small farmer

Chapter 80 Meeting a Thief on the Road

Chapter 80 Meeting a Thief on the Road (For Collection)

The stars move, time flies.

Two days later, Zhang Feng's peaches were finally on the market on a large scale, weighing five to six hundred catties every day, which could no longer be fully digested by the tourists at his doorstep.

After all, there are not so many tourists who come to buy it every day, and the peaches in Zhang Feng's house are not cheap. They cost ten yuan per catty, which is much more expensive than ordinary peaches.

But fortunately, Zhang Feng was well prepared. He made an appointment with Fatty Niu two days ago. From now on, he will provide two hundred catties of peaches to his shop every day, and the remaining peaches can be sold out at home.

Since Xiao Wang, the buyer, is busy today, Zhang Feng can only deliver the goods by himself.

"Mom, I'm leaving..." Zhang Feng said to his mother after packing the vegetables and peaches.

"Be careful all the way..." Mother never forgot to tell Zhang Feng to be careful.

"Understood, Mom." Waving goodbye to his family, Zhang Feng drove towards the county seat with his electric tricycle.


Huh!Isn't the second uncle in front?On the way, Zhang Feng saw the second uncle carrying a small bamboo basket full of green peppers and tomatoes, which was probably going to be sold on the street. Seeing how he was stumbling, Zhang Feng hurriedly parked the car next to the second uncle.

"The second uncle is going to the street? Let me take you for a ride." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Yo, it's Xiaofeng, thank you..." The second uncle was also very happy, he didn't expect to be able to get a ride.

"Why don't you take the bus? It's not easy to travel such a long distance." Zhang Feng asked suspiciously.

"Oh, I still missed it just now, and I still have to wait for an hour, so I wanted to walk slowly and probably reached the county town."

"Hehe, then let's go, second uncle, sit down!" Zhang Feng smiled, started the car and continued to drive towards the county.

About a quarter of an hour later, the two came to Lai County.

"Xiaofeng, I'll just get off the car here. Hurry up and deliver the food there, so don't delay you." When he got to the side of the vegetable market, the second uncle immediately said like Zhang Feng.

"Okay, second uncle, then I'll go first." Zhang Feng saw that the vegetable market was only a few steps away, so he parted ways with the second uncle, and Zhang Feng continued to Niu Pang's restaurant.


"Mr. Zhang, the boss is waiting for you upstairs..."

"What are you all doing there, quickly move the vegetables and fruits down!"

As soon as Zhang Feng arrived at Fatty Niu's restaurant, the lobby manager greeted him with a smile all over his face, and there was no face-slapping scene like in the novel.

"Manager Wang is polite, just don't worry about me going up by myself." Zhang Feng was already familiar with Boss Niu's office and couldn't be more familiar with it.

"Hmmm!!" Zhang Feng knocked on the door.

"Please come in..."

"Hey, my brother is here, come and sit down!" As he said that, he quickly poured tea.

"No, Brother Niu, I'll do it myself." Zhang Feng hurriedly poured himself a cup of tea as he had enough food and clothing by himself.

"Brother, I really don't know how your vegetables and fruits are grown. The quality is really good. I took some samples to the Agricultural Products Testing Center for testing a few days ago. Guess what?"

"What's the matter?" Zhang Feng knew it must be fine, but he still pretended to be curious and asked.

"Haha, after testing, our vegetables not only have no pesticide residues, but also contain rich vitamins and rare elements such as calcium, zinc and selenium, which are very important to human health." Fatty Niu said with joy and joy.


After chatting with Fatty Niu for a while, Zhang Feng said goodbye and left. There are still many things waiting for him at home.

"Hehe, it's true that we never meet again in life." Zhang Feng met the second uncle again, and at this time the second uncle was shopping on the side of the road with an empty basket.

"Fuck!" Suddenly Zhang Feng found a sneaky guy walking slowly towards the second uncle, that guy must have bad intentions.

