small farmer

Chapter 756 Worship

Chapter 756 Worship (12)

"Brother! Brother! Hurry up, my aunt will let you sit at the main table!" Zhang Feng had just finished cooking when the younger sister came to report.

"What? I'm going to sit at the main table?" Zhang Feng was a little surprised, because he had never sat at the main table.

Knowing that the main table is usually reserved for the parents of the newcomer, and only the respected elders in the village can sit, Zhang Feng felt that he should not go there.

"Yes, yes, my aunt asked me to call you!" Xiaoyue explained with a smile.

"I won't go, what am I going to do at the main table?" Zhang Feng waved his hand, sitting with those old people, he felt uncomfortable.

So Zhang Feng immediately asked his younger sister to reply to his aunt, and the little girl smiled and ran to Sister Yingzi's house.

Just when the wedding banquet is about to begin

The two newcomers, their parents and other relatives and friends all came to the small square, preparing to hold a worship ceremony in front of everyone.

Maybe this ceremony is not standardized, but it is still very lively. Seeing the bride and groom in traditional wedding dresses, tourists stood up in surprise.

It is easy to see the beauty of the bride, and the gorgeous and beautiful dress.

When everyone saw Sister Yingzi wearing a big red robe and a beautiful phoenix crown and Xiapei, they couldn't help exclaiming!

"So beautiful!"

"It's beautiful, what a stunning traditional wedding dress!"

"Ahhhhh!!! If only I had such a thing!"

"I don't know where I can buy it, no, I want to buy this one too!"

"By the way, what is this wedding dress called? Is it a cheongsam?" A tourist who didn't know why asked curiously.

"Hehe, this is not exactly a cheongsam. It should be improved based on cheongsam and wedding gifts from the Tang and Song dynasties. You see, the headdress on the bride's head is what we often call a phoenix crown and Xiapei. It is very beautiful!"

"Oh, that's how it is!" After hearing this, the tourist next to him suddenly realized that he seemed to understand that this wedding dress was originally improved from our ancient Chinese wedding dress, making it more in line with the aesthetics of today's people.

"Phoenix crown and Xiapei? Isn't the phoenix crown worn by the empress? Ordinary people can also wear it?" A half-knowledgeable tourist asked again.

"Hehe, even in ancient times, there were taboos about status and class, but as an emperor, you can't be too domineering, so it's not a problem to wear a phoenix crown and Xiapei when folks get married, after all, every girl only wears it once in her life. "

"Oh, what a pity. The ancient people are so pitiful. Such a beautiful thing can only be worn once in a lifetime."

The other tourists couldn't help but sigh, there were indeed too many feudal rules in ancient times, especially the restrictions on women.

"Today is August [-]st of the Gregorian calendar. On this auspicious day, thank you all for coming to attend the wedding of Zhang Xiaoying and Wang Xiaoqiang..."

Today's officiant is the village elder, and he will preside over the worship ceremony for Sister Yingzi.After thanking the relatives and friends who came to the wedding, as well as all the guests, the worship ceremony officially began!

"Bow to heaven and earth!" The two newcomers bowed to everyone.

"Second obeisance to the high hall!" After the first obeisance to heaven and earth, the two newcomers turned around and bowed to their aunt.

Seeing her daughter, the eldest aunt's hands trembled with excitement, and tears almost fell out.

"Good good good good good good!! Get up quickly!" The aunt slightly raised her hand, she was so happy that her daughter was finally married.

Thinking about how many nights she secretly cried for her daughter's marriage.

The aunt knows that her daughter has many opportunities to get married, and many of the young men who come to propose are from good families, but it is a pity that her silly daughter wants to take care of herself and live with her all the time, so every time she falls in love, it is because of this. For this reason, the eldest aunt persuaded Sister Yingzi many times, but unfortunately every time Sister Yingzi nodded, but in fact she still went her own way, scaring away the boys from the folks every time, and wanted to let the mother-in-law live together. Even coming to the door, which made the young man bear it.

But heaven pays off, she really let Yingzi meet her true love, and there really is such a young man who is willing to live in the village. After some understanding, the eldest aunt also likes this son-in-law more and more. She feels that the young man is not only kind, but also He doesn't smoke or drink, and he is capable. The online store he runs has a monthly income of tens of thousands.

"Husband and wife pay homage!" Just as the aunt was caught in the meeting, the worship ceremony was finally completed under the witness of relatives, friends and many tourists.

After the church worship was over, crackling firecrackers sounded at the entrance of the village, and the wedding banquet finally started. The two new couples also toasted at each table under the leadership of the uncle, and introduced the relatives and folks in the village to the new son-in-law of Moon Lake. .

"Xiaofeng, here you come, the bride and groom are here to toast you." After a while, the uncle walked over with a smile, followed by the two newcomers.

"Hey!" Zhang Feng got up quickly after seeing it.

"Xiaoqiang, come quickly, this is Xiaofeng, you should already know each other, he cooks all the dishes for today's banquet!"

"I know, I know, Xiaofeng is really grateful today, and I'm here to offer you a toast with Yingzi!" Wang Xiaoqiang toasted Zhang Feng with a glass of wine gratefully.

As for Zhang Feng, no one in the nearby ten miles and eight villages knew each other. The reason why Moon Lake Village became a local tyrant village in Qingshan was because of Zhang Feng, so he admired Zhang Feng very much.

Afterwards, the uncle introduced Zhang's mother, Liu's grandpa, Liu's grandma, and Yiyi to everyone.

Everyone greeted each other a few words, and the uncle led the bride and groom to the next table again.

"Hee hee, they are toasting table by table, I'm afraid seven or eight tables will be drunk!" The little girl Xiaoyue said with a smile.

"Hehe, what do you know, girl, do you think your uncle is eating free food?" Wang Guilan rolled her daughter's eyes, and then said with a smile.

"Ah, could it be that uncle will help him drink?" The little girl really didn't understand the way, and asked innocently.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Can someone else drink the toast for the newlyweds?" Mother Zhang glared at her daughter.

"You girl is really stupid, who told you that what they drink is all wine, maybe it has been mixed with water!" Seeing the little girl's bewildered look, Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"Ah, so that's how it is!" The little girl nodded in a sudden realization!Then he said with a smile: "Hee hee, I thought only urbanites had more routines, but I didn't expect that our villages have the same amount of routines!"

Hearing what the little girl said, everyone couldn't help laughing!

As the dishes were served on the table, everyone couldn't help swallowing.

 Thank you very much for the reward from the book friend 'The Cat Looking Up to Heaven', thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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