small farmer

Chapter 84

Chapter 84
"Big brother, big brother..."

"What's wrong with Xiaoyi, don't be in a hurry to sit down and talk..." Zhang Feng was lying in the yard to enjoy the cool air, when his cousin suddenly rushed in.

"Someone caught a treasure in the Panlong River, brother, are you going?" Zhang Yi rubbed his hands and asked eagerly and expectantly.

"Really?" Zhang Feng also got up immediately, who doesn't have a dream of treasure hunting?When Zhang Feng heard that someone had dug another treasure in the river, he immediately became interested.

"Of course, many people have dug it up. Even Little Seventh Uncle has dug up two Yuan Datou. Brother, let's go quickly, or they will dig up all the treasures?" Zhang Yi said anxiously.

"Okay, let's go quickly." Zhang Feng also knew that it was not too late, picked up tools such as a hoe, got into the car with his cousin Zhang Yi, and was about to set off.

"Oh! Big brother, wait for me, I'm going too..." At some point, the little girl also chased after her, and hurriedly climbed on the three wheels, Zhang Feng started the car, and the three of them rushed towards the scene of the incident at high speed.

Zhangjiawan is just beside the beautiful Tapang River, only a few hundred meters away from the clear water of Tapang River.

The Panlong River is also called the Panjiang River, because it connects the Pearl River and can cross the sea to the east, so the former Qingshan County has become an important waterway town in the southwest, and it is the transportation link connecting the two provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangdong.
Therefore, in the original thousand-sail race on the Panjiang River, dozens of cargo ships docked at the Xiawan Wharf every day, taking away the special products of the Southwest and importing various industrial products from outside.

However, just in the lower reaches of Zhangjiawan, it is known as the Nine Bends and Eighteen Bends. Because the river has been in disrepair for a long time, the hidden reefs are overgrown, and the siltation is serious, so the cargo ships that come and go often capsize here, so it is also called Shuigui Bay. ,

It is said that this place is often haunted. Although young people don't believe it very much, everyone will not come here to play, so it is very deserted all year round.
But today's Water Ghost Bay is surprisingly lively. To use a classic sketch line to describe the scene, the scene was really full of drums and drums, firecrackers blasting, red flags waving, and crowds of people.

This is what the three brothers and sisters Zhang Feng saw when they came here. Seeing the people working in full swing on the river bank, Zhang Feng felt as if he had traveled through time and space and returned to the era of collectives. Everyone responded to the call of the motherland and built water conservancy projects. Eating the same labor, the enthusiasm is high.

As the saying goes, relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to eat water,

Because there are many shipwrecks in Shuigui Bay, nearby villagers often catch something, and some lucky villagers even picked up gold ingots by the river.

Zhang Feng remembered that Feng Laoer from the next-door village got the treasure in the Panlong River. From then on, Feng Laoer's family became rich overnight, and a few months after getting the treasure, they built a small three-story western-style building, which made everyone in the neighborhood Everyone in the village is envious;
Ever since Feng Lao Er got the treasure in the Panlong River, countless people went to the Panlong River to hunt for the treasure that day, but none of them actually found the treasure, and most of them got nothing, wasting time for nothing.

But today is different, because three or four villagers have already dug up treasures, all of which were silver dollars from the Republic of China, so everyone guessed that there must be silver dollars by the river, it is impossible to just a few scattered ones, so everyone screamed excitedly , Calling friends one after another, picking up a hoe and rake, digging treasures by the river in full swing.

Panjiang is an important tributary of the upper reaches of the Pearl River

It originated in the Daxue Mountains in the northeast of Yunnan Province, with a total length of nearly [-] kilometers. It passes through the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, flows through two provinces in the southwest, seven or eight counties and cities, and finally flows into the Pearl River, becoming an important tributary of the Pearl River Basin;

The Panlong River has been recorded as far back as the pre-Qin period. It was called the Qiangke River in ancient times. Because of the inconvenient land transportation in ancient times, the Qiangke River became an important waterway for the Central Plains Dynasty to develop the southwest, and it was also an important irrigation river;
Later, due to long-term wars and lack of dredging management, the water transportation of the Panlong River was gradually interrupted for thousands of years. It was only in the middle and late period of the Braid Dynasty that it was dredged again and became an important traffic artery connecting the southwest and the southeast.
At that time, the prosperity of Panlong River water transport reached its highest peak in history. Every day, countless merchant ships sailed up and down the Pearl River, transporting local products from the Southwest, such as tung oil, various mountain precious ores and crops.

