small farmer

Chapter 85

Chapter 85
As time goes by, more and more people live by the Panlong River

Not only the villagers of several nearby villages, but also people from the county town and other towns, all of them were working hard on the bank of the river with hoes.

If you look at it from a high altitude, you can find that there are many people on the bank of Panlong HB, and the people on the bank of the river are like ants moving their houses, walking back and forth on the bank of the river.

People who don't know may think that everyone is repairing the river bank, but in fact, everyone is digging treasures by the river,
Soon the originally flat river beach was dug full of holes, each big hole was like being bombed by a shell, and it was in chaos.

"Let's keep digging!" After resting for a while, Zhang Feng dug again, but he couldn't find the treasure all the time. Zhang Feng doubted his own speculation.

But there was only one last place left, and it would be soon clear whether his thinking was right or not, so Zhang Feng raised his hoe again and tried his best to dig it up.

As for Zhang Yue and Zhang Yi, the two guys were hot for 3 minutes. After digging for a while, they didn't get any results, so they went to 'investigate' everywhere. Only Zhang Feng was still persisting.

It is not so easy to dig out the pebbles mixed with sand on the river bank, and you have to search carefully while digging, otherwise if you find treasures, they may be thrown away as sand.

So Zhang Feng dug very carefully. During this period, several people dug up treasures. One dug up an antique copper plate, and another dug up an ancient Tao Yong. It is more serious, so even if it is an ancient thing, it is estimated that it is not worth much.

The remaining two people dug up silver dollars, and now everyone is more firm in their previous guess. There must be scattered silver around here.

Encouraged by them, the rest of the people seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and they were more motivated to dig treasures. Everyone believed that they would be able to dig the treasures.

Zhang Feng was also very excited, thinking that there were indeed scattered silver coins here, and since others could dig them out, so could he.

Twenty centimeters, fifty centimeters, one meter... Zhang Feng carefully rummaged through the soil, hoping to find the treasure that made his heart beat.

Every pebble, every ounce of soil Zhang Feng didn't let go, suddenly Zhang Feng's eyes lit up, and a black and round thing appeared in front of his eyes.

Zhang Feng couldn't help exclaiming in his heart, and then quickly pushed away the soil around it, and an oxidized silver dollar that looked like a lump of coal appeared. Zhang Feng quickly picked it up, wiped off the soil on it, and saw that it was indeed a silver dollar from the Republic of China period , but the corrosion is a bit serious, and it is not clear which kind of silver dollar it is.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, there were not only a wide variety of silver dollars, but also a large amount of circulation, so there were also differences in value among them.
As the saying goes, rarity is the most expensive thing. Some rare or commemorative silver dollars are much more expensive than ordinary silver dollars, which may be as high as tens of thousands, while ordinary silver dollars are only hundreds or thousands of dollars. If the quality is not good , It is estimated that it can only be sold for 200 yuan.

"Xiaofeng, have you dug up silver dollars?" At some point, Uncle Er Niu came to the river beach with his ducklings. After seeing Zhang Feng, he wanted to come over to say hello, but he happened to see Zhang Feng dug up the treasure.

"Ah, it's Uncle Er Niu." Zhang Feng was too focused and was startled by Uncle Er Niu. He turned around and saw that it was Uncle Er Niu.

"Xiaofeng, bring it here and let me have a look." Uncle Er Niu said eagerly, as if he had dug up the treasure himself.

"I want to watch it too, I want to watch it too..." the duckling also yelled.

"Xiaofeng is really lucky..." Uncle Er Niu stroked repeatedly, with envy on his face.

When the people nearby heard what Uncle Er Niu and Xiao Yazi said, they immediately knew that Zhang Feng had dug up silver dollars, so everyone put down their hoes and ran towards Zhang Feng like a [-]-meter race.

"Let me see it too, let me see it too..."

"Oh! It's really a silver dollar..."

"Oh! Everyone, don't squeeze, don't squeeze..."

"Hey! Dude, don't grab it...what if you break it?"

"What are you grabbing? If you don't see it, you will pay for it, right?" Uncle Er Niu saw the excited crowd, covered the silver dollar with one hand, and then shouted loudly, "Just watch what everyone wants to see in my hand... ..."

Uncle Er Niu reacted very quickly, calming down the excited crowd with two or three clicks, and then everyone took a look at the silver dollar before leaving, and soon the place returned to calm again.

"Hey, these people are really crazy." Uncle Er Niu broke into a cold sweat, and then quickly returned the silver dollar in his hand to Zhang Feng, "Xiao Feng, you should keep it yourself!"

