small farmer

Chapter 798

Chapter 798

winding path
Paved with golden rice.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, it emits a dazzling light.

The entire Moon Lake has turned golden yellow, looking around, it seems to be covered with golden carpets.

The breeze came slowly, raising the fragrance of rice, and the whole small mountain village was filled with a faint fragrance and the atmosphere of a good harvest.

"Ah, it's so fragrant. I didn't expect that Moon Lake not only smells like vegetables, but even rice."

When the breeze hit, the tourists on the side of the road took a deep breath, smelling the faint fragrance of rice, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Of course, I heard that these rice grains, like Moon Lake vegetables, are special varieties!" one of the tourists who knew the inside story responded.

"The people in Moon Lake are amazing! The quality of the things they grow is so good!"

"Oh, if only my family was in Moon Lake!"

"Hehe, you'd better hug the pillow first! See if you can have a good dream?" Another person joked with a smile.

Hearing this, the tourists who sighed earlier couldn't help but shook their heads with a wry smile. It's too difficult to become a Moon Lake person.

Moon Lake has now become a local tyrant village in Qingshan County. It is said that not only the annual income of the villagers is 60 million, but the most enviable thing is that they can also eat delicious Moon Lake vegetables every day, which makes people in other areas I can't be envious.

The entire Moon Lake became busy again.

All the villagers, men, women and children, went out one after another, took brooms and pockets, and took home the rice that was drying on the road.


The sunset is infinitely good, but it is only near dusk!
Time is like running water, so quietly passing by, the sun has already set in the west, the day is about to disappear, and the night is about to begin.

At this time, the golden light in the western sky was shining brightly, exuding dazzling light, as if it was the sun's return, swaying the last brilliance before sunset.

Time passed quickly, the sun was gradually covered by the mountains, and the light became increasingly dimmer, until only half of the red face was left.

A residual sun spreads in the water, half of the river is half red.

After about a cup of tea, the sun completely set, the sky entered night mode, and the moon in the sky became brighter.

The moon is sparse, the black magpie flies south,
The birds returned to their nests, the bats tumbling in the low sky, and the whole world fell into a brief silence.


After harvesting the rice, the little girl took her equipment and was ready to set off. When she saw her eldest brother and sister Yiyi, she ran over with a smile and asked:
"Brother, sister Yiyi, how about we go catch grasshoppers together?"

"Catch grasshoppers? Okay, let's go with the crazy ones too, shall we?" Yiyi thinks that catching grasshoppers is also very interesting. During the day, seeing the little kids playing in the field is a joy. If the adults are not busy, She joined in.

Zhang Feng smiled and nodded, "Wait a minute, I'll get the equipment!"

In fact, there is no professional equipment for catching grasshoppers, just a plastic bottle. Of course, a flashlight is needed at night, and a mobile phone that can illuminate is also fine.

When Zhang Feng came out, the little girl recruited several team members. Both Zhang Lin and Zhang Yi joined Zhang Yue's grasshopper catching team.

As for the little kids in the village, they didn't need Zhang Yue's special invitation at all, they just followed everyone up and down, bouncing and running into the fields.

"Hey, Xiaofeng, where are you going?" Seeing that Zhang Feng was about to walk out of the village with more than a dozen people, large and small, the villagers asked with a smile.

"What about catching grasshoppers in the field? Why, Uncle Gen, do you want to go together?" Zhang Feng also had a thick skin, and asked everyone with a smile, regardless of what others said about his child's head.

"Hehe, we won't go, the fields are almost trampled by us, so we should have a good rest at night!" The villagers all smiled. They have worked in the fields all their lives, and they don't want to do without farm work. to the fields,
Of course, this was the idea of ​​the older generation. When the young people heard Zhang Feng's words, they were quite moved, and finally walked home quietly, took tools, and followed them to the field.

"Uncle Er Niu, why don't you ask Aunt Er Niu to come with you?" Uncle Er Niu also followed in order to look at his precious son, so Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"She, she is chatting vigorously in the square now, how can she go to the field to catch grasshoppers." Uncle Er Niu said with a smile.

"Hehe, the interests are different. Look at your ducklings..." At this moment, the ducklings were rolling in the rice field. After seeing it, the little kids followed suit, and all of them were in the rice field. tumbling inside.

"Damn it! Are you going to wake me up?" Uncle Er Niu was furious when he saw it.

In this rice field that was just harvested today, the soil on the ground is still not dry. Rolling on the ground, can the clothes be clean?
So Uncle Er Niu went into a rage, and roared loudly, making the little guys tremble in fright, then quickly got up and ran for their lives.

"This monkey..." Uncle Er Niu gritted his teeth, really wanting to grab his son and slap his ass hard.

"Forget it, aren't all the children in the village like this?" Zhang Feng persuaded with a smile, because everyone grew up like this, in the mountains, in the fields, crawling and rolling. Although it is a bit unhygienic, it is also full of Playful.

"It's easy for you kid to say, why don't you ask me and her mother to help him wash the clothes when he goes back!" Uncle Er Niu looked at Zhang Feng and said angrily.

"Hey, who told you that you were not well-educated when you were young? Look at the children in big cities, who would roll on the floor? Besides, you are his parents. If you don't help him wash, who will help him wash?" Zhang Feng smiled. said.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Uncle Er Niu was very speechless, but he didn't know what to say. Children's education has always been a headache for him.

"Oops! Catch the grasshopper!!"

"Catch the grasshopper!!"

When the little kids arrived in the field, they were like wild horses running wild, and they were so excited.

"These little guys really scared the grasshoppers away!" Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head.

"Then, how do we catch it?" Yiyi asked worriedly.

"Hehe, don't worry, I have a solution!"

Everyone knows that insects are phototaxis, so Zhang Feng chose the center of a paddy field, moved a stone, turned on the flashlight, and placed it on the stone.

"Ah! I know the lunatic, do you want the grasshopper to fly over by itself?" Yiyi immediately understood when she saw Zhang Feng's movements.

"Yiyi, you are so smart!" Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.

"Hee hee, of course!" Yiyi laughed triumphantly.

Seeing Zhang Feng's method, Uncle Er Niu asked curiously: "Xiao Feng, is this useful for you?"

"Whether it works or not will you know later?" Zhang Feng is very confident in his method, because everyone has used fire to lure grasshoppers before, and the effect is very good.

And compared to the fire, the light of the flashlight is better, and it is more attractive to the grasshoppers. After all, it is cold light, which will not make the grasshoppers run away in heat.

(End of this chapter)

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