small farmer

Chapter 83 The Starving Puppy

Chapter 83 The Starving Puppy
go to the foot of the mountain

Looking from a distance, Zhang Feng saw that there were still many tourists waiting at the door of his house, so Zhang Feng quickened his pace again and walked towards the house quickly.

When Zhang Feng walked to the door of his house, he was surrounded by excited tourists again. Everyone bought three catties and five catties, and quickly bought hundreds of catties of peaches.

The remaining more than 100 catties will continue to be sold at the door. There is a mother watching here, and I believe it will be sold out soon.
Because Zhang Feng is not only very confident in his own peaches, but also in everyone's wallets,
Nowadays, everyone's life has become better. You can buy a catty of such delicious peaches for ten yuan, and everyone will not be stingy. Even the most frugal old men and women may not be able to resist buying one or two. Try something new.

"Second Uncle, sit down, everyone has worked hard today." Zhang Feng arranged for everyone to sit down, and then thanked everyone.

"It's okay, can we still be so polite?" The second uncle waved his hand.

"That's right, which one of us is with whom." Uncle Er Niu said indifferently.

"Second uncle is here for a cup of tea..." At this moment, the elder sister brought tea to everyone.

"You guys watch TV for a while, and I'll cook right away." Zhang Feng said before going into the kitchen.

Everyone has helped us all morning, so of course we have to treat everyone to a meal.

"Okay, you go, don't worry about us." Several people waved to Zhang Feng.

"Xiaofeng, go and sit with Second Uncle and the others, and let me cook." At this moment, the elder sister came over and said.

Zhang Feng felt that the elder sister's cooking skills were already very good, not much different from his own, so he handed over the cooking task to her.

"Xiaofeng, the peaches in your orchard probably weigh [-] to [-] catties?" Second Uncle asked presumably.

"I think it must be more than [-] catties." Uncle Er Niu said in amazement.

Thinking of the fruit trees in the orchard of Zhang Feng's family, good guy, there are so many fruits on it, the branches can hardly support the weight of the fruits,

You have only seen this kind of scene in the scientific experiment field before, but it has appeared in front of your eyes today. Why not make people feel shocked.

"Thirty thousand catties?" Zhang Feng pondered for a while, and then said, "It should be about the same."

Zhang Feng was also very happy when he thought of his big, red and juicy nectarines. He felt that the system was powerful. Just a single potion made his peaches worth soar. In previous years, ordinary nectarines sold for only two yuan a catty. It was a miracle. Generally, it has been increased by five times, and a catty can be sold at a high price of ten yuan, which instantly increases the family's income by two to three million yuan.

"Hiss!!" Hearing Zhang Feng's answer, everyone gasped and couldn't be more surprised.

Thirty thousand catties! !Calculated at ten yuan a catty, that would be 30? ? ?

We must know that everyone’s income from farming in the past year is only 30 to [-] to [-] yuan, but Zhang Feng’s family can earn [-] yuan with only three or four acres of fruit. If they are all sold, then there will be millions of income?

Thinking of this, the two uncles gasped again. They couldn't believe it at all. When will farming become rich overnight?

The next moment, the two of them were so excited when they thought that their own fruit had also used that potion, their bodies couldn't help trembling. Although the fruit of the two families might not be able to sell for ten yuan, they could always sell for half the price. Even if calculated in this way, the two families can still have an income of 50 million, which makes the two of them so unhappy and excited.

Seeing the shocked expressions of the two, Zhang Feng smiled, knowing that their hearts must be very disturbed at this time, so Zhang Feng did not speak, and took a cup of tea and sipped it slowly.

As for Zhang Yi, he was still watching cartoons with Duckling. The two of them were staring at the TV, watching vigorously, and they didn't notice the abnormal atmosphere in the room at all.

"Xiaofeng, do you think our fruit can be sold at a high price?" After the excitement, Uncle Er Niu asked a little nervously.

"It's hard to tell, but don't you know if you wait five or six days?" After five or six days, the peaches of the two families will probably be ripe. At that time, based on the quality of the fruit, we can initially judge whether they can be sold at a high price.

