small farmer

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

Chapter 86 Chicken Fly Dog Jump

arrive home,

Find a place where no one is,

Zhang Feng quietly gave the kitten Qiling pills, put it in a bamboo basket, and let it slowly transform in a lethargy.


"Da Hei Xiao Hei, where did you get my slippers?" Zhang Feng lay in the yard and rested for a while with his eyes closed. When he opened his eyes, he found that one of his slippers had disappeared.Zhang Feng knew it must be two little bastards who used his shoes as toys and didn't know where they got them.

"Woof..." Xiao Hei shook his head aggrievedly to express his ignorance, but Da Hei secretly glanced at his master, whining in a low voice as if he had no confidence.

"Dahei, it's you troublemaker again, hurry and find it for me." Zhang Feng laughed and cursed angrily, and then gestured to them. Although the puppies at home are smart, they can only understand some simple words. Commands, if you want them to understand more, you need not only words but also gestures.

"Woooo..." Dahei was scolded by his master, and immediately ran to the backyard dejectedly, and came back with a slipper in his mouth after a while.

"You guys, you made my slippers so dirty, they are covered with saliva, remember not to use my slippers as toys next time?" Zhang Feng picked up the slippers, and he could see the sticky saliva on them, and pointed Said with two puppies.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whom the two little ones seemed to know was wrong, and accepted the master's education with low eyebrows.

"Okay, okay, don't pretend to be pitiful, go play by yourself..." Zhang Feng waved away the two naughty puppies, and then took the slippers to the water pipe to rinse.


After sending away the two naughty ghosts, Zhang Feng came under the big cypress tree to see how Xiaoba's foreign language learning was going.

"Hello, hello..." Zhang Feng teased Xiaoba and said.

"Hello, little bird...Hello, little bird..." Xiao Ba tilted his head and said to his master.

"I'll go, you silly bird, is your master a human or a bird?" Zhang Feng was speechless for a moment.

"Hello, little bird... hello little bird..." Xiaoba only knows these two words now, like a repeater, repeating them non-stop, as if learning a crazy foreign language with Teacher Li Yang.

"Oh, it's another dumb bird." Zhang Feng shook his head. It seems that it is really not that easy for birds to learn human language. Learn these two words.

Then Xiaoba seemed to become manic, jumping up and down in the cage non-stop, and then Zhang Feng released it, thinking it would not fly away, because as long as he took the Qiling Pill, he would automatically recognize himself as host.

As soon as Zhang Feng opened the cage, the little mynah flew out excitedly. Since Xiao Fei was not high enough, he could only jump up and down in the yard.

About ten minutes later, the little guy seemed to be tired from jumping, his eyes rolled around, and suddenly he stopped when he saw Dahei and Xiaohei, then flapped his wings, and flew to Daheitou.

A bird suddenly flew over his head, Dahei was startled, barked in fright, and ran away uneasy.

"Hello, hello... little bird... little bird..." Seeing Wang Wang being teased by him, Xiao Ba seemed very excited, and kept yelling.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." Dahei managed to shake off the things on his head, looked around in shock, and found that it was a stupid bird that frightened him. Suddenly Dahei became angry, bared his teeth, and desperately looked at Xiaoba. pounce.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." At this time, the good brother Xiao Hei also came to help out, and the two dogs flanked the silly bird who was playing tricks on them, as if they wanted to tear the silly bird to pieces.

Zhang Feng shook his head amusedly, knowing that the two puppies would definitely be in vain. The silly bird can fly with wings. Although it doesn't fly very high, it is still easy to get rid of the two puppies.

Sure enough, before the two puppies came to the front, Sha Niao took a step to "fly away", and the two puppies could only stare at Sha Niao above their heads.

The silly bird seemed to be intimidated by the aura of the two puppies, and it didn't dare to come down. Unfortunately, it didn't stop in the sky for a long time, and it didn't fly far, so it soon fell to the ground again.

However, the two puppies still didn't give up. When Xiao Bayi stopped on the ground, they rushed over desperately, but unfortunately they missed again and were easily escaped by the silly bird.

