small farmer

Chapter 91 The Cat Comes

Chapter 91 The Cat Comes
time flies

In the blink of an eye, it's July [-]th
The national college entrance examination is finally over, and my younger sister Zhang Lin also returned home.

At noon, in order to reward Zhang Lin, Zhang Feng went to the kitchen and cooked a large table of delicious dishes.

Stewed chicken with mushrooms, braised fish, stir-fried eel, fried red mushrooms with green peppers, eggplant with minced meat, and a few stir-fried vegetables. There is a whole table of delicious food. Everyone’s appetite has greatly increased. They haven’t eaten at home for a week. Zhang Lin, the food is extraordinarily sweet, and feels very warm and satisfying.

It's a pity that the little greedy cat at home has returned to school and is undergoing intense review. There are still more than ten days before the senior high school entrance examination, so he was unable to participate in this family dinner.

However, Zhang Feng had already cooked a lot of delicious food for her yesterday. Before leaving, he took away a bottle of special chili sauce, as well as many delicious dishes like crispy fried fish, and even the pickles at home. Quite a few, she is simply a greedy little girl.


After lunch, Zhang Feng was lying in the shade of a tree, enjoying the breeze, sipping tea, and leisurely reading his favorite novel. At this moment, it suddenly became noisy outside.

So Zhang Feng stood up curiously, and then walked out of the courtyard to have a look. It turned out that the second uncle was selling watermelons by the lake, which caused tourists to rush to buy them first, so the outside became extremely lively.

It happened to be the time when watermelons were on the market, so there were a lot of tourists buying them. The second uncle specially prepared a large table and a few fruit knives for tourists to cut them on the spot.

In addition, what the second uncle sells is not expensive, one yuan and five catties, which is cheaper than in the supermarket, so it attracts many tourists, and even some tourists who drive by themselves buy five or six. The scene is very hot, no less than Zhang When Feng sells peaches.

Soon, the second uncle's pile of watermelons was almost sold out, only twenty or thirty crooked melons were left. When the tourists dispersed, Zhang Feng walked over;

"Second uncle's business is so good, it's almost sold out." Zhang Feng walked over to say hello.

"Yes, Xiaofeng is here to eat melons." The second uncle saw Zhang Feng and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Second Uncle, you can weigh me two." Zhang Feng quickly refused. Although he had been a melon-eating crowd for a long time, he couldn't just eat your old melons.

"What's the name? I didn't thank you well that day. You looked down on my watermelon, right?" Hearing that Zhang Feng didn't want it, the second uncle said with a straight face, a little unhappy.

"Where, I think you grow melons early in the morning, work so hard, how can a junior eat your watermelons for nothing." Zhang Feng quickly explained.

"Are we outsiders? Hurry up and take the two of us home." After hearing Zhang Feng's words, the second uncle's expression eased a little, and he said to Zhang Feng.

Seeing that Zhang Feng really couldn't hold back the old man, and his hospitality was hard to turn down, he had no choice but to thank the second uncle, and then went home with the two big watermelons he gave him.

"Where did Xiaofeng buy the two watermelons?" Seeing her son walking in with two big watermelons in her arms, Wang Guilan asked curiously.

"I didn't buy it, it was a gift from the second uncle." Zhang Feng replied with a slight smile.

"It's the same with your child, how can you want him from an old man?" The mother frowned, the second uncle is already in his seventies.

"I don't want it either, it's just that the old man is too enthusiastic..." Then Zhang Feng recounted the matter of catching the thief that day.

"That's fine, but you must pay attention to safety in the future. If you are not an acquaintance, it is best not to meddle in your own business." The mother nodded slightly, with a worried look on her face.

"Understood, Mom, I won't meddle in other people's business." Zhang Feng never thought that he was a good person, as long as he didn't become a bad person, so it all depends on his mood whether he wants to take care of something or not. Just have a clear conscience.

At this time, the sun was high and it was the hottest time of the day. The cicadas were chirping on the cypress tree, and the two puppies in the shade kept sticking their tongues out to drive away the heat from their bodies.

Zhang Feng cut a watermelon in half, wiped off the running juice, and then put it in the refrigerator to freeze. After about half an hour, the icy watermelon was finally ready to eat.

"Mom, sister ate watermelon"

"Little Lin...?"

"Understood, you put it there first, we will come right away."


Zhang Feng picked up a big piece, went to the yard, sat by the stone table, enjoyed the coolness under the scorching sun, took a bite of iced watermelon, ah, instantly felt as if he had arrived at the icy North Pole, and his whole body felt icy.

