small farmer

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

"Hey, why did little sister come back today?"

When Zhang Feng came home, he saw his sister sitting in the room watching TV, so he asked curiously
"Isn't the college entrance examination in two days, so the school is on holiday." The little girl replied while watching TV.

"What about Zhang Lin?" Zhang Feng asked again.

"She still has to stay at school to study, and it's not convenient to go from home to the county to take the exam." Hearing what the little girl said, Zhang Feng nodded in agreement.


The younger sister and older sister were watching TV at home, and his mother was setting up a small stall at the door. Zhang Feng was fine, so he was going to learn to carve, and practiced with some wood.

What should I carve?Zhang Feng was worrying, hey!Suddenly I saw two puppies at my feet, my eyes lit up, and I immediately had the material, which was the two puppies in front of me.

Zhang Feng first found a section of fir, because the fir is soft and easy to carve, which is very suitable for a novice like Zhang Feng.

Then Zhang Feng carefully observed the wood in his hand, planning silently in his heart, where to carve what, where to how to carve, first sketched out a general outline, and started slowly.

In fact, the same is true when we do other things. We must first make a plan, and then work hard to complete the task according to our own plan, so that it is easier to do things well.

After completing the initial observation, Zhang Feng already had a general idea in his mind, and then quickly cut off the excess part, with the light of the knife flying like a shadow of sawdust. In about five or six minutes, the general outline of the puppy soon appeared.

Then, when it came time to carve carefully, Zhang Feng looked serious, holding a carving knife, and carved carefully, for fear of making a little mistake.

As the carving progressed, Zhang Feng's techniques became more and more proficient, and his skills became better. Based on the skills he mastered, Zhang Feng compared them with the actual situation, and gradually integrated the primary carving skills. The carving skills will be completely mastered by him.

With the passage of time, Zhang Feng became more and more focused, and seemed to be completely immersed in the world of carving. At this time, Zhang Feng seemed to have an epiphany, and his skills were improving rapidly, just like a veteran who has learned carving skills for more than ten years , the technology is becoming more and more proficient.

After Zhang Feng's bit of sculpting, the puppy's head became more and more clear. If someone familiar with it is here, they will definitely exclaim, isn't this the puppy under Zhang Feng's feet?It's so similar, it's so lifelike, it's really alive.

Zhang Feng's selfless sculpture, the puppy's chubby body, short tail, furry ears, and tender paws were all presented one by one.

The puppy in his hand can be said to have both spirit and form. This kind of skill has surpassed the average sculptor, even a master sculptor. That kind of immaturity, that kind of naivety, that kind of silly and cute appearance, is really lovable.

"Xiao Hei, can you see if this is you?" After carving, Zhang Feng shook the wood carving in front of Xiao Hei.

"Woooo..." Xiao Hei looked at the statue in front of him suspiciously, tilting his head as if thinking that this is the dog, why does it look so similar to Ben Wang?

At this moment, Dahei also ran over to join in the fun. It glanced at the wood carving, then at Xiaohei, and then barked at Xiaohei, as if to say why it looks exactly like you.

Zhang Feng smiled, then placed the wood carving in front of the two puppies, and continued to carve Dahei.

"Wow..." The two puppies seemed to be in a daze. They couldn't tell the reality of the guy in front of them. They thought it was a Wang Xingren conjured by their master, so the two puppies crawled on the ground , grinning at the wood carving in front of him, pretending to be fierce, but he just didn't dare to cross the threshold.

"Hehe, it's really..." Zhang Feng saw the appearance of the two puppies and thought they were really cute.

Shaking his head with a smile, Zhang Feng chose another piece of wood and began to carve another puppy. Since the two puppies were similar in shape, Zhang Feng quickly carved out the general shape, and then began to carve the fine parts. The most important thing is the head, not only to sculpt the puppy's face, but also to describe its expression.

Just when Zhang Feng was engraving, the younger sister came out out of nowhere. Seeing that the elder brother seemed to be carving something, she walked over curiously.

When Zhang Yue saw that her eldest brother was carving, she was immediately amazed. I really don’t know when my eldest brother learned to carve. Zhang Yue observed carefully and found that Zhang Feng was very skilled in carving. It's really well carved.

Worried about disturbing Zhang Feng's carving, Zhang Yue stood behind him and watched silently. She didn't make a sound until Zhang Feng finished carving, "Ah, brother, when did you learn how to carve? It's really great."

"Oh, I was shocked, you girl." Zhang Feng patted his chest and looked at the little girl and said.

"Hee hee, who told you not to tell me that you can carve?" The little girl retorted with a smile.

"Hey, am I just learning this? You have already gone to school, how can I tell you." Zhang Feng shook his head and said helplessly.

"I don't care, anyway, the two puppies you carved belong to me." The little girl snatched the two wood carvings and ran away quickly.

Looking at the back of the little girl, Zhang Feng smiled helplessly. The thing he carved so hard was exploited by this girl before it was warmed up.

have to!Zhang Feng decided to carve two more. Anyway, practice makes perfect. He has already carved them twice, and he is very familiar with them. I believe he can do them well soon.

So Zhang Feng spent more than half an hour re-sculpting the two puppies. Fortunately, he only has one naughty sister, otherwise it would be difficult to keep these two puppies.

"Hello...Hello...Little Bird...Little...Little..." Xiao Ba is simply a role model for the students, learning 'foreign languages' all day long.

Hearing Xiaoba's voice, Zhang Feng also had the idea of ​​carving a little mynah.

Just do what you want, Zhang Feng is not procrastinating, but carving a mynah is more difficult than carving a puppy. After Zhang Feng searched, he finally found a suitable tree root.

There are four or five forks in this section of the tree root. As long as a few redundant parts are removed, the general shape of the bird will appear.

However, Zhang Feng did not do it rashly, but carefully observed the shape of the tree roots, and finally he was confident, so Zhang Feng started to carve.

Since the planning has been made, Zhang Feng's carving speed is very fast. The carving knife is like a pen to continuously outline on it, and his wrist is flying with incomparable flexibility. Soon, the shape of the bird gradually becomes clear and appears bit by bit.
Finally, Zhang Feng put away the carving knife, with a satisfied smile on his face, the little starling who had always been lifelike appeared in Zhang Feng's hands. Except for the size, the ecology was completely the same as the little starling. It was really ingenious and lifelike.

Zhang Feng nodded in satisfaction, put the three wood carvings on the stone table, and then lay leisurely on the chair, drinking a cup of tea and a pot of tea, enjoying the peaceful rural life with his eyes closed.

ps: Continue to ask for collections, please help to collect after reading, thank you very much, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

(End of this chapter)

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