small farmer

Chapter 82 Orchard Picking

Chapter 82 Orchard Picking
Moon Lake Village in the early morning is full of fog

Thick fog covered the surrounding world,
The misty mist is like the white clouds in the sky, changing with the wind.

On the ground, the meandering Tapang River is like a nine-day giant dragon, shuttling between clouds and clouds, flying its teeth and claws, calling the wind and rain, majestic and daunting.

The Dabang River is the mother river of Qingshan County, with a total length of hundreds of miles. The clear river flows eastward, then flows into the Panjiang River, and finally flows to the distant sea with the turbulent Panjiang water.

Therefore, the Tapang River used to be the only water channel to the sea in Qingshan and even the entire southwest of Guizhou Province. Before liberation, due to the inconvenience of traffic on the road, thousands of sails raced on the Tapang River, and the water transportation was busy.

At that time, Qingshan County also became a prosperous commercial center. Unfortunately, after the 60s and [-]s of the last century, construction and water conservancy projects were carried out across the country. The hydropower stations on the upper and lower reaches of the Panjiang River sprung up one after another, because there was no planning for the entire basin. As a result, the route of the middle and upper reaches of the Panjiang River was completely interrupted, and Qingshan County also lost the opportunity to go to the sea and become prosperous. Since then, it has gradually declined and has become one of the poorest areas in the country.

Fortunately, with the advent of the new century and the development of the western region, the water transportation on the Panjiang River has also been reconnected. The opened sluices are like giant gates reaching the sky, bringing the backward west to the prosperous world. Also revived again.


Hear the crowing of the rooster and see the rising sun,
The thick fog that filled the sky and the earth slowly dissipated,

The whole Zhangjiawan gradually became noisy.

The ancients heard that chickens danced, but in fact, the industrious Zhangjiawan villagers were not bad. They worked day after day, and did not slacken the slightest slack because of the improvement of life.

At dawn, the orchard of Zhang Feng’s family was already a bustling scene. Looking carefully, there were not only Ershu’s family in the orchard, but also Uncle Erniu and the little duck. If Aunt Erniu was not working in the county, It will probably appear here as well.

Of course, the three members of Zhang Feng’s family cannot be absent. Everyone is helping to pick peaches. Today’s peaches are more ripe. Seven or eight hundred catties can be picked in two hours.

"Smelly boy, eat less peaches, what should I do if I have diarrhea in a while?" Uncle Er Niu looked at the pile of peach pits under the little duck's feet, frowned and said, children have no restraint in eating, as long as they are delicious, they will eat violently. Overeating.

"No way, did I eat more than this two days ago?" The little duck retorted.

"No, I'll give you three more at most, and I won't beat you to death if I eat more."

"Hmph! It's really unreasonable..." The duckling muttered softly, but he still didn't dare to disobey his father's words.


"Young man is here, give me five catties..."

"I want ten catties..."

Zhang Feng just came back with a load of peaches. Before he reached the door, he was surrounded by tourists waiting here. Zhang Feng quickly put down the load and said loudly: "Everyone, don't worry, there are more peaches today, everyone must have them." ,Do not worry……"

Seeing that Zhang Feng was surrounded by tourists, the little girl hurried up to the reinforcements with scales and plastic bags. Soon everyone was given plastic bags, and rushed forward, and the two baskets of peaches were snapped up in five or six minutes.
More than 100 catties of peaches were bought up by just a few tourists, and there were more tourists who didn't squeeze in, so they didn't buy a single peach.

"Hey! Why is it sold out again, what should we do if we can't grab it?"

"Yes, young man, why don't we go to the orchard with you to buy it..."

"It's just that we can experience the feeling of picking peaches..."

"How about it? Boy, we will definitely not destroy the fruit tree..."

So the tourists who didn't grab the peaches clamored to follow Zhang Feng to the orchard to pick the fruits by themselves and experience the feeling of picking them by themselves.

Zhang Feng thought that it was not far from the orchard, only four or five minutes away, so he agreed to everyone: "Okay, everyone can follow me, but pay attention to safety and don't damage the fruit trees in the orchard... ..."

After Zhang Feng instructed the tourists, he took everyone to the orchard.

"Xiaofeng, why did you bring the tourists?" My mother asked suspiciously when she saw Zhang Feng bringing twenty or thirty tourists to the orchard.

