small farmer

Chapter 757 The bridal chamber

Chapter 757 The bridal chamber (22)

Today's banquet workload is heavy,

But Zhang Feng didn't cut corners at all, he went all out, so every dish tasted super good, no, just look at the expressions of the tourists around him.

At this time, the tourists couldn't help cheering. When the first dish was served, they were stunned by such a delicious dish. Everyone was overjoyed and shouted that it was the right time. They thought that if they didn't come, I will definitely regret it to death.

For 100 yuan per person, to be able to eat such a delicacy is simply a bargain. If there is not a banquet in the village, everyone will definitely not have such an opportunity.

After all, the head chef of the wedding banquet is a local tycoon of Moon Lake and the richest man in Qingshan County—Zhang Feng. According to reliable sources, Zhang Feng is now worth billions, billions. You must know that the entire Qingshan County has 40 million people. The wealth created in a year is only 90 billion, and Zhang Feng's income alone has reached more than one-third, which surprises everyone.

Therefore, everyone was very happy to be able to eat the meal cooked by the richest man.

This needs to be in normal times, not to mention eating in a big hotel, but eating a high-end buffet is not enough for 100 yuan, so everyone is very happy and excited, thinking that this meal is like a free meal.

So the tourists in the whole village seemed to be beaming, very happy and very excited.

"Okay, okay, the dishes are ready, let's eat!"

"Began to eat!"

"Let's eat, you can eat whatever you want, you are welcome!"

The tourists are all from nearby towns and even a few counties and cities next door, so most of them don’t know each other, but it’s also a kind of fate to be able to sit together. Eat special food.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Lade put his favorite dishes in his own bowl.

Seeing that the tourists were eating with gusto and were very satisfied, Zhang Feng smiled slightly, feeling that he had finally lived up to everyone's trust.

"Brother, the dishes you cook are really delicious!" Xiaoyue said vaguely with her mouth full of food.

"Hehe, I didn't cook these dishes by myself, Grandpa Liu and Eldest Sister did it together!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Haha, Xiaofeng, you are the chef today, Xiaoqin and I are just helping you!" The old man was open-minded then, and put all the credit on Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile. He knew that without everyone’s help, how would he be able to come here alone? I, and even the entire Moon Lake Village, will definitely be very busy.

It is because of the previous experience that although there are more tourists this time, everyone is still busy and orderly, with almost no mistakes, and finally made this unprecedented banquet.

There are more than 2000 tables of guests. Thinking about it makes one's scalp tingle. The open spaces in the village are filled to the brim, and they almost fell to the back of the mountain and the main road at the entrance of the village. This time I came here There are really too many people attending the banquet.

It's so delicious that everyone eats it to their heart's content

A table full of delicacies was almost all eaten up. This was simply a CD-ROM operation that did not need to be reminded. Even the vegetarian soup was eaten up by the tourists.

It's a pity that the good times passed quickly. With the arrival of evening, tourists from other places had to finish this delicious meal in a hurry, and left here reluctantly, leaving this beautiful small mountain village of Moon Lake.


As night falls.

The tourists have all but left, leaving tables full of empty dishes and litter.

"Don't leave before dinner at home, help clean up the tables and chairs, and clean up!"

"Understood, Uncle Dashan!"

Most of the villagers smiled and nodded. This is what everyone should do. Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, especially in rural areas. Only by helping each other can we keep warm in groups and complete many tasks that we cannot do by ourselves.

"Hey! Ah Hong, where are you going?" Seeing that Ah Hong was about to sneak away, Uncle Da Shan quickly stopped him.

"Oh, Uncle Dashan, my stomach hurts a little, I'll go back to the bathroom first, and I'll be right back!" Ah Hong said, clutching his stomach with some discomfort.

"Lazy cows, lazy horses, a lot of shit and pee! If you tell you to eat less, you won't listen!" Uncle Dashan shook his head speechlessly, ignoring this stupid guy, and led the villagers to clean up the tables and chairs and clean up the garbage on the ground.

It has to be said that more people are more powerful.

The whole village, old and young, acted together, from the seventy to eighty-year-olds, down to the three- and five-year-old children like Maoya Xiaoshitou, all participated in it.
A few little kids each held a basket of garbage and picked up garbage on the ground. Not to mention, the little guys did a decent job, and they could fill a basket in a short time.

"Little duck, why are you lying on the ground? Are you lazy again?" Seeing the little duck sitting slumped on the ground, Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Hey, no, I've eaten too much, now I'm here to rest for a while." The little guy touched his swollen belly and said with a smile.

Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head, this little guy is just like that, he loves stealing and playing tricks the most.


"Go to the bridal chamber!"

"Let's go! Make trouble in the bridal chamber!"

After collecting the tables and chairs and cleaning up the garbage in the village, it was already late in the sky, and the little kids ran to Sister Yingzi's house while screaming and laughing.

"Hee hee, lunatics and these little brats are really interesting, and they want to go to the bridal chamber!" Yiyi said happily when she saw the happy faces of the little guys.

"Hehe, they are going to make trouble in the bridal chamber, they are going to ask for bed sheets and wedding candies!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Ah, sex?" Yiyi was surprised.

"Yes, of course it can only be a boy. It is said that when you get married, let the little boy roll on the bed, so that the bride can conceive a boy!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

Although this statement is a bit feudal, it is a pleasing way, so it gradually became a wedding custom.

The bridal chamber in the village is also very lively, but it is not as vulgar as other places, the most is to let the bride and groom kiss or something.

"Hee hee, these people are really interesting!" Seeing that sister Yingzi and the groom were asked to have various intimate interactions, Yiyi said with a smile.

"It's really interesting!" Zhang Feng also nodded with a smile. At this time, Sister Yingzi was playing a game of super shock wave with the groom.

At this time, Sister Yingzi had a balloon tied to her body, and the two hugged each other. The event was considered to be over when the balloon burst.

(End of this chapter)

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