small farmer

Chapter 758 Big Sister Chooses Wedding Dress

Chapter 758 Big Sister Chooses Wedding Dress (12)

When everyone gets home,

It's ten o'clock.

After a busy day, everyone was extremely tired, Zhang Feng also rushed into the bathroom to take a good cold shower,
The cold water rushed to the body, washing away the heat all over the body, and immediately felt extremely cool, and the whole body seemed to become a lot lighter.

Climbing up to his bedroom, Zhang Feng sat on the chair in front of the window, quietly watching the charming night outside the window.

The bright moonlight falls from the sky like flowing water, filling the world with beautiful brilliance.

The trees in the village and the high mountains in the distance seem to be covered with a layer of beautiful gauze under the moonlight.

There is also the small mountain village in front of you, in the bright moonlight, like a beautiful fairyland, hazy, ethereal and mysterious, picturesque and full of fairy-tale colors.

Tonight, the lights in the village were turned off very early.

People who had been busy all day fell asleep early, leaving only three or two solitary lights emitting a little bit of light.


the next morning

As soon as Zhang Feng and Yiyi came back from a walk by the lake, they saw the elder sister and two younger sisters chattering about something in the yard.

"What's the matter, Xiaoyue, what are you discussing?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Hee hee, brother, come and take a look, we are choosing a wedding dress for the eldest sister online!" The little girl waved to Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Oh! Really, let me have a look too!" Zhang Feng was also very curious, what about the net gauze on the Internet?
It has to be said that the wedding dresses online are indeed beautiful.

Professional models, coupled with photo editing software, make all kinds of traditional wedding dresses look amazing.

"How is it? Which one does the elder sister like best?" Zhang Feng glanced at the elder sister and the two younger sisters, and then asked with a smile.

"Hee hee, this one at that time, look at how magnificent this one is, it is said that it is almost completely made according to the wedding dress of ancient queens when they were married!" The little girl answered with a smile first.

"Not bad, not bad! This one is really beautiful!" Seeing the wedding dress chosen by the eldest sister, Zhang Feng couldn't help but nodded in praise,

It's really beautiful, just like the wedding dress of a fairy in the sky, not like the clothes of the mortal world.

The fiery red dress and delicate headgear really look amazing.

"The model above looks good in it, but I don't know if it will look out of shape when I wear it?" The eldest sister is still a little worried, because not everyone looks so good in traditional Chinese wedding dresses, because there are a lot of Chinese wedding dresses on the Internet According to the photos, many of them looked extremely strange and did not match my temperament and figure.

According to the experience given on the Internet, the eldest sister knows that when choosing a traditional wedding dress, she must be in accordance with her body shape. For example, a bride with a hot figure can choose a sexy slim fit;

Those who are petite should not choose Xiuhe suits that are too large. On the contrary, a well-fitting skirt can better set off their temperament; plump brides can choose Xiuhe suits, Hanfu, etc. to cover up their body defects.

"Can't it be customized?" Zhang Feng asked with some surprise.

"Yes, I can, but it will take two months. Now it's less than two months away from Eleven!" said the elder sister with some regret.

The two younger sisters also nodded depressingly, because this is a traditional wedding dress shop, and almost all of the clothes used are finished, so the speed can't be fast.

"It's okay, let's do this. I have a friend with a wide range of channels. I'll ask him to help you find a better designer!"

"Really?" The eldest sister asked Zhang Feng excitedly, as if there was a feeling that something was going on.

"Of course, wait a minute, I'll ask you for it right away!" After saying that, Zhang Feng got into the house and climbed up to his room on the second floor.

In fact, Zhang Feng didn't have any acquaintances, they were just an excuse for the system.

"Eggy, help me find a traditional wedding dress that best suits my sister and Brother Jun!"

"Understood the master! This trivial matter will be resolved soon!" Eggy squinted her eyes, smiled and nodded to Zhang Feng.

Eggy immediately entered the body data of the eldest sister and brother Jun, and then searched through the system, and began to select the most beautiful and handsome traditional dresses for them.

"Master, it's finally settled. I have selected three suits that suit you best. You can see for yourself which one you will need in the end." Eggy reported to Zhang Feng triumphantly.

"Hehe, not bad! Help me transfer the renderings of the three dresses to my phone!"

"OK!" Eggy gestured with a smile, and the picture was immediately sent to Zhang Feng's phone.

When they went downstairs and came to the yard, the three girls were still choosing various beautiful wedding dresses online.

"Look, elder sister, here are three kinds of dresses that are especially suitable for you and Brother Jun!" Zhang Feng walked to the stone table, smiled and said to the elder sister.

"Ah, you found it so quickly?" The eldest sister was very surprised, the speed was too fast, almost breaking through the sky.

The two younger sisters were also very surprised, they didn't expect the eldest brother to be so efficient.

"Brother, you didn't fool us casually, did you?" The little girl quickly realized after being surprised, and asked Zhang Feng suspiciously.

"Go, go, go!! Can I fool the elder sister?" Zhang Feng glared at the ignorant girl, and said angrily.

"Hehe, let me take a look!" Seeing how the younger siblings were bickering, the elder sister smiled happily, then grabbed Zhang Feng's cell phone and began to check it.

It doesn't matter if the eldest sister doesn't look at it, she is completely stunned by the wedding dress on it, beautiful! !So beautiful! !

The most important thing is that the above model is exactly the same as me. I really don’t know how my younger brother did it. It’s too high-tech. He actually made his own body data into a model, and he can try it on online The program is really great!
Seeing these three sets of wedding dresses, the eldest sister was full of surprises, and she blushed with joy.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

"Ah! Isn't the person above the elder sister the same as you?"

The two younger sisters stood next to the eldest sister, and when they saw the wedding dress on it, they screamed in surprise. They never expected to see the photo of the eldest sister's wedding dress, it was so real.

"Brother, how did you do it?" The little girl asked Zhang Feng in great surprise.

"Hehe, what's the matter, isn't there a fitting software like this already on the Internet?" Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"Yeah, it seems to be the same!" Hearing Zhang Feng's explanation, the three of them suddenly realized.

"Hee hee, big sister, the wedding dress you are wearing is so beautiful! It is even prettier than those big stars on the Internet!"

Hearing her sister's praise, the eldest sister smiled shyly. She loved all three wedding dresses very much.
But which one to choose, I was a little uncertain for a while, so I asked the two female staff officers:
"Xiaoyue, Xiaolin, which one do you think looks better?"

(End of this chapter)

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