small farmer

Chapter 87 Little Girl Jiajia

Chapter 87 Little Girl Jiajia (please recommend for collection)
Chapter 81 Little Girl Jiajia
Put away the heirlooms
Zhang Feng lay in the yard to enjoy the shade, leisurely reading online novels,

What Zhang Feng likes most is the quiet rural novels, which are easy and effortless to read.Zhang Yi also sat at the stone table, took out his mobile phone and started playing his favorite King of Glory.

"Xiaoyi, what rank are you now?" Zhang Feng never played games, but his cousin often played games, so he still understood a little bit.

"Oh, I was about to be promoted to platinum, but unfortunately I was misled by a primary school student yesterday!" Zhang Yi said with a look of unbearable looking back.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Feng asked in confusion.

"Brother, haven't you ever said that the elementary school students who play online games are super awesome: Wen Neng hangs up and sprays teammates, Wu Neng jumps towers to give away heads, advances can be alone for one-on-five, retreats can sit and wait for twenty shots, and front can fly to rescue Remnants of the enemy, you can put a wall to block your teammates. If you are quiet, you will see no one for a hundred years, and if you move, you will send a super god. A heroic flash will give you a blood, and you will not look back if you sell your teammates. Go along with the waves and go against the wind. Ask how much you can worry, just like five Four pits and twenty shots." Zhang Yi shook his head and said.

"Hehe, you've hacked all the elementary school students like this?" Zhang Feng found it very interesting. Although the game words in it weren't quite understandable, the general meaning could still be heard. This was a rant against elementary school students.

"There is no need for us to blackmail, they are self-hacking, okay, but I did encounter such a scammer yesterday, that guy teamed up with me, and he was killed by someone KO in less than 2 minutes after getting on the plane. Seeing such a pig teammate, can you not be angry?"

Zhang Feng chuckled, expressing his deep sympathy, and then continued to read his novel, and Zhang Yi also continued his game, hoping to quickly advance to platinum, then hit diamond, and finally aspire to the throne.

The afternoon sun is sinking

The breeze blowing on the face was extremely cool. Under the big cypress tree, the two were quietly surfing the Internet, and there were two cute puppies at Zhang Feng's feet.

Two little guys with black bodies, their hair was smooth and shiny, reflecting the black light, suddenly a colorful butterfly flew to the head of the big black, the little guys suddenly opened their confused eyes, then shook their heads, wanting to Chase away this uninvited guest.

As expected, the butterfly was frightened away, waving its wings and dancing in the air, Xiao Hei seemed to find it very interesting, suddenly stood up, and rushed towards the butterfly in the air, but unfortunately the butterfly was light in body, its wings fluttered slightly before dodging, Xiao Hei did not give up , kept raising his two front paws, and grabbed the butterfly in the sky, the butterfly flew high again, Xiao Hei flew into the air, the butterfly did not fly far away, and kept teasing Xiao Hei, the two chased and fought, It looks very cute and very interesting.


"Dudu... Hey, is this Mr. Zhang from Shanshui Farm?"

"Yes, I am, may I ask who you are?" Zhang Feng was reading the novel with relish, when he suddenly received a strange call.

"I'm just 'Changyou Shanshui', we made an appointment on the Internet two days ago." The other party replied.

"Oh! I see. Have you guys arrived at Moon Lake yet?" Zhang Feng suddenly realized that they were another group of people who had booked a room two days ago.

"Here, we have arrived at the entrance of the village, where is your home?"

"There is a big cypress tree in my yard, have you seen it?"

"I saw it, I saw it..."

Having said that, Zhang Feng also quickly got up and walked towards the gate, ready to welcome the coming guests.

"You just want to enjoy the mountains and rivers, right? You are welcome to visit us at home." Zhang Feng said immediately when he saw the middle-aged man in the lead.

"Hehe, hello, Mr. Zhang. I am Changyou Shanshui. My surname is Yang, and my name is Yang Guang. This is my lover, and this is our baby, Jiajia." Mr. Yang introduced his wife and daughter to Zhang Feng with a smile, and then Said: "Jiajia, hurry up and call him uncle..."

"Hello, Uncle..." The little girl called timidly, she seemed a little shy, she looked about the same age as a duckling, she should be four or five years old, and she was very cute.

"Hello, Jiajia, you are so polite." Zhang Feng welcomed the guests home after speaking.

As soon as they entered the yard of Zhang Feng's house, the eyes of the three of them suddenly lit up. The yard was full of blooming flowers, and there was a faint fragrance in the whole yard.

There are also fences like flower waterfalls, tall and straight old cypress trees, green gourd vines, and two cute puppies on the ground. The whole farmyard is really natural and harmonious, which makes the three of them very fond of it.

When they came to the room, they were very satisfied with the clean and tidy room. The three members of Yang Guang's family were very satisfied. It was even more pleasant to see the beautiful ink paintings on the wall.

Yang Guang saw that the environment here was exactly the same as advertised on the Internet, without the slightest exaggeration or fraud. He liked this small farmyard very much, so the family of three lived there and started a two-day shocking trip.

Since it was late today, the three of them didn't go out for the time being. After putting down their luggage, they drank tea in Zhang Feng's yard and watched the wild flowers in the yard.

As for the cute little girl Jiajia, she also found her little friends, namely Dahei and Xiaohei. Being ravaged by her constantly, grabbing Da Hei's ears for a while, and pulling Xiao Hei's hind legs for a while, the two little guys were disturbed by her tirelessly, so they had to run for their lives quickly, trying to escape the clutches of the big demon king.

So the chase started in the yard, and it was like a chicken and a dog jumping around.

"Jiajia, what do you think you are doing again? Hurry up and sit down obediently..." Jiajia's mother couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted embarrassingly.

"Mom, big black and little black are so cute... people want to play with them." The little girl said coquettishly.

"You can play with them, but you can't hurt them, or they will bite you, you know?" Jiajia's mother said helplessly when she saw her cute daughter.

"Yeah! I knew mom was the best."

Children just love to play around, the little girl teased the puppy for a while, and when she heard Dabai Xiaobai barking in the backyard, she immediately ran to the backyard, and her mother immediately followed.

When the little guy saw the two little lambs in the sheepfold, his eyes lit up immediately, as if he had found a new toy. If her mother hadn't pulled it, the little guy probably got into the sheepfold right away.

"Oh, so cute." Jiajia seemed to have never seen real sheep. "Mom, are they lambs?"

"Yes, they are the little lambs in the cartoon." Jiajia's mother explained to her daughter with a smile. At the same time, she also felt that it was the right place to come here. Not only is the scenery beautiful here, but also the baby girl can learn many things that cannot be learned in the city. acquired natural knowledge.

Just like the little lamb here, and all kinds of wild flowers in the front yard, these things are almost invisible in the city, and can only be seen in books or on TV. If you haven’t really seen it, it can’t be regarded as real. understanding.

"Mom, do lambs eat grass?"

"Eat, grass is their favorite food."

"Then I'll go pull some grass for them to eat..." The little girl was bouncing around like running in a vegetable garden.

"Oh, no, it's not grass, now leeks..."

"Is this leek, the kind in dumplings?" The little girl raised her head and asked her mother curiously.

"That's right, these are the leeks we often eat. The ones over there are shallots, and the ones over there are garlic sprouts..." Jiajia's mother used this place as an agricultural education base, and taught Jiajia a simple lesson class.

PS: Thank you for the reward of "The Rain of the Lost Night". After reading it, everyone will help to collect and recommend it. Renmao is very grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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