Through the Panlong River, while locals sell special products, they also transport various scarce goods from Guangdong Province, such as kerosene, salt, nails, matches... etc. urgent necessities and primary industrial products;

Because the Panlong River is the only river in Guizhou Province that can communicate with the Pearl River Delta, one can imagine the spectacular scene of thousands of sails racing and hundreds of boats competing on the river at that time, so Qingshan County also benefited from it at that time and became one of the commodity trading distribution centers in Guizhou Province. One, very rich;
But with the passage of time, all the brilliance has become a thing of the past. With the advancement of technology and the rapid development of land transportation, the Panlong River, which lacks dredging management, has declined again. It was not until recently that it was valued by the province again. It is said that it will be redeveloped. Make full use of the water transportation advantages of Panlong River;

But none of this has anything to do with Zhang Cheng, a commoner. Zhang Feng only thinks about Shen Bao in the Panlong River;
"Brother, let's find a piece of land quickly, or we will be robbed by others..." There is also a tacit understanding between everyone digging treasures. As long as there are people digging, everyone will avoid it, and keep a distance of two or three meters, so that there will be no disputes.

"Okay, there is no one there for a while, let's go over there..." Zhang Feng picked up the hoe and walked quickly to the destination with Zhang Yi and Zhang Yue.

"Xiaofeng, are you here too?" At this time, everyone met an acquaintance who came to meet Xiao Qishu, who was driving a cruise ship in Moon Lake.

"Little Seventh Uncle, I heard that you dug up the treasure?" Zhang Feng asked curiously, and Zhang Yi and Zhang Yue also saw it curiously.

"Hey, good luck, I dug up two oceans..." Although Xiao Qishu said it modestly, his face was about to burst into laughter. Two oceans can be sold for 2000 yuan at least. There is such an unexpected deal Cai, how can you make him unhappy.

After saying hello to Zhang Feng and the others, Little Seventh Uncle continued to work hard. Zhang Feng and others were also stimulated by him, so they quickly chose a place and started digging immediately.

Although this kind of treasure hunting method is like finding a needle in a haystack, it still can't stop everyone's enthusiasm. Zhang Feng and others can only follow the trend and blindly dig stones on the river beach, hoping to dig out valuable treasures.

"Brother, why don't we change places?" About half an hour later, the three of them still found nothing, and Zhang Yi became anxious.

"Yeah, after digging for a long time, I found a Jiefang shoe..." The little girl also said discouraged.

"Ah, ah! I dug it! I dug it..." At this moment, a buddy from the next village looked like Fan Jinzhongju, dancing and shouting excitedly, really crazy with joy.

"Show me, show us quickly..."

Seeing that someone dug another treasure, the nearby treasure diggers swarmed over, wanting to see what treasure that person dug up.

"Brother, why don't we go and see?"

"You guys go, I won't go with so many people." Seeing Zhang Yi and Zhang Yue's anticipation, Zhang Feng said with a smile. After the system transformation, Zhang Feng's physical fitness has greatly improved in all aspects , I saw the silver dollar in the man's hand from a long distance away, so Zhang Feng stopped going to join in the fun, so many people couldn't squeeze in for a while.

"Then let's go..." The two ran away, and disappeared in place in a flash.

"These two guys who like to watch the show..." Zhang Feng smiled slightly and shook his head.

However, Zhang Feng also stopped. He felt that it was not advisable to dig for treasure like a chicken without a head, so Zhang Feng began to think about it.

It's a pity that after thinking for a long time, I didn't have any idea. I don't know where the scattered oceans will be buried. At this moment, someone else's words gave Zhang Feng inspiration.

"Hey! Why are they so lucky, they all dug up the ocean, and we didn't even see a single hair..."

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Feng's eyes brightened. Based on the half-baked knowledge he learned in geography and physics classes, Zhang Feng analyzed the places where the next few people dug up the treasure, and found some similarities. Then Zhang Feng continued to search and found There are still two or three such places that no one has dug.

So Zhang Feng carried the tools and hurried over to occupy the space, and called Xiaomei and Zhang Yi back to occupy the remaining two places.

It's a pity that Zhang Feng's luck is not good, or the previous analysis made a mistake, and he dug two sites in a row without any results. Zhang Feng was also a little discouraged, so he stopped and rested for a while.

PS: Thanks to the book friends 'Heige 88888' and 'Book friends 161130222020847' for their rewards. After reading it, please help to collect it, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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