small farmer

Chapter 89 The Pure Starry Sky

Chapter 89 The Pure Starry Sky

The little girl Jiajia and her mother were carrying bamboo baskets,

Dad was responsible for picking the peaches on the tree, but unfortunately, after a while, the little girl refused, "Dad, I don't want to carry the basket, I want to pick peaches too..."

"Hehe, how about daddy carrying you on his back?" Yang Guang put his daughter on his shoulders, and Jiajia's laughter sounded like silver bells in the orchard, and the little girl was very happy.

Sitting on Dad's shoulders, the little girl was finally able to get the peaches on the tree. Jiajia stretched out her little hand excitedly, and picked a red peach with one hand. The excited little girl immediately yelled and had a great time. .

"Mom, do you think I picked this peach? It's all red." The little girl asked her mother for credit with a proud face.

"Hehe, of course the peaches picked by our Jiajia are better than those picked by your father." Jiajia's mother responded to her little one with a smile.

"Really? Then I still want to pick..." The little girl was obviously very excited to do farm work for the first time, feeling very fresh, and felt that picking peaches was so interesting.

"Mom, hurry up and take a picture of me, I want to take it back and show it to the children..." the little girl said happily.

"Okay, okay!! Mom will take a picture for you..."

The family of three had a great time playing in the orchard, and the young couple on the other side also started their orchard experience, and they seemed to be having fun too.

"Xiaolong, look how good that peach is, pick him off quickly." Wang Jing said excitedly when she saw the biggest and reddest peach on the tree.

"Xiao Jing, do you think I'm a monkey who can pick such a tall peach?" Seeing the peach on the top of the tree, Zhang Xiaolong said without tears.

"Can't you think of a way? How stupid!"

"Hey! I got it!" Sure enough, there is motivation when there is pressure. Xiaolong soon thought of a way, found a long branch from the side, and quickly picked the peaches on the treetop with the branch.


Seeing that the two teams had no problems, Zhang Feng began to concentrate on picking. About half an hour later, Zhang Feng picked two baskets. At this time, Uncle Er Niu, who was late, arrived at the orchard.

"Why did Uncle Er Niu come here now? Did Aunt Er Niu take too good care last night?" Zhang Feng asked jokingly.

"Fuck you, what do you know, kid? Find a girlfriend first." Uncle Er Niu said with a smile.

"I don't know my girlfriend is still being raised by that mother-in-law's family." Zhang Feng responded with a smile.

"You're the poorest kid." Uncle Er Niu said and immediately joined the picking army. Today, Uncle Er and the others are going to the market, so they won't come to help, but Zhang Feng is not worried, he will spend one or two more at most hours only.

The two were chatting and laughing, and were busy in the orchard, because Zhang Feng posted a notice to pick peaches in the orchard at the door of his house, and many interested tourists signed up with Zhang Yue.

Everyone thinks this is very fresh, and many tourists who come to Moon Lake have joined in.

So every half an hour, Zhang Yue would take [-] or [-] tourists to the orchard to pick the fruits by herself, experience the joy of the farm's harvest, and also experience the fun of doing it herself.

Because Zhang Feng's peaches taste surprisingly good, every tourist who comes here buys at least five or six catties, and some buy twenty or thirty catties more. If they are not worried that they will not be able to carry them, they may buy more.

Finally, Zhang Feng made a rough count and found that there were more than 120 tourists who came to pick the orchard today, and the number of peaches picked reached more than 500 catties.

In other words, these tourists alone bought more than 500 catties of peaches and contributed more than 5000 yuan in income to Zhang Feng.
Moreover, there are still seven or eight hundred catties of peaches left in the orchard, and it is estimated that they will be snapped up by tourists who come to hear the news soon.

Zhang Feng predicts that the peaches picked today are estimated to be 2 catties, and if all of them are sold out, they can bring more than [-] yuan in income to the family. Zhang Feng is also very happy about such a high income, and the action of picking fruit has become faster up.

