small farmer

Chapter 772 The Disappearing South China Tiger

Chapter 772 The Disappearing South China Tiger (12)

After recovering, Xiao Wang, who was almost pounced by the tiger, quickly thanked Zhang Feng
"Mr. Zhang is really grateful today. If it weren't for you and me... I would be finished!"

"You're welcome, as long as you're fine!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

In that critical moment, it was really a close call. I had the ability to save him. Of course I had to do it. As the saying goes, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. .

However, Xiao Wang was still very grateful to Zhang Feng. If Zhang Feng hadn't shot at the critical moment, he would have been seriously injured if he didn't die, so Xiao Wang really thanked Zhang Feng from the bottom of his heart.

Originally, Xiao Wang wanted to invite Zhang Feng to dinner, but he learned that Zhang Feng is the chef of Moon Lake. Anyone who has had the banquet in Liushui Village of Moon Lake knows that Zhang Feng's cooking skills are outstanding, and he is absolutely the best in Qingshan.

So everyone laughed at him and asked him what good food he wanted to invite Zhang Feng to eat?
In this regard, Xiao Wang was stunned, and finally gave up the idea of ​​inviting Zhang Feng to dinner, and instead bought some gifts to thank him.

"Okay, everyone pack up your things, and we'll leave the mountain at that stop!" Seeing that everyone was about to rest, the uncle waved his hand and led everyone out of the mountain in an orderly manner.

The place where the tiger was found was already close to the depths of Qinglong Mountain. It is about fifteen or six miles away from Moon Lake, and it is estimated that there are still about twenty or thirty miles away from the deepest part of Qinglong Mountain.

However, the nearby villagers usually only go two or three miles deep into the forest, and only specialized hunters or herbalists will go into the deep mountains of more than ten miles to collect herbs or mountain products.


On the way back, everyone was very happy, and they walked a lot more briskly.

Although there were some small episodes this time, which almost caused casualties, the danger was saved in the end, and the tiger was successfully found. Not only the video of the tiger was taken, but also the tiger's hair, footprints, and even feces were collected. We further tigers have a very important role to play.

At the same time, everyone was thinking, if the wild South China tiger was discovered this time, it would surely shock the whole of China, and it would be a great discovery for the world.

Because according to the large-scale survey from 00 to 01, there are no traces of South China tigers in the wild in the whole of China, that is to say, wild South China tigers have become extinct in the wild.

Therefore, as long as the tiger discovered today is confirmed to be the South China tiger, then the conclusion that the wild South China tiger has become extinct will be overturned, and the news will definitely cause a sensation in the whole of China, and it will surely become a major discovery that shocks the world.

Walking on the road, Zhang Feng was as curious as everyone else, but seeing that everyone was concentrating on their way, Zhang Feng didn't want to disturb the two professors, so he turned on the system and started searching for information about the South China tiger.

The South China tiger is also called the Xiamen tiger or the South China tiger.

In 1981, it was included in the CITES Appendix I protection list, also known as "Chinese Tiger".
The South China tiger has a round head, short ears, thick and powerful limbs, a long tail, more milky white on the chest and abdomen, and orange-yellow body covered with black horizontal stripes.There are short and narrow stripes on the fur. The spacing of the stripes is larger than that of the Bengal tiger and the Siberian tiger. Diamond-shaped stripes often appear on the side of the body. It is smaller in the subspecies of tigers.

The South China tiger feeds on wild boars, deer, and roe deer, which are herbivorous animals. It is one of the top ten endangered animals in my country and a national first-class protected animal. It is extremely endangered in the red species list and has become extinct in the wild.

The South China tiger is only distributed in China and is a unique subspecies of tiger in my country.

"I'll go, it's actually unique to our country!"

Seeing that the South China tiger is also called the Chinese tiger, Zhang Feng felt that today's discovery was extraordinary. This is a subspecies that only we have, just like the panda. It is really very precious, but unfortunately it is almost extinct in the wild.

The South China tiger is relatively small and is one of the smallest subspecies of tigers. .A male tiger is about 2.5 meters long from head to tail.The female tiger weighs about 150 kg. The female tiger is about 2.3 meters long from head to tail, with a tail length of 80-100 cm and a weight of about 120 kg.

There are short and narrow stripes on the fur of South China tiger, and the distance between the stripes is larger than that of Bengal tiger and Siberian tiger, and diamond-shaped stripes often appear on the side of the body.It is closer to the direct ancestor of the tiger - the ancient Chinese cat.

The South China tiger is a typical mountain forest-dwelling animal. It lives in tropical rainforests and evergreen broad-leaved forests in southern China. Leafy mixed forest.

South China tigers used to be found in almost every forest in China, and they were the largest in number.Its distribution is far away from South China, but also includes the vast areas of East China, Central China, and Southwest China, and has even been found in individual areas such as southern Shaanxi, eastern Longdong, western Henan, and southern Shanxi.Today, the possibility of wild South China tigers is very small, and many experts believe that South China tigers are extinct in the wild.

According to incomplete statistics on the annual tiger skin purchases in my country's fur market, about two to three thousand tiger skins were purchased in the 60s and [-]s of the last century.

However, in the 70s, the acquisition of South China tigers dropped sharply, even to single digits every year. By the end of the 70s, wild South China tigers were almost extinct.

From 1990 to 1992, the former Ministry of Forestry and the World Wildlife Fund conducted a nationwide survey of wild South China tigers and their habitats, but no living wild South China tigers were found.However, based on evidence such as traces and feces found, it is estimated that there were 20-30 South China tigers at the junction of Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangxi, and Fujian at that time.Actual quantities may be less.

From 2000 to 2001, the State Forestry Administration and WWF conducted a large-scale national survey of wild South China tigers and their habitats. During the search process, no wild tiger was seen.After this investigation, some foreign scholars believe that the wild South China tiger has become extinct.However, domestic scholars have not given up hope of finding wild South China tigers.

In the winter of 2007, the South China Institute of Endangered Animals carried out the project "Field Survey of Wild South China Tigers in Northern Guangdong", but no traces of wild South China Tigers were found in the end.

In 2008, at the time of the "Tiger Zhou" incident, the expert investigation team sent by the State Forestry Administration also stated that there were no wild South China tigers in Zhenping County.

The possibility of wild South China tigers is very small.Because the reproduction of species requires the existence of natural populations, natural populations must also maintain a certain number of individuals and maintain a sufficient level of heterozygosity in genes, so that the population will not suffer from inbreeding depression due to inbreeding.Since there have been no traces of South China tigers in the areas where the original South China tiger was distributed for many years, the possibility of finding a population of South China tigers is even slimmer.Therefore, many experts believe that the natural population of the South China tiger has become extinct.

As of October 2010, there were about 10 South China tigers in captivity around the world.

"There are only more than 100 animals in captivity!" Seeing this, Zhang Feng was also shocked.
Fortunately, there are still South China tigers in the zoo, because Zhang Feng always thought that South China tigers had completely disappeared from the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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