Sure enough, that guy looked around mischievously, and then showed a pair of tweezers from his cuff. Now Zhang Feng finally knew what this guy was doing.

"Damn it, does this damn thief still have humanity? Old people like this steal." Zhang Feng was obviously angry this time,

Under normal circumstances, Zhang Feng wouldn't meddle in other people's business, but this thief dared to steal his second uncle. Isn't this lighting a lantern in the toilet to seek death?
"Stop!" Zhang Fenglu roared when he saw the injustice, and rushed towards the thief with lightning speed;
Maybe he didn't expect someone to meddle in his own business at all, or maybe he was frightened by Zhang Feng's mighty aura, and the thief was immediately stunned on the spot;
"Damn thief!" Zhang Feng grabbed the thief's hand holding the tweezers, and twisted it hard, the thief immediately hurt everyone;

"Ah! Let me go, I'm not a thief..." The thief tried to quibble, but this time he was caught with all the stolen goods, how could Zhang Feng let him go;

"Damn bastard, let me go, or I'll kill you..." Seeing that praying was useless, Zhang Feng still held his hand tightly, so the thief began to threaten Zhang Feng viciously;

Seeing that Zhang Feng subdued the thief in an instant, the people in the market immediately surrounded him, pointing and discussing;

"Young man, don't let him go..."

"Well done lad,"

At this moment, two sneaky people in the crowd, holding daggers, rushed out suddenly and stabbed Zhang Feng;
"Ah! Xiaofeng, be careful." The second uncle turned pale with shock, and quickly reminded Zhang Feng;
Seeing that the sharp dagger in his hand was about to stab Zhang Feng, the man showed a vicious look on his face, as if he wanted to kill the meddlesome Zhang Feng;

However, he didn't see a trace of contempt on Zhang Feng's face. In fact, Zhang Feng had discovered them a long time ago. After the system transformation, Zhang Feng's senses became much more sensitive. Thinking that they still couldn't help jumping out, it was too arrogant;


Zhang Feng instantly grabbed the thief and smashed it at the other two, regardless of whether the thief would be accidentally injured by the weapon in his accomplice's hands;

"Boom! Boom!" Immediately, the two guys who were caught off guard were knocked to the ground by the throwing companions. Fortunately, the two of them stopped the daggers in their hands in time, otherwise the thief would see blood today;
Seeing how mighty Zhang Feng was, he knocked down the three thieves, the people who came to the market seemed to be inspired, they rushed up and tied up the three thieves, some immediately called the police, and the market was suddenly bustling;
Zhang Feng's behavior was praised by everyone, and they all felt that the young man was a good person. If he hadn't made the first move, the old man would have suffered a lot of bad luck today, and all the money from selling vegetables would have been stolen;
After the police arrived, they simply asked Zhang Feng a few words, knowing the cause and effect, so the police took Zhang Feng and the thief to the police station, made simple notes, and Zhang Feng and the second uncle left there.

"Xiaofeng, thank you so much just now." The second uncle said to Zhang Feng gratefully.

"It's okay, you are my uncle, who will I help if I don't help you?" Zhang Feng replied with a smile.

"Hehe, but I also want to thank you. If it wasn't for you, my money would have been stolen by thieves." The second uncle said with emotion.

"Second uncle, you should be careful when you go to the streets in the future. You'd better bring less money, so that you won't lose much if it is stolen." Zhang Feng reminded.

"I know, Xiaofeng." The second uncle felt that this time was also very dangerous. In order to help himself, Xiaofeng was almost in danger, and he felt a little sorry, so he could only nod fiercely.

The road back to the village was a flat asphalt road, but after more than a quarter of an hour, the two returned to the village again. The second uncle thanked Zhang Feng again, and Zhang Feng quickly bowed his hands, and then went home.

ps: After reading it, please help me save it, thank you, I have a wedding today and I have to go to work in the afternoon, so there is only one update at night, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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