small farmer

Chapter 90 Reluctant Farewell

Chapter 90 Reluctant Farewell (Please recommend for collection)

this night

The beautiful starry sky of Moon Lake left an unforgettable memory for everyone.

Seeing such a beautiful night sky made everyone feel satisfied and felt that the trip was worthwhile.

The starry sky of Moon Lake is spiritual and pure, while the starry sky in the city is gray and dull, which looks dull, giving people a feeling of returning from Huangshan and not seeing Yue.

Such a beautiful night sky and such a quiet night made everyone linger and forget to leave. Such a picturesque scenery made everyone reluctant to leave for a long time. It was not until late at night that everyone reluctantly returned to their respective rooms to rest.

Since the family members had already fallen asleep, Zhang Feng arranged for everyone and a few cute pets at home, and then he climbed upstairs and lay down on the bed to rest, because he had to get up early tomorrow to pick fruits in the orchard.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! !

"Hmm!" Zhang Feng slowly opened his eyes as a ray of sunlight shone on his face in the morning.

"Ah! Sleep until you wake up naturally... It's really comfortable!" Zhang Feng got up and stretched, feeling extremely refreshed.

Walking to the window and looking around, the sky in the east is crimson, and the dazzling red glow illuminates the whole east. The breeze blows gently, and the clouds in the sky are unpredictable. Such as the majestic and majestic dragon soaring into the sky, as well as the chaotic battlefield, the gold and iron horses, such a changeable morning glow, the beauty is beyond the square, and it is extremely fascinating.

It's a pity that the beauty is all theirs, and I have nothing. Zhang Feng shook his head. No matter how beautiful the morning glow is, it is just a cloud. Filling the stomach is the foundation of everything. The fruits in the field are still waiting to be harvested.

So Zhang Feng resolutely walked downstairs. After washing up and practicing the fitness exercise again, his mother and eldest sister got up one after another.

Then Zhang Feng started to prepare breakfast, and the eldest sister and mother went to the backyard to pick today’s vegetables and prepared them for Niu Fatty’s restaurant. Although the vegetables did not bring much income to the family every day, only 700 yuan, but the water flowed slowly, and there were another one month. The income of more than 1 is already very impressive.

Besides, my family has reached an agreement with Niu Zhong, and no one can stand without trust, so the supply of vegetables cannot be interrupted for a day, unless there is a force majeure, so no matter how busy the family is, the vegetables will be prepared at home and supplied to Niu Zhong's restaurant on time.

Hearing the noise from inside and outside the house, the tourists at home also got up one after another, except of course the little girl Jiajia who is snoozing. The children must ensure enough sleep every day, so they are still lying on the bed and sleeping soundly. At this time, it is estimated that Sleeping soundly.

Didn't disturb the children's sleep. After the adults had breakfast, all Zhang Feng's family went to the orchard to pick fruit except Zhang Yue who was watching the house at home. Since they had experienced it yesterday, none of the guests went to the orchard today. Instead, prepare to swim in the mountains and rivers of Moon Lake and feel the beauty of Moon Lake.

As soon as I walked to the gate, I met the second uncle's family who came to help, so everyone got together and walked towards the orchard.

"Second Uncle, have you finished spraying the fruits in your orchard?" Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"Not yet, but it's the same every afternoon." The second uncle waved his hand and said indifferently.

"That's fine, I'll go to help in the afternoon too." Hearing what the second uncle said, he knew that the second uncle hadn't finished his homework, so he came to help him pick peaches. Zhang Feng put his gratitude in his heart and planned to help in the afternoon them.

"No, my family only has five or six acres of peaches and plums, and it will be finished in two days. You can help yourself." The second uncle waved his hand quickly.

Zhang Feng didn't say anything else, he just thought that he must go to help in the afternoon, even relatives should give to each other and have a grateful heart, otherwise the best relationship will gradually fade away, and even become strangers.