"Mom, they..." Then Zhang Feng recounted what happened just now,
Everyone was dumbfounded, isn't it just some fruits?Do you need to be in such a hurry?At the same time, everyone also lamented that the fruits of Zhang Feng's family are really attractive.

As soon as the tourists came to the orchard, they happily ran to the fruit trees. Seeing their excitement after picking the fruits, it seemed that they had found a treasure. .

"Haha, I picked a big peach..." one of the tourists exclaimed excitedly.

"Hey, what are you? I'm the big one..."

"What's the use of being big? It depends on whether it's cooked. Look at mine, it's big and red. It must be delicious..."


The tourists were very excited, chatting and laughing, happily shuttled among the fruit trees, and experienced the fun of picking in the countryside.

About half an hour later, the tourists finally had a good time playing. Everyone was carrying big and small bags and walked towards Zhang Feng.

In the end, everyone said that the one with the least amount weighed seven or eight catties, and the buddy who had the most actually borrowed a basket and picked a basket full by himself.

"Brother, why do you buy so much by yourself?" Everyone asked him curiously.

"Hey, of course you should share such delicious peaches with your family..." the tourist said with a smile.

"Then why don't you just buy ten or twenty catties?" Everyone said in surprise.

"How can it be enough? My family is four generations living under the same roof. There are more than 20 people in the family. If you don't buy thirty or forty catties, how can it be enough? If you add my wife's relatives, I am worried that such a basket will not be enough." The buddy said slowly.

Hearing what this buddy said, everyone was dumbfounded. Are there still four generations living under the same roof?This is even rarer than pandas. Everyone knows that even a family of three may have disputes when faced with fried rice, oil and salt every day, let alone a family of four generations with twenty or thirty members.

"Hehe, it's actually not as everyone thinks. Almost all the young people in our family work outside, and we only get together on a few important festivals a year, so there are not many people in the family, only about ten or so. Individual." The buddy seemed to understand everyone's thoughts and explained with a smile.

"Oh!" Everyone suddenly realized, and then gradually dispersed, leaving the orchard.


"I didn't expect that selling fruit could be so easy?" Uncle Er Niu looked at the tourists carrying big and small bags of fruit, was shocked, and sighed.

"Hehe, this method has already been established in many places, but we don't have many here." Zhang Feng smiled. Farmhouses in other places, such as self-picking are also listed as a program, and many tourists in the city In the way you like, experience the fun of picking by yourself.

"Xiaofeng, do the math, how many catties did you sell just now?" Second Uncle asked curiously.

"Wait, let me do the math..." Then Zhang Feng took out the ledger and started to calculate.

"How many?" About a minute or two later, Zhang Feng put down his notebook, and Uncle Er Niu asked eagerly.

"Just sold a total of 420 three catties..."

"So much?" Everyone was stunned. In just half an hour, they sold more than 400 catties and earned more than 4000 yuan. Everyone has planted crops for a lifetime. Where have you seen such a terrifying income? It only takes one day. , No, it should be less than an hour.

The most important thing is that the fruits that everyone has picked have not been sold out yet, and there are still about [-] catties left. If all of them are sold out, wouldn't they have an income of seven or eight thousand today?

Thinking of this, everyone was shocked, and Uncle Er and Uncle Er Niu were also very excited. Thinking about their own fruit, although they failed to catch up, they also used Zhang Feng's fruity fragrance. Although the ripening period was later, they sold for seven Eight yuan is not bad at all.

Seven or eight yuan a catty, and the fruits of the two families are no less than [-] catties, so wouldn't they have an income of [-] to [-] yuan?Gosh, this is unbelievable, the two are completely overwhelmed by such a huge surprise.

"Uncle Er Niu, pick up the peaches and let's go..." Zhang Feng picked up a load of peaches, walked a few steps, turned around and saw that Uncle Er Niu was still giggling, so he shouted with a smile.

"Ah! Okay, I'll be right there..." Uncle Er Niu hurriedly said after being awakened, but the smile on his face never stopped.

The elder sister of the mother and the family of the second uncle packed up their tools, and followed them to walk home. Everyone was very happy on the way back, with happy smiles on their faces.

PS: Please collect it, please help to collect it after reading it, thank you everyone, and thank you for the reward of 2 starting point coins from 'Mingyang 1000 Branch of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences' and 'Book Friends 170108101806894' 100 starting point coins.

(End of this chapter)

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