The chase in the yard was overjoyed, and it finally ended with Xiaoba's victory. The two puppies were lying on the ground tired and panting, so they had no choice but to give up.

"Hello, little bird...Hello, little bird..." Xiao Ba seemed to be addicted to playing, and flew to the top of the puppy again to chirp provocatively.

It's a pity that Dahei and Xiaohei were exhausted, and they lay motionless on the ground with their heads drooping, as if they were saying that we can't afford to mess with the head office.

"Xiao Ba, come here quickly, if you are naughty again, I will put you in a cage!!" Zhang Feng pointed at Xiao Ba and then pointed to the cage, threatening Xiao Ba.

Xiaoba seemed to understand what his master said, and flew up in a flash, as if he wanted to run away from home, and finally fled to the big cypress tree, looking nervously at his master under the tree, worried about being locked in a cage again.


Four p.m
The weather is no longer so hot
Zhang Feng carried a bag of super chemical fertilizers and two fishing cages in his hands, and walked to the paddy field, preparing to fertilize the rice in the paddy field while the weather was not so hot in the afternoon.

The paddy field of Zhang Feng’s family is just downstream of Moon Lake. It is an endless field. In summer, the field is green. From a distance, it looks like a green carpet. The breeze blows gently, setting off waves of green. The waves are refreshing and refreshing.

Zhang Feng's paddy fields are not many, only about two acres, but fortunately they are all on the side of the road, very convenient, when they get close, the paddy fields suddenly become lively, and countless frogs seem to be able to separate themselves, surrounding themselves in all directions Frogs croaked.

Then Zhang Feng found that the rice in the rice field had already bloomed, and small white flowers were hanging on the ears of rice. When the breeze blew gently, a faint fragrance of rice came to his face.

Seeing such a beautiful scene of rice fields, Zhang Feng thought of a song "Moon on the West River - Walking in the Yellow Sand Road at Night" by Xin Qiji, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Mingyue don't startle, the breeze blares at midnight.

In the fragrance of rice flowers, it is said that the year is good, and listen to the sound of the frog.

Seven or eight stars outside, two or three points in front of the rain mountain.

At the edge of the forest in Maodian Society in the old days, when the road turned to the bridge, it suddenly appeared
It is a pity that it is daytime at this time. If it is night, the scenery in the field will probably be as beautiful as the poet described, so Zhang Feng suddenly had an idea in his heart - come here at night to watch the scenery of the field.

Taking a deep breath, looking at such a beautiful rice field scene, Zhang Feng suddenly felt energetic and full of strength, so Zhang Feng put the basket on the edge of the field, ready to start working.

However, before working, Zhang Feng put two ground cages in the paddy field to catch free-range carp in the paddy field.

However, in order to catch fish faster, Zhang Feng also put some bait in it. I believe that the fish in the rice fields will like it very much and will definitely throw themselves into the trap.

After arranging everything, Zhang Feng opened the super chemical fertilizer, scooped it out with a dry water basin, and then grabbed the chemical fertilizer and sprinkled it into the rice field.

I saw Zhang Feng swaying freely and gracefully, like a goddess scattering flowers, spreading the chemical fertilizer in his hand evenly in the rice field. Only in this way can the rice in the rice field absorb the nutrients in the chemical fertilizer and grow better.

This is the little trick of fertilization, but it is not as easy as it looks to spread it evenly. It needs constant practice, so that practice makes perfect, and finally grasp the strength of fertilization.

About an hour later, Zhang Feng finally fertilized his own rice, and the chemical fertilizer he brought had just been used up. Zhang Feng packed his things, and then began to check the previously arranged ground cages to see if there were any fish in them.

"Not bad, not bad, there are actually three." Zhang Feng picked up the first cage, and found that there were three carps over 20 centimeters in it. With the harvest, Zhang Feng happily walked to the next cage, "Hey! It’s not bad, there are actually two of them.”

Zhang Feng was very happy. He put all five carp into a cage, then carried the ground cage and a basket on his back, and happily walked home.

PS: Please recommend and reward for favorites, please help after reading it, thank you everyone.The past two days have been bothering me with a cold, and I will update it appropriately when I get better. I hope you can support me a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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