small farmer

Chapter 86 Family Heirloom

Chapter 86 Family Heirloom
I dug up a piece of jade,
The little girl seemed to be satisfied,
Sitting on the river beach and slowly watching the scenery, watching everyone doing in full swing, but I am leisurely.

Time gradually passed, and the sun in the sky slowly shifted to the west, but the river bank still looked like a scene of mountains and seas of people.

The little duck saw that everyone was digging for fun, so he also dug randomly on the ground. Unexpectedly, his father was very unlucky, but he was so lucky that he actually dug up an exquisite small porcelain bottle. Zhang Feng looked at it and thought it should be It is a medicine bottle used by pharmacies or doctors to hold pills in the past.

This small porcelain vase is very exquisite, it is a piece of fresh and elegant blue and white porcelain, and it is unexpectedly well preserved. As long as such a piece of porcelain can reach the age before liberation, it can sell for at least one or two thousand. It can be said that this little guy is really good luck.

"Hey!! Although my luck is good, my son is lucky to have found such a good treasure..." Uncle Er Niu suddenly became overwhelmed, as if he was worried that others would not know that his son had found the treasure.

The unlucky Zhang Yi could only cry silently on the sidelines, lamenting the injustice of the heavens. After digging so hard, he didn't even see a single hair.
It's like a little kid like a little duck, who dug up such an exquisite blue and white porcelain vase on the ground just like playing, God, earth, why are you so unfair! ! !Zhang Yi looked up to the sky and sighed.

It may be that the heavens felt his call, and about a quarter of an hour later, Zhang Yi finally got his own harvest. Although it was just an ordinary copper coin, it was better than nothing.

"Brother, can you help me see if this copper coin is worth anything?" The cousin was very excited, and finally had his own harvest.

"Xiaoyi, you have also dug something, quickly bring it to me to see?" Zhang Feng also found out what his cousin had gained, and said happily.

"Well, this is a copper coin from the 32nd year of Guangxu, and it is still well preserved. I don't know if it's worth it, Xiaoyi, you can check it yourself with your mobile phone."

Zhang Feng also didn't understand the market of ancient coins, so he could only ask Du Niang for help.

"That's right, why didn't I expect..." Zhang Yi immediately searched on his mobile phone, and the results appeared after two or three seconds.

Although the issuance and circulation of modern copper coins only lasted for more than 1900 years, the sheer number, variety and variety of editions are really amazing.According to calculations, from 1917 to 320 alone, there were as many as [-] billion copper coins minted in various provinces across the country.

The copper coins that Zhang Yi dug up were only the most common ten-wen copper coins. According to the online statement, they were only worth five or sixty yuan. If the quality was not good, no one would probably buy them.

Although he knew that his copper coins were worthless, Zhang Yi was not disappointed. He was still smiling and had a very good attitude, because in his opinion, no matter how worthless it was, it was something he dug up with his own hands. It was better than nothing at all. .

So he carefully picked up the copper coins with a paper towel, put them in his pocket, and patted his pocket with satisfaction, with a smile on his face. Finally, like everyone else, he dug up the treasures and did not make a trip in vain.

"The police are here! Run, everyone..." At some point, someone on the side of the road shouted loudly.

"The police are here?" The people on the bank of the river panicked immediately, put away their tools one after another, scattered and fled in all directions.

"Little sister, Xiaoyi, let's go too..." Zhang Feng didn't want to stay here and cause trouble. Although everyone didn't dig much, they dug the river bank full of holes. How to restore the level of the river beach?
So Zhang Feng still decided to run away quickly. Most of the people had the same idea as Zhang Feng, and disappeared without a trace while driving the car;
It's a pity that the monks can't run away from the temple. The police still stopped many people. After interrogation by the police, these guys who were stopped sold the escaped people. After all, everyone is from the village, who doesn't know who? , So when the police found out who they were, they called directly to notify them. In the end, none of the people who dug holes in the river beach today escaped, and each was fined [-] yuan, which was used to restore the river beach.

Although they were fined 300 yuan, Zhang Feng and the three were still very happy. Today's treasure hunt was really exciting, and the police did not take away the things they dug up. Maybe the police felt that these things were of little value. It would also cause conflicts, so the police didn't mention it. One of them paid a fine of [-] yuan, and Zhang Feng and the three continued to drive towards their home.

"Xiaofeng, are you back?" The eldest sister saw the three of them at the door, and asked curiously, "Did you find any treasure?"

"Hee hee, of course, elder sister, look, this is the jade pendant I dug up." The younger sister hastily presented the treasure with a smile on her face.

"Well, it's really a piece of jade..." The elder sister looked at it for a while and then asked again: "What about you two, what did you dig up?"

"Brother dug up an ocean, and I also dug up a copper coin..." Zhang Yi said happily, and then the two of them also took out what they had dug for everyone to watch.


"Elder Sister, is there a guest at home today?" Zhang Feng saw that a guest room was locked, and it was always open when he saw it.

"Yeah, two people came here just now. They said they have already made an appointment with you. I wanted to call you to ask you, but you were on the phone just now, but I didn't get through. So I let them live in first." The eldest sister explained arrive.

"That's right, they made an appointment on the Internet two days ago, and it is estimated that there are three more guests coming in the afternoon." Zhang Feng said afterwards.

"By the way, where did those two go?"

"They, why don't you go to Moon Lake with your camera?" the eldest sister guessed.

"Then it's up to them. Anyway, we just provide food and accommodation. They can go anywhere at other times, as long as they pay attention to safety." Zhang Feng nodded, and then felt that he should give some safety guidance to tourists in the future, and don't let them Travel to dangerous places.

For example, don't go down to the river to bathe casually, and you can't go to the deep mountains to explore, because with the restoration of these years, wild boars and other wild animals will appear in the deep forest from time to time, so it is very dangerous to run into the deep mountains without authorization.

In addition to these, as long as you walk around the village, it is very safe. Even if you encounter danger, these places are full of villagers and tourists, and it is convenient for rescue. Therefore, if you want to live in your home, you must ensure that you play nearby , unless Zhang Feng's approval is obtained, he cannot be allowed to live in his own home, because once an accident occurs, neither the tourist nor himself can afford it.

"Sister, do you think I look good wearing it like this?" At this time, the younger sister had already worn the jade pendant with a red string and put it around her neck.

"Hehe, of course it looks good, our Xiaoyue looks good in anything she wears." The elder sister said with a smile.

The two sisters chattered and started discussing how to make up and dress up. Zhang Feng was not interested in these, so he went to the yard and began to clean up the ocean he had dug.

Zhang Feng first washed off the dirt on it with clean water, cleaned it with a brush, then dried it with a hair dryer, and finally put it in a small dry gift box for storage. Although this thing is not precious, he dug it himself. It is very commemorative, so Zhang Feng plans to keep it as a family heirloom and pass it on to his descendants.

It can be said that Zhang Feng thinks too far. He is still a bachelor, but he thinks of future generations. If people know about it, he will not be laughed to death.

PS: I caught a cold today, so I can only guarantee two updates. If everyone’s recommendation tickets reach 500, Renmao will also write it down, and I will make up for it in two days, but it shouldn’t be here today. Recommendations are only 300+ in the last few days. Please work hard, everyone, as long as there are 500 votes, Renmao will make up for it when the cold is cured.

(End of this chapter)

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