"Woof..." "Woof..." The two puppies lying at Zhang Feng's feet seemed to feel the coldness of the watermelon, so the smart little ones immediately stood up, yelled at Zhang Feng, and pointed at the watermelon in the owner's hand. Ice watermelon salivating.

"Da Hei Xiao Hei, do you want to eat too?"

"Wow woof... woof woof..." The two pups barked in response.

"Hehe, then go and get your food bowls." Zhang Feng said with a slight smile and gestures.

The two little guys were very smart. Seeing Zhang Feng's actions, they immediately ran to the door, and soon ran over with their food bowls in their mouths.

Zhang Feng divided a large piece into their food bowls, and the two little ones immediately stuck their heads in, and couldn't wait to eat them. Seeing them eating with gusto, Zhang Feng also smiled slightly.

After clearing the iced watermelon, my whole body felt much cooler. I lay in the shade of a tree and looked at the cloudless blue sky. The sky was high and the clouds were light, fresh and lofty.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." Zhang Feng lay on the chair and fell asleep in a daze, when suddenly the two puppies barked violently.

"What's the matter, big black and small black?" Zhang Feng got up quickly, thinking that a stranger had come, but it turned out that the two little guys were chasing the big black mouse on the chair.

"Could it be that the dog meddles in the mouse when I go here?" Zhang Feng was a little dazed seeing this scene. When will the dog catch the mouse?
It's a pity that the two puppies were still a little tender, and they were stunned by the mouse after three or two strokes. In the end, they could only watch the mouse get into the hole in the wall.

The two puppies didn't seem to want to give up yet, and kept guarding the burrow, barking non-stop, as if they wanted to sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit. Unfortunately, the mice are so smart, and they don't know which exit to escape from.

"Dahei, come here quickly, Xiaohei, can you catch mice like this?" Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile. The two puppies looked at the burrow hesitantly when they heard the owner's call, but they were obedient in the end. Running towards Zhang Feng.

"Hehe, catching mice is the job of cats, do you know? Your duty is to guard the house and keep the house from thieves, you know?" Zhang Feng fondled their little heads.

"Woooo..." The two little guys shook their heads for some unknown reason, and then lay obediently on the ground, letting their masters caress them.

"Xiaofeng, what did they call Dahei just now?" At this moment, the eldest sister came out and asked.

"It's funny to say, they were chasing the mouse just now, but unfortunately they didn't catch it..." Then Zhang Feng vividly described what happened just now.

"Hehe, Dahei and Xiaohei are so cute." Everyone thought it was very funny, but they didn't expect the two little guys to be so cute.

In rural areas, it is very common to have mice at home, because the corn in every household is almost hung on the beams of the house, so the mice have enough food, and when they are full, they can have more than a dozen litters of mice a year. It's not that the cats in the countryside are also flooded. It is estimated that the rats have rebelled long ago and ran to shit and pee on people's heads.

There are a lot of germs on mice. Zhang Feng hated this thing since he was a child, so Zhang Feng wondered where to get the cat back, catch the mice in the house, and make the house quieter.

So Zhang Feng walked to his second uncle's house.

"Where is Second Aunt at home? Second Uncle and the others haven't come back yet?" Zhang Feng knew that Second Uncle's family had three cats, and Second Aunt had always wanted to catch one as a gift. Unfortunately, almost every household in the countryside has this cat, and no one gave it away. Yes, no one cares about it in the city, so I can only keep it as it is, so Zhang Feng thought about coming over and asking for one.
"Not yet, maybe I won't be back until three or four o'clock, Xiaofeng, what are you doing here?" The second aunt was watching TV in the room, when she saw Zhang Feng coming, she hurriedly asked him to sit down.

"That's right, there are rats in the house, so..." Zhang Feng explained his intentions in the future, and the second aunt was very happy to grab a one-year-old cat and give it to him.

"Xiaofeng, you have to tie this cat at home and feed it for a few days. You can let it go after it gets used to the new environment and won't come back." Before leaving, the second aunt did not forget to teach Zhang Feng some domestication skills.

"I know, Second Aunt."

Zhang Feng hugged the cat and walked home. Although the method that the second aunt said was very effective, he had a better method. As long as he fed it Qiling pills, it would be able to take care of itself. Even if you drive it away by yourself, it will stay at home with a stern face and will not leave.

Because animals who take Qiling pills will naturally become extremely loyal to their owners.

PS: After reading it, please help me to save it, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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