Soon it was ten o'clock in the morning, and the ripe peaches in the orchard were finally picked.
So Zhang Feng called the tourists, and then he and Uncle Er Niu picked up the peaches and led everyone to the house.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhang Feng picked the peaches to the door of his house, tourists kept coming to buy them. Most of these tourists came here because they heard that Zhang Feng’s peaches were delicious. But that's all.

Because of the good reputation, the remaining seven or eight hundred catties of peaches were sold out in less than an hour, and today they earned more than 2 yuan.

Zhang Feng estimated that his peaches still have five or six days of peak production, and the daily output is increasing, and his income will continue to increase. Zhang Feng made a rough calculation in his heart, and this season's peaches should bring about 30 yuan to his family. income.

After lunch, the little girl Jiajia made a noise to go to the lake to take a boat. Originally, everyone came for the beautiful scenery of Moon Lake, so the family of three walked towards the lake with great interest.

The two young lovers also carried bags, and went out holding hands, probably going to step on ants by the lake again.

Zhang Feng, who was bored, was still lying in the yard, reading the novel quietly. The younger sister and the older sister were watching TV at home, and the mother was guarding the stall at the gate. From time to time, one or two tourists came to buy the soil on the stall. specialty.

"Xiaofeng, is there anyone renting fishing rods in the village?" About an hour later, Yang Guang came back in a hurry by himself.

"Rent fishing rods? There really aren't any in the village, but I have a few fishing rods at home. If you want to fish, use them." Zhang Feng sat up and said.

"Thank you so much," Yang Guang thanked.

"It's okay, it's just a few fishing rods." Seeing Yang Guang's embarrassed look, Zhang Feng didn't take it seriously, and finally Zhang Feng gave him a pack of bait, which was brought from Zhang Yi some time ago. It's a pity that Zhang Feng I found that it was not as easy to use as my own earthworms, so I kept it there.

Yang Guang got two fishing rods and bait, and quickly ran to the lake, starting their fishing trip today.

After sending Yang Guang away, Zhang Feng lay lazily in the yard again, poured a cup of tea, turned on his mobile phone, and leisurely watched his favorite novel.

The sky was blue, the yard was full of birds and flowers, and a gust of wind blew by, making it extremely cool, as if you were in Antarctica.Reading a book, sipping tea, and living in such a beautiful farmyard, although life is simple and ordinary, it is also fascinating and yearning.


at night,

The sky is dotted with stars, the stars are bright and shining.

After dinner, everyone sat in the yard to enjoy the shade, looked up at the stars in the sky, and felt that the whole world was so clear and pure.

"The sky is as cool as water at night, sit and watch Altair Vega"

"Is there really a Cowherd and a Weaver Girl in the sky?" Wang Jing, a girl who is sentimental when she sees the bright Milky Way, murmurs to herself.

Everyone didn't respond, but quietly looked at the sky full of stars, looked at the vast starry sky, and watched the whole person's heart become more pure, and the spirit got the best relaxation.

"Did Jiajia see that, the seven brightest stars over there are the Big Dipper..."

"Mom, are those stars that look like spoons?"

"Yes, the place where their spoon handles are facing is the north. When people lost their way in the past, they relied on them to guide the direction."


The night in the countryside is extremely beautiful and pure, and the whole sky is like a black crystal with sparkling white diamonds inlaid on it.

As the saying goes, the stars move, the stars in the sky are not all fixed, some will move slowly, occasionally find a shooting star, everyone screamed excitedly, excitedly took out the mobile phone to take pictures, wanted to capture this The beautiful moments stay forever.

It's a pity that the beautiful meteor is fleeting. Even if it is photographed, its exciting beauty is difficult to replicate, because only by being in it and being there, can you better understand the beauty of nature.

ps: I hope everyone can help to save it after reading it, thank you all, and also thank the two book friends 'Yanjin' and 'Temperament Past' for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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