"Hey, I have to wait five or six days!" Thinking that there are still five or six days left, Uncle Er Niu feels like being scratched by a cat. He is impatient and feels extremely tormented.

"Hehe, don't worry, Er Niu, we use the same potion. Xiaofeng's fruit is so good, and ours will definitely not be bad." After all, the second uncle is dozens of years older, so he quickly regained his composure. Uncle Er Niu looked worried about gain and loss, and comforted him with a smile.

"Second brother is right, we all use the same things, there must be little difference!" Uncle Er Niu nodded, and finally he stopped being entangled. Uncle Er Niu, who had a somewhat carefree personality, soon returned to his old self. He looked hip-hop, and completely lost the tension just now.


"It's time to eat, Xiaoyue, hurry up and serve me the food." Everyone chatted for about half an hour, and the eldest sister finished the meal.

Soon the little girl came out with a bowl of vegetables, "Okay, here comes the fried bacon with pianergen." Then she smiled and said to the little duck, "You don't want to steal it, little duck?"

"I won't! You were the one who ate it just now, okay?" The little duck pouted and counterattacked.

"Nonsense, which eye did you see?" The little girl threatened fiercely with her eyes wide open.

"I saw it with both eyes!" said the little guy who was not afraid of threats.

Zhang Feng stood up and said jokingly: "Okay, stop arguing, little sister, hurry up to serve the food, and duckling, you also go to the door to wash your hands and prepare to eat."

"Xiaoyi, hurry up and ask Second Aunt and my mother to come in for dinner." Zhang Feng then ordered Zhang Yi to come.

At this moment, the second aunt and mother walked in together, "Hehe, don't shout, we will come by ourselves when it's time for dinner."

"Everyone is here, then sit down quickly..." Then Zhang Feng arranged for everyone to go to the table and prepare to eat.

Today, due to time constraints, I didn’t make any complicated dishes. The eldest sister made a few home-cooked side dishes. In addition to a bacon, there is also a stir-fried cabbage, an eggplant with minced meat, and a fungus. Just stewed fish head tofu with pickled cabbage.

After a busy morning, everyone ate deliciously, because there were no outsiders, so everyone ate casually without any restraint.

And people eat more, they seem to have more appetite, and the food seems to become more delicious, even the little girl who eats the least eats two big bowls,

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, today's big stomach king is actually the little duckling. He ate four big bowls alone, and he also ate a fish head with a big mouth. I really don't know what happened to his small belly. Can hold so many things.

After lunch, everyone also left one after another. Zhang Feng also came to the yard with a pot of tea, sipping tea leisurely while watching the wild flowers in the yard.

Zhang Feng was enjoying the leisure time in the afternoon when two dogs suddenly ran over and called out to him, "Wow... woof..."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Feng quickly stood up and asked the two little guys.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Da Hei Xiao Hei finally stopped calling, and then ran towards the door.

Zhang Feng thought the two little guys had already left, but unexpectedly the two puppies ran back quickly with food bowls in their mouths, put them in front of Zhang Feng with a bang, and then stared straight at their master. The little guy seemed to be saying: "Master, we haven't eaten yet."

"Hehe, what a clever little guy." Zhang Feng rubbed their little heads, and then said, "Okay, I'll go get you something to eat right now. It's all because I'm too busy today, so I forgot about you."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooo" saw Zhang Feng picking up their rice bowls and walking home, the two little guys jumped up and down excitedly, and followed Zhang Feng closely and walked home.

"Oh, I forgot about you, come here!! My sister will get you something to eat." Seeing Zhang Feng walking in with the two puppies, the elder sister immediately ran over, hugged the two puppies, and said lovingly .

The eldest sister likes these two little things very much, because they are so smart, not only do not need the owner to worry at all, but also never mess up the things in the house.

Afterwards, the eldest sister took their food bowls, and gave them a big bowl of rice with fish soup. Smelling the delicious food, the two little guys buried their heads in the food bowls, eating with relish, and never wanted to eat. Look up, probably really hungry today.

Seeing the eating of the two puppies, the eldest sister squatted beside them, lovingly stroking their fur.

PS: There are only two updates today, please help me save it after reading it, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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