small farmer

Chapter 771 Wild Tiger

Chapter 771 Wild Tiger (22)

Zhang Feng's shot was very timely

One stone defuses the tiger's attack,
Although the stone did not cause much harm to the tiger, it also made the tiger feel the danger brought by the surrounding humans, so it had to run away immediately and got into the vast deep forest.

"Little Wang, are you okay?"

Seeing the tiger disappear in the depths of the dense forest, Tang Shu hurriedly walked over and asked anxiously the policeman who had fallen to the ground.

Seeing the tiger rushing towards him, the fallen policeman was terrified at the time. Although the danger had passed, his face was still pale at this time, and his sweat was dripping down. It seemed that he was really frightened.

"Director... Director, I... I'm fine."

Hearing the director's words, Xiao Wang finally reacted, but he still had lingering fears. It was really too dangerous just now. He was almost, just a little bit away, and he was buried in the tiger's mouth. The manager this time is really terrifying!

"It's fine, it's fine!" Seeing that Xiao Wang was just frightened, Tang Shu relaxed.

"Help Xiao Wang to the side to rest!"

"Okay! Director!" The policeman at the side hurried over and drove Xiao Wang to the stone slab not far away.

"Little Wang, are you okay?"

"Xiao Wang, you didn't hurt anywhere, did you?"

While walking, everyone cared about the physical condition of their colleagues.

tiger has disappeared
Everyone is not ready to continue searching

But the police still didn't dare to be negligent, and continued to stare at the periphery, for fear that the tiger would come out from any corner again.

"Professor Zhou, Professor Liu, come and see if this is the tiger's lair!"

Uncle Tang didn't approach the tiger's hiding place rashly, worrying about destroying the tiger's traces, but let the experts come in first to investigate.

"Director Zhang, everyone has worked hard today! Is that little comrade from just now okay?" Professor Zhou asked with concern.

"Hehe, it's not hard, Xiao Wang is fine, he just got a little frightened, I believe it will be over soon!" Uncle Tang said with a smile.

Although Xiao Wang is only 25 years old, he has been a policeman for three years. Not long ago, he just joined the Criminal Police Force to deal with various major cases, so his mental quality will not be so fragile. As long as he takes a break, he will definitely be able to recover. status.

"It's fine, it's fine!" The two professors didn't ask any more questions, and hurried to the place where the tiger appeared.

Behind the big rock is a semi-shielded stone nest, from which the tiger just popped out.

After careful observation by the two professors, it is found that this is not the tiger's lair, it should be just a temporary foothold for tigers.

Although the tiger didn't leave too many things in the stone den, the two careful professors still found a few slender hairs.

Professor Liu shouted to his students with joy on his face:

"Li Bin quickly bring the sample bag!"

"Hey!" Li Bin responded, quickly opened his backpack, and took out a few small white plastic bags from the bag.

Professor Liu carefully packed the tiger hair into a sample bag with tweezers, closed the bag, attached a label, and put it into the student's backpack.

"Put it away!" Seeing the student closing the backpack, Professor Liu still reminded him.

Because this is the first time a wild tiger has been discovered in Guizhou Province, and its hair has been collected for the first time, which is a very important item for tiger research.

Li Bin nodded quickly, hung the backpack on his chest like a baby, and obviously cherished the tiger's hair specimen very much.

"Old Zhou, let's go over there and have a look. There is still a wild boar's remains over there!" After checking the stone nest again and again, and finding nothing of value, Professor Liu said to Professor Zhou.

"Okay!" Professor Zhou also nodded with a smile. He was also very happy to find the tiger today. Although there were some small episodes during the period, the overall situation was smooth. After all, everyone did not have any injuries. This is the happiest thing matter.

"Hey, this wild boar is almost eaten up!"

Seeing the wreckage of the wild boar in front of me, it can be inferred that the wild boar weighs about 120 kilograms, but the remaining ones on the ground are estimated to be only about [-] to [-] kilograms.

"This is a boar!" Professor Zhou concluded after checking the head left by the wild boar.

"Professor, how do you know?" One of the female students asked curiously. In her opinion, don't all wild boars look the same?

"Hehe, the basics of zoology course is useless, isn't it?"

"Look, how about the wild boar's teeth? Did you find them?" Professor Zhou shook his head, pointed at the wild boar's teeth and started teaching on the spot.

Seeing the long tusks in the wild boar's mouth, the students suddenly realized.

"Got it?" Professor Zhou smiled and continued: "Male wild boars have two pairs of growing canines, which can be used as weapons or digging tools. The average length of the canines is 6 centimeters, of which 3 centimeters protrude from the mouth; female wild boars The canine teeth are shorter and do not protrude from the mouth, but they also have a certain degree of lethality."

"Professor Zhou said very well. The canines of male wild boars are very long, and they protrude from the mouth. These are what we often call tusks. Of course, there are many ways to distinguish them, such as judging from the genitals of wild boars. , this is simpler and more direct, and it can be distinguished from wild boar hair, footprints, etc..." Professor Liu smiled and continued to add the method of wild boar gender identification.

"I didn't expect there are so many ways to distinguish between wild boars!" Uncle Er Niu suddenly felt his eyes widened. He didn't expect wild boars to be able to distinguish between males and females in this way.

"What's the matter, you can tell it at a glance, okay?"

Old Yao uncle curled his lips. For those old people who often go to the mountains, no matter what kind of wild boar, they can be distinguished with just a glance.

Hearing Uncle Yao's words, Zhang Feng smiled slightly, knowing that Uncle Yao was not bragging. After all, he had been in the mountains all his life, and he had encountered so many wild boars, so it was completely normal for Uncle Yao to have such abilities. .

"Is the tiger that Professor Zhou just saw a South China tiger?" Zhang Feng asked Professor Zhou curiously.

Professor Zhou shook his head silently.

"Not the South China Tiger?" Zhang Feng asked again in surprise.

"The tiger just disappeared so fast that we didn't see it clearly!" Professor Zhou explained.

Hearing Professor Zhou's words, Zhang Feng suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, if he didn't know, he just said he didn't know, why he just shook his head.

"Whether it is a South China tiger or not, we need to go back and check the video to find out." Professor Liu said with a smile.

At this moment, Uncle Tang checked the time, it was already a quarter past five, and it was time to return.

"Professor Zhou, Professor Liu, should we go back?"

"Well, pack your things, let's go back!"

Today is a big harvest. Although no tigers were caught, the existence of wild tigers was confirmed. This is also an amazing discovery. If it can be further proved that it is a wild South China tiger, then this discovery will surely shock the whole world.

(End of this chapter)

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