small farmer

Chapter 88 Country Life

Chapter 88 Country Life (for collection recommendation)

Chapter 82 Country Life

"This is a leek, over there are shallots and garlic sprouts"

"Mom, I know this, I know this..." The little girl said excitedly, "This is cabbage, right?"

"Our Jiajia is really smart." Jiajia's mother praised with a smile.

"Of course, I saw it when my mother and I went grocery shopping." The little girl raised her head and said triumphantly.

It was the first time for Jiajia to see so many vegetables, no matter what she saw, she felt very fresh, especially when she saw the red tomatoes like jewels, the little girl screamed and ran towards the tomatoes, as if she had encountered some treasure like.

"Ah! Don't eat it, it hasn't been washed yet?" Seeing the little girl pick one up and stuff it into her mouth, her mother quickly stopped her, worrying that there were pesticide residues on it.

"Hehe, it's okay, just rub it and you can eat it. The vegetables in my family have not been treated with pesticides or fertilized. Moreover, they have been identified by the Agricultural Products Testing Center. They are rich in beneficial substances such as zinc and selenium, which are beneficial to the growth and development of children." Both have a great promotion effect." At this moment, Zhang Feng accompanied Yang Guang into the backyard.

"You can try it too." As he said that, Zhang Feng picked one and threw it into his mouth. It was very sweet and sour.

"Really, let me try it too." Hearing what Zhang Feng said, Yang Guang also became interested. Vegetables that do not use fertilizers or pesticides are rare these days, and the most important thing is that they have been tested by relevant institutions. up.

Curiously, he picked one and put it in his mouth, then bit it lightly, um, suddenly his mouth was full of fragrance, it was sweet and sour, and it felt very natural to eat.

"Well, it tastes really good. Wife and daughter, you should try it too." Yang Guang thinks the tomatoes here are better than cherry tomatoes. The most important thing is that the taste is sour and sweet, which is very natural. The quality of the vegetables grown must be very good. Only the most natural external environment can grow such green and healthy vegetables.

"Well, it's really delicious!" Jiajia wanted to eat it a long time ago, if her mother didn't stop her.

"The taste is really good...much better than the market."

The little girl ate a few tomatoes, and seemed to have lost interest in the vegetables in the garden, then pulled up two grasses and ran to the sheepfold, as if remembering that Dabai and Xiaobai were still waiting for her What about the grass?

Fortunately, the two kinds of stupid cuteness are locked in the sheep pen, otherwise they would have been ravaged by Jiajia, the big devil, and experienced what happened to the big black and the little black just now.


As the mountains go west, the sky gets darker,
On the beautiful Moon Lake, the white birds return to their nests. In the afterglow of the setting sun, a beautiful and natural picture is drawn. Just as the ancient poets described, the sunset and the lone bird fly together, and the autumn water is the same color as the sky.

Such a beautiful scenery is really fascinating. As long as tourists come here, they will all marvel at the sunset scenery here.

The sun had completely set on the western mountain, and the sky was getting dark. The other two tourists reluctantly left Moon Lake and returned to Zhang Feng's home.

After the introduction, Zhang Feng soon knew that the two were a young couple. The boy was called Zhang Xiaolong and the girl was called Wang Jing. Both of them had just graduated from university and now both work in the city. Attracted, seeing Moon Lake has such a beautiful scenery, and it is very close to them, so the two decided to visit here.

After coming here, the beautiful scenery here did not disappoint them. Seeing the green mountains and green waters, willows and birds wandering here, the two really lamented that the trip was worthwhile.

Because there were guests in the afternoon, Zhang Feng cooked a few more dishes, but they were all farm side dishes, a braised carp in brown sauce, a fish head tofu soup, a fungus sliced ​​meat, a knife-patted cucumber, a stir-fried cabbage, and a sour Spicy eggplant, finally there is a green pepper potato shreds, and finally a bowl of tomato and egg soup.

A table of delicious dishes, everyone's appetite was whetted. The more people eat, it is not only lively, but also seems to be more delicious. Everyone is eating in full swing, talking about the scenery of Moon Lake, and discussing tomorrow's itinerary.

