodded quickly, especially the little Maoya who was squatting on the ground, whose little head almost touched the ground.

"You can eat watermelon if you want, but you have to complete a task first!"

"Crazy brother, what's the mission?" The little guys asked Zhang Feng eagerly, not in a hurry.

"Sweep the floor! You guys helped me clean up the yard, and I'll treat you to a big watermelon!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Hee hee, sweeping the floor is so simple!" The little guys laughed happily, thinking that this task was too simple.

"Sweep the floor! Sweep the floor!"

"I want this sorghum sweeper!" Duckling rattled, and before his friends could react, he grabbed a handy tool.

"Then I want this bamboo broom!" Da Mao was not slow, and grabbed a broom made of long bamboo branches. This kind of broom is usually used when cleaning the yard, and of course the street sweepers also use this kind of broom. .

"Hee hee, I...I want this shovel." Xiao Maoya also got herself a tool, which is a shovel for shoveling garbage.

Little Shitou and Erdan reacted slowly, and the speed was also slow. In the end, they only grabbed two brooms that were about to be bald and scrapped. The two little guys were holding such brooms, and they were all pouting, very depressed.

Seeing the little guys sweeping the floor, Zhang Feng couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. These little kids are really unreliable. Their sweeping movements are very exaggerated, just like practicing kung fu on the ground. It's dusty!
"Oh, you little ducks, sweep lightly, so you don't get dust everywhere!" Xiaoyue finally couldn't help it, and with her hands on her hips, she shouted to the little guys like a supervisor.

"Yeah, we know Sister Xiaoyue!" The little guys nodded quickly, and their movements became more contemptuous.

Seeing the little guys getting serious, Xiaoyue finally showed a satisfied smile.

After about a quarter of an hour, the little ones finally completed the task assigned by Zhang Feng.

"Crazy brother, we're done sweeping!" The duckling put down the broom and ran towards Zhang Feng happily.

The other little kids threw their tools behind the corner, and ran towards Zhang Feng excitedly, because the watermelon at Brother Crazy's was super delicious, and the little ones would never forget it once they ate it.

"Go, wash your hands. After washing your hands, let's go pick watermelons in the backyard!" Zhang Feng waved his hand and said to the little ones with a smile.

"Hee hee, wash your hands and eat watermelon!" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the little ones were overjoyed and ran towards the pool.

After washing their hands, the little ones walked towards the backyard in a mighty manner, led by Zhang Feng and Xiaoyue.

Two melons are still green and shiny. Under the dense melon leaves, there are watermelons of different sizes, the smallest is the size of an egg, and the largest is two or three times the size of a basketball. Each weighs about [-] catties. , A child of three or five years old may not be able to hold it.

"Wow, crazy man, you have so many watermelons!"

"Ah! This watermelon is so big!"

As soon as the little guys entered the melon field, they immediately exclaimed. They were very happy when they saw the big watermelons. Thinking about the bright red flesh, the little guys couldn't help drooling.

Seeing the little guys so happy, Zhang Feng also laughed,
I found the biggest watermelon and took a picture, and found that it was ripe, so I picked it off!

The little ones were even happier now, shouting excitedly, everyone can eat a lot of such a big watermelon!
"Let's go, let's go back!" Zhang Feng picked up the big watermelon, smiled and led the little ones out of the backyard and walked towards the house.

Clean the watermelon and cut it in half with a knife. Seeing the red watermelon juice flowing out, the little guy jumped up happily.

"Xiaoyue, go and wash the juicer!"

"Understood brother!" The little girl is also a little greedy cat, and she is motivated only by cooking. Hearing Zhang Feng's words, she bounced and ran to the pool with the juicer.

Under the watchful eyes of the little ones, cups of sweet watermelon juice were squeezed out,
"Come on, everyone has a cup, take it carefully, don't touch it?" Seeing that the little ones were about to wait, Zhang Feng reminded with a smile.

"Hee hee, I got it, Brother Crazy!" The little kids were very happy. Although they promised each of them, they moved very fast, as if they were afraid that they would not be able to grab it if they were too slow.

"Yeah, drink it well!"

"It's delicious! It's so sweet!"

The little guys squinted their eyes while drinking watermelon juice, and said with a look of enjoyment on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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