Today, not only did the second uncle’s family help, but also more tourists came to experience the farm picking, reaching more than 200 people. Except for dozens of repeat customers, they are all new tourists.
Everyone came here because of the reputation. After the publicity of tourists who bought peaches these days, everyone knew that Zhang Feng's peaches were very delicious, sweet and delicious, that's why so many tourists came to pick them today.

In order to deal with so many unexpected tourists, Zhang Feng and the others got busy. Zhang Feng and his eldest sister were in charge of weighing and settling accounts. A waste of food, after all, not every tourist is so qualified.

In this way, relying on these more than 200 tourists alone, more than 2000 catties of peaches were sold in the orchard. The least tourists among the tourists bought two or three catties, and most of them sold seven or eight catties.

There were even two or three tourists who drove over by themselves, and each bought more than 100 catties. One can imagine how popular their own peaches are.

As soon as the remaining five or six hundred catties were transported to the door of the house, they were swept away by the tourists who had been waiting there early, and there were still many tourists who came here admiringly and failed to buy them one step later, which made me feel very regretful.

At this point, "Moon Lake Xiantao" began to really rise. Zhang Feng also entrusted Niu Fatty to register a trademark for his own peaches, and the name was "Moon Lake Xiantao". The name is simple and easy to remember.

And for the sake of convenience, Zhang Feng registered all the other fruits of the Moon Lake brand, so as to prevent other people from being envious of copying their own fruits and damaging their brand reputation.

In just one morning, the family has an income of 3 yuan. Zhang Feng estimates that the income in the next four or five days will not be less than today.
So just this season's peaches can generate an income of [-] yuan for the family.

If the follow-up peaches, ponkans, and all the fruits in the orchard are added, it is estimated that the total income of the family can reach nearly one million. You must know that this is only an orchard of about ten acres. According to this calculation, one mu of land can create nearly one million yuan. A profit of [-] yuan, if such a profit is made public, it is estimated that countless people will be shocked.


Zhang Feng's family earns tens of thousands of dollars from buying peaches every day. Such a news spread throughout Moon Lake Village in an instant, and everyone's jaws were almost dropped.

Although Zhang Feng didn't personally admit it, everyone knew the price of Zhang Feng's peaches, because it wasn't a secret.
Everyone estimated in their hearts that Zhang Feng's family could pick one or two thousand catties of peaches every day, and sell them at a high price of ten yuan per catty. That day, they would have an income of ten thousand to twenty thousand. Although it was not as exaggerated as tens of thousands, it was enough to shock everyone.

So everyone in the whole village knew that Zhang Feng's family had made a fortune, some were happy about it, more people were envious, and a few people were envious.

It's a pity that none of this has anything to do with Zhang Feng. He just wants to live his life quietly and let his family live happily.


After lunch, as the weekend is coming to an end, the tourists at home also began to pack their bags and prepare to leave.

But the little girl has completely fallen in love with this place. She likes the two puppies here, Big Black and Little Black, and the two silly and cute dogs in the backyard, Big White and Little White.

"Mom, let's not go back, okay, I want to be with Dahei Xiaohei and Xiao Yangyang..." the little girl said with tears in her eyes when she knew she was about to leave.

"But you have to go to school tomorrow?" Jiajia's mother comforted her daughter with a funny smile.

"Then I'll go to school here, okay?"

"There is no school here, and mom and dad have to go back to work. If you stay here alone, who will take care of you?"

When the little girl heard that her parents were about to leave, she immediately became anxious. On one side were her parents and on the other side were cute little blacks. The little girl struggled and hesitated for a while,

In the end, it was Mom and Dad who promised that they would come here next week to see Big Black and Little Hei, so the little girl Jiajia reluctantly followed Mom and Dad and left here.

Another young couple, Zhang Xiaolong and Wang Jing, not only fell in love with the beauty of this place, fell in love with the mountains and rivers, but also fell in love with the wonderful food of Zhang Feng's family.

It's a pity that they have to go to work tomorrow, and the two still bid farewell, waved goodbye to this place, and bid farewell to the beautiful lake and mountains of Moon Lake.

(End of this chapter)

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