small farmer

Chapter 799 On Foodies and Locust Plagues

Chapter 799 On Foodies and Locust Plagues (22)

it's getting darker
The lights in the rice fields seemed brighter.

The grasshoppers around quickly also noticed the light in the rice field, and flew towards the place where the light was shining.

One, two......

After a while, grasshoppers were seen flying all over the flashlight. There were so many grasshoppers that they were so densely packed that it was impossible to count them.

"I'm going, I didn't expect this to be possible!" In just seven or eight minutes, so many grasshoppers gathered, Uncle Er Niu was also surprised when he saw it.

"Hehe, how's it going? Is my method not bad?" Zhang Feng said boastfully.

As if Uncle Er Niu didn't hear it, he glanced at Zhang Feng, then took his own flashlight, ran to the nearby rice field, and acted like a model.

After a while, almost everyone in the field learned this method.

Ever since, in the wide field, the lights are dotted, looking from a distance, it looks like the lights of thousands of families, and also like the twinkling stars in the sky.

"Madman, can you catch it?" Seeing more and more grasshoppers gathered around, Yiyi asked Zhang Feng anxiously.

"Okay, let's get started!"

Zhang Feng smiled, stood up, and walked towards the center of the rice field with Yiyi.

"Wow, there are so many, crazy man, look, I caught two in one go!" Yiyi thought it was really interesting, and her heart was full of a sense of accomplishment.

Seeing Yiyi playing so happily, Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, but his hands were not idle, he kept flying in the air, almost every time he took a shot, he could catch a grasshopper.

After five or six minutes of non-stop catching, the first wave of grasshoppers was finally caught, and the rest had escaped and disappeared into the vast night.

"Madman, should we change places?"

"Okay, let's move over there!" The rice field in front of me is not small, and it can be captured like this three or five times.

It has to be said that the phototaxis of insects is too strong, as long as they see the light, they will fly over as if flying to the fire.

After a few minutes, almost all the grasshoppers around gathered around the flashlight.

Zhang Feng and Yiyi also followed the gourd and acted quickly. Seeing so many grasshoppers, Zhang Feng wished he could give birth to a few more hands and wanted to catch them all in one go.

Everyone knows that a grasshopper is a locust.

From ancient times to the present, locust plagues are natural disasters that make people talk about it. In ancient times, they were as terrifying as floods and droughts.

In modern times, although locust plagues occur much less frequently due to the use of chemical pesticides, they still occur occasionally, and every time they occur, they can bring huge losses.

Every time a locust plague appears, it will cover the sky like clouds and cover the sun. Wherever it passes, it will eat up all the plants. It is no exaggeration to describe it as leaving no grass, no matter how beautiful the green mountains and green waters are Once the locust plague arrives, it will turn into barren mountains in no time. It is said that the locusts can even eat off the reeds mixed with mud that were used to bear the weight of people's houses many years ago, which shows how terrible it is.

But no matter how terrible the locust plague is, it still can't stop our big foodie nation.

It is said that there was a locust plague in Lu Province a few years ago, but the farmers there were not angry but happy, because they could earn hundreds of dollars a day just by catching locusts and selling them for money. is unimaginable.

So at that time, when Zhang Feng saw the news, he also found it very interesting. He thought that the locusts would be unlucky for eight lifetimes when they encountered foodies like us. Just thinking about the crispy, refreshing taste makes your mouth water.

And last September
At the same time that the locust plague occurred in Lu Province, a locust plague also appeared in a certain area in southern Russia. There was a video showing that the locusts covered the sky and the sun, and several local people were submerged in the endless locust swarms, holding large nets to catch the locusts , but with little effect. It is said that the Russian locust plague has swept through many grasslands and agricultural areas in the south, leaving no grass in the past, causing huge losses to Russia's agriculture and animal husbandry.

So why do locust disasters still occur in Russia, but they have not developed in China for decades?Just because we can eat it?Of course, eating locusts is also a reason, but in fact, a bigger reason is that there are fewer tidal flats and swamps across the country.

Why do you say that?The reason is that places such as swamps and tidal flats by rivers or lakes are the birthplaces of large-scale locust plagues. This ancient man summed up his experience, because tidal flats and swamps are rich in aquatic plants and are the best habitats for locusts.

Zhang Feng still remembers playing on the river beach when he was a child, and found a piece of tall and dense aquatic plants, but when he got closer, he found that the tall aquatic plants were full of locust larvae. Fly, because the wings have not yet grown, but the size is not small, it is already two or three centimeters long. If you stroke the water grass from bottom to top with your hands, you can grab a handful. More than a dozen, most people may not have seen such a situation,

But after that, Zhang Feng knew that the tidal flats and swamps must be the birthplace of the locust plague. For example, the locust plague in Lu Province just mentioned happened in the tidal flats and swamps in that area.

Because of the increase in population, the cultivated land in China has been developed to the maximum, and once the tidal flats and swamps are transformed, they are usually good fields, so the swamps and tidal flats have been developed into farmland in China.
This caused the locusts to lose a large area of ​​breeding larvae. Even if there are locusts growing on some relatively small river beaches, they will not form a huge number, and they will not form a disaster. This is the main reason for the reduction of locust plagues. .

But another important reason is the use of pesticides.

For example, the last locust plague in Lu Province was not large in scale, so most of the locusts that appeared were caught and sold for money, and fried and eaten.

If you can't catch them all, you can spray pesticides to destroy them, so modern Chinese have a lot of ways to deal with locusts.

However, the reduction of locusts also reflects another problem, that is, there is more environmental pollution than before. Industrial waste water is discharged into some waters, causing some river beaches to be polluted and it is difficult to grow aquatic plants. Such waters cannot grow locust larvae. Coupled with the extensive use of pesticides, the locusts that enter the farmland will also be killed. Of course, the number will hardly be as large as before.

"Madman, is it alright? Look, our bottles are full!" Yiyi happily said to Zhang Feng, holding her plastic bottle in both hands.

"Okay, let's go see Xiaoyue and the others?" Zhang Feng nodded, looked up, and saw Xiaoyue and a group of little kids mingling in the field, chattering lively.

"Hee hee, it's so lively over there!" Yiyi couldn't help laughing after seeing it.

(End of this chapter)

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