small farmer

Chapter 93 Fishing in Paddy Fields

Chapter 93 Fishing in Paddy Fields

"Xiaofeng, where are you going to go fishing?" Zhang Feng was walking, and villagers and tourists he knew kept asking him.

"It was caught in the rice field." Zhang Feng responded with a smile.

"Hey, they're all carp. How about Xiaofeng selling me two?" The carp in the rice field is fresh and tender, with a light fishy smell. Tourists who are delicious can't help but ask Zhang Feng.

"Whatever you sell, grab two if you want." This tourist often buys his own things and is considered a regular customer, so Zhang Feng said generously.

"Thank you so much, but I don't want money if you don't want it." The tourist happily caught two fish, and finally gave Zhang Feng 20 yuan.

Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile. He originally wanted to give it to others, but he didn’t expect it to be taken advantage of. Acquaintance, please make it up to him next time you have a chance.

Carrying the remaining small fish, Zhang Feng continued to walk home, attracting the attention of many tourists along the way. Everyone thought that fishing in rice fields was cool and very curious.

"Xiaofeng is back, is the rice in the field blooming?" The mother was setting up a stall in front of the gate, and when she saw her son coming back, she immediately asked with concern. People depend on food, and for farmers, the crops in the field are theirs. This is especially true for people like Wang Guilan who have gone hungry in special times.

"It's opened, and the ears of rice are growing well." Zhang Feng said to his mother with a smile.

"That's good, this is our family's one-year ration." Hearing what her son said, Wang Guilan smiled.


As soon as Zhang Feng walked into the yard, he saw Xiaoba bullying the two puppies again. The little thing stood on the big black head and jumped up and down for a while. Naughty silly bird.

As for Xiao Hei and Da Hei, it seems that they have been fully appointed, no matter how much Xiao Ba makes trouble, they are very ignorant, and they have practiced Kamehae Qigong, completely ignoring Xiao Ba's provocation.

Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head. The two puppies are still very smart, and it is useless to know how to resist. As long as they pretend to be cowardly for a while, Xiaoba will feel boring after playing enough, and will naturally let them go.

So Zhang Feng didn't bother with a few small things, first put the fish basket on the threshold, and then put the back basket into the utility room.

"Brother is back, ah! How many carp did you catch?" Seeing the fish basket, Zhang Lin quickly took out the vegetable basin from the kitchen and poured the carp inside into the basin.

"It's back! You carry them to the water pipe, and I'll come and kill them right away." Zhang Feng walked into the room and said while changing his shoes.

"Understood bro..."

Knowing that the elder brother was going to kill the fish, Zhang Lin also squatted by the side and watched.

Zhang Feng picked up a kitchen knife and slapped a carp to death in two or three strokes, then scraped off the fish scales, opened its intestines, and removed its internal organs.

"Meow... Meow..." At some point, the kitten at home also woke up, asked fishy, ​​and walked towards Zhang Feng.

"Hehe, little cat, do you want to eat it? Wait first..." Zhang Feng asked the kitten softly with a smile, and then said to Zhang Lin, "Xiaolin, go and get it a clay bowl."

"Understood brother." Zhang Lin hurried back to get a bowl for it, and soon Zhang Lin came out with an unglazed clay bowl. This kind of bowl should be regarded as an antique at home, and it was used in the last century. Everyone uses better flower bowls, so these earthen bowls are put in the corner and no one cares about them.

Afterwards, Zhang Feng threw all the cleaned internal organs to the kitten. Seeing that it was eating with gusto, Zhang Feng smiled slightly and continued with his work.

"Wow woof... woof woof" The two puppies seemed to smell the smell of meat, and ran towards this side with the food bowl in their mouths, and then stared closely at the carp in Zhang Feng's hand.

"What's the matter? Do you want to eat too?" "Wow... woof..." The two puppies barked in response.

"Dahei and Xiaohei are so smart." Zhang Lin thought they were very cute when they saw their own rice bowls.

Then Zhang Feng distributed some edible internal organs to the two puppies, "Okay, no more, eat less raw meat, or you will easily get sick, you know?" Looking at Zhang Feng while licking his mouth.

"Woooooo..." The two puppies rushed over to show off their cuteness to their master.

"It's useless to be cute, go, hurry up and play." Zhang Feng pushed the two puppies away, with a fishy smell on his face.

After dismissing the two puppies, Zhang Feng washed his hands and said to his sister, "Zhang Lin, put the carp in the refrigerator, we will cook fish in braised sauce later."

"Got it..." Zhang Lin carried the carp and walked home.

Afterwards, Zhang Feng went to the vegetable garden in the backyard, pulled out two pieces of ginger, picked some chili peppers, garlic sprouts and shallots and other condiments, and prepared to make braised fish later.


After dinner, Zhang Feng took the two puppies for a walk by the lake, and the little starling followed everyone cheekily, calling 'Hello... little bird' while flying.

Zhang Feng walked in front, and two puppies were escorting him on the left and right sides, just like Zhang Feng's loyal guards. As for Xiao Ba, he flew to the top of the puppy's head, and flew to Zhang Feng's shoulder for a while, talking non-stop speak a 'foreign language'.

"Ah! Crazy brother, your bird can talk?" Halfway across the road, I met a little duck and a few monkeys with big hair. I don't know where to go wild, and asked in surprise when I saw the little mynah.

"Hahaha... Xiaofeng, your bird can still talk?" At this time, a tourist he knew said with a big smile.

Zhang Feng couldn't laugh or cry at once. The tourist looked like a filthy demon king, and he wasn't afraid to teach the children badly, so Zhang Feng quickly changed the subject: "Ducklings, why don't you go home quickly, your father just told you to go home for dinner."

"And you too, Da Mao, what time is it now..." Zhang Feng said, turning to Da Mao and the others.

"Understood, madman brother, we are going back to eat." The little ones replied.

"Goodbye madman..."


Saying goodbye to the group of leather monkeys, Zhang Feng continued to take a leisurely walk along the sightseeing path by the lake, with two puppies by his side and a silly bird on his shoulder, which made Zhang Feng feel awkward, as if I have become a playboy, who only knows how to walk dogs and birds,

There is no Su Shi's atmosphere of holding the yellow on the left, Qingcang on the right, brocade hat and sable fur, and thousands of riders rolling Hiraoka.

Think about how great the poets in ancient times were. They were able to write a simple and ordinary thing with such grandeur and grandeur, as if overwhelming mountains and seas.

The power of knowledge is very powerful, just like in the movie "Tang Bohu Spots the Autumn Fragrance", Zhu Zhishan's "Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix" is a chicken pecking at rice, while Tang Bohu's "Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix" spreads its wings in the air, majestic and majestic. This is the embodiment of the power of knowledge.

That's why people often say that "a person's temperament is full of poetry and calligraphy." A person's temperament is combined with knowledge, just like a vulgar person, how can it be impossible to pretend to be a great talent? Dong Shi's imitation is like a frown, which only adds to the joke.

As the sky gradually dimmed, Moon Lake also became quieter. On the willow trees by the lake, birds returned to their nests one after another, chirping very lively.There are also frogs in the lake and crickets in the grass. Their calls are like a harmony of nature, adding a lot of vitality to the quiet Moon Lake.

ps: The collection is getting less and less, everyone will help to collect it after reading it, Renmao is very grateful, and at the same time thank the book friend 'Xiangzi Zipei' for the reward, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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