"Tomorrow morning we are going to pick fruits in the orchard. Those who want to go can go with us tomorrow, and those who don't want to go can move around freely, but they can't be too far away from Moon Lake." Zhang Feng said to the guests while eating.

"Picking fruit? Okay, let's go and see tomorrow." Yang Guang is full of interest. The couple brought their children to the countryside to broaden their horizons, learn about some basic crops, experience the hard work of farm work, and let the children understand who knows. The reason why every piece of Chinese food is hard work.

"Jingjing, shall we go tomorrow?" Zhang Xiaolong asked Wang Jing, the biggest girlfriend in the world.

"Go, I haven't picked fruit myself yet, I'll go see it tomorrow." Wang Jing felt that it was very novel, so she decided to follow her to the orchard tomorrow.


At night, Zhang Feng was tossing and turning in bed, because Zhang Lin was going to take the college entrance examination tomorrow, and looking at the sky full of stars, Zhang Feng could only pray silently, hoping that God would bless his sister to successfully complete the college entrance examination and successfully enter the university of her choice .

"Hey! Forget it, go to bed quickly, my sister will definitely be able to do it." Zhang Feng saw that it was already past one o'clock in the middle of the night, so he quickly closed his eyes and prepared to go to bed. Zhang Feng did not expect that he would be so nervous at all, and remembered that he was taking the college entrance examination There was no tension at all.

Soon, Zhang Feng fell into a deep sleep under the starlight.

"Oh... oh... oh..." The rooster in the village raised its head and began to crow, and the roosters crowed continuously one after another.

The night passed like this, and the light came again. The dazzling sunlight shone on Zhang Feng's face, and his eyes moved and slowly opened.

"Huh? It's already 06:30." Zhang Feng quickly got up, washed up, practiced gymnastics quickly, and then started to make breakfast for everyone.

At this time, the eldest sister and mother were already busy in the backyard, picking today's vegetables and preparing them for Niu Zhong's restaurant, which was a daily job.

Zhang Feng boiled the water and made the whistle. At this time, his mother and eldest sister had just finished their work, and the guests at home also got up. After they finished washing, Zhang Feng went down to make breakfast for everyone.

"Everyone is here for breakfast..." Zhang Feng shouted to everyone after the noodles were ready.

"Thank you, Xiaofeng..." Picking up the noodles, Yang Guang smiled and continued, "Jiajia, thank you, Uncle Zhang."

"Thank you, Uncle Zhang..." Jiajia said obediently.

"Brother Feng, the noodles you made are really delicious." Zhang Long said in amazement after taking a bite and was immediately overwhelmed by such delicious food.

"Hehe, it's good to eat..." Zhang Feng nodded happily.

"Brother Feng, I didn't expect your craftsmanship to be so good. It's not like our little dragon, who doesn't touch Yang Chunshui with his hands, and knows nothing." Wang Jing glanced at Zhang Xiaolong and said deliberately.

"Who said that? The boiled water I boiled...doesn't taste good?" Zhang Xiaolong joked pretending to be wronged.


Zhang Yue burst out laughing immediately, "Brother Xiaolong is really interesting, who would dare to drink plain boiled water with taste?"

Hearing what the two said, everyone also burst into laughter, thinking that Zhang Xiaolong is really funny and humorous.

After breakfast, Zhang Feng's family went uphill, leaving only the younger sister to look after the house. When they came to the orchard, the peach trees all over the mountains and plains were covered with bright red peaches, just like flat peaches in a flat peach garden. Big and red is very attractive.

"Oh, so many peaches..."

"Are these peaches all from your family?" Looking at the attractive nectarines in the garden, Yang Guang asked in surprise.

"Yes, this orchard belongs to my family." Zhang Feng nodded and said, "Come on, everyone, come and get the baskets. When picking peaches, be sure to pick only ripe peaches, that is, red ones, not blue ones. Picking, and you must pay attention to safety, it is best not to climb on the top of the tree."

For the sake of safety, Zhang Feng asked Yang Guang's family to form a team of three, and other young couples to form a team. In this way, the guests started their orchard experience journey today.

PS: After reading it, please help me to save it, thank you all, and thank you for the reward of "Gangster One Shot", thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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