"Uncle Erniu, why did you come here empty-handed? Didn't plan to dig treasure?" Zhang Feng asked after finding the silver coins.

"What treasure are you digging? It's not that you don't know. I've been unlucky since I was a child. I just came here this time to make soy sauce and watch the excitement." Uncle Er Niu was quite appreciative, and said with a smile.

While chatting with Uncle Er Niu, Zhang Feng continued his treasure-digging business, continued to search in the pit just now, to see if he could find any treasures.

"Big Brother"

"Brother, did you dig something just now?" About 2 minutes later, Zhang Yi and Zhang Yue who heard the news ran over panting, and asked excitedly.

"Well, I just dug up one silver dollar." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Ah, I really dug it up, brother, quickly show it to us." Xiaoyue said impatiently.

"Oh! It's a pity, the writing on it is already blurred..."

"Yeah, the quality is too bad, and it's probably only worth two or three hundred yuan."

The two took the silver dollar with trembling hands, looked at it carefully, and said with some regret after looking at it.

"Come on, it's good to be able to dig something, and you still want to pick and choose?" Uncle Er Niu said with a curled lip.

"Hehe, what Uncle Er Niu said is right. To be a man, you must be content and always happy. Anyway, we are just looking for fun. We never thought of digging up treasures and getting rich overnight. We can rest assured that we can use the money we earn in a down-to-earth manner." Zhang Feng smiled slightly and said to the two,

"Hee hee, we didn't expect to get rich overnight, it's just a pity." The little girl stuck out her tongue and said with a smile.

Afterwards, stimulated by Zhang Feng, the two of them also began to work hard. I don't know if it was luck or something, but this girl, Xiaoyue, unexpectedly found out very quickly.

"Ah, bro, look quickly, is this a piece of jade?" Suddenly Zhang Yue excitedly shouted to Zhang Feng.

"What? Let me see." Hearing the little girl's voice, Zhang Feng turned around and took the jade from the little girl's hand.

"How is it, Xiaofeng? Is it jade?" Uncle Er Niu also hurried over and asked eagerly.Zhang Yi also immediately stopped the hoe, tilted his head, and listened attentively.

"Well, it should be a piece of jade, but I don't know what kind of jade it is." Zhang Feng looked at the clearly carved jade pendant in front of him and said with a frown.

The carving on the jade pendant is simple, it is an elegant orchid, and there is a small hole in the upper part of the jade pendant, which is probably used for threading, so it is easy to wear.

It's a pity that Zhang Feng doesn't know much about jade, so he can't judge the jade quality of this jade pendant, as well as its age and value.

However, Zhang Feng estimated that the value of this piece of jade would not be too high, because it had been buried on the river beach for too long, causing its jade quality to turn yellow, and there were many scratches on it, and it was these scratches that damaged the jade pendant beauty.

"Then is it worth money?" The little girl asked with a look of money fanatics.

"Hehe, what do you think?" Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile and returned the jade pendant to her, "It's fine to wear it yourself, if you want to sell it, you probably won't be able to sell it for much money."

"Ah, didn't you say that gold has a price and jade is priceless? Why is my piece of jade worthless?" the little girl said with a bit of dissatisfaction with her mouth pursed.

"Is jade really priceless? Then you see that there are so many jades in the mall, where the price is not clearly marked, and the poor quality jade can only be bought for tens of hundreds of dollars. The priceless jade is a kind of feeling. It is a pursuit of value, not that every piece of jade is a priceless treasure." Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"Forget it, it's not bad if you can dig up a piece of jade. You see, after digging for a long time, I only found two broken pieces of porcelain." Zhang Yi said enviously, and the three of them came to the treasure hunt together. Everything is harvested, and he digs everything.

"Hee hee, our luck is so good, I believe you will be able to dig the treasure soon." Zhang Yue quickly recovered her smiling face, and then said to Zhang Yi.

"With your auspicious words, I hope I can dig something too." As he said that, Zhang Yi mustered up the courage to work hard again, hoping to use the good luck of his two companions to dig something for himself.

PS: I am very grateful to the book friend 'Pupil Distance' for the reward. If you have read the book friend, please help to save it. Thank you everyone. If you have a recommendation, please vote. If there are 500 votes tomorrow, a new chapter will be added.

Someone asked why those people always buy eels?Because Moon Lake is very close to the county seat, and there are buses, and there are discounts for the elderly who take the bus. Isn’t it normal for everyone to go to Moon Lake every day to exercise?Because the author's account was locked in a small black room for three months, the book review area cannot be restored, so here is a brief explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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