small farmer

Chapter 94

Chapter 94
Chapter 88 Catching the Cicada Monkey

time flies by

In a blink of an eye, three or four days passed.

The peaches in the orchard are almost sold out, the busy days are finally over, and Zhang Feng has more free time.

After dinner, Zhang Feng was still lying in the yard reading novels...

"Oh! Why is it gone again, the author doesn't add a few more chapters..." After reading today's update in a few seconds, Zhang Feng shook his head and sighed, the days of book shortage are really hard.

The bored Zhang Feng had no choice but to check the news. As long as there is an Internet, a scholar can know the world without going out. Zhang Feng also has to lament that life in this era is convenient. Even in remote rural areas, he can still keep abreast of the development and changes of the world.

"Huh!" Zhang Feng suddenly discovered an interesting piece of news: "Thousands of mountain people in a certain place catch cicadas at night, and they can catch tens of millions of them in one month."

"I'll go, catch so many in a month, won't the species become extinct?" Zhang Feng marveled, and at the same time wondered why these people caught so many cicadas for medicine?

So Zhang Feng clicked in and took a look. After reading it, he suddenly realized that the cicada larva, also known as the cicada monkey, is also a very delicious game. It is rich in protein and has an incomparably delicious taste. It is a special delicacy in many places.

And the production method of cicada monkey is very simple, just wash it, and then fry it with vegetable oil, wow!The chicken tastes crunchy!Incredibly delicious.

Seeing the description above, Zhang Feng couldn't help swallowing. "It seems that there are such things in the orchard." Suddenly Zhang Feng's eyes lit up. He happened to see them in his own orchard two days ago, and there were quite a few of them, on every orange tree.It is often seen even on the willow trees by the Moon Lake.

People depend on food, and it is everyone's nature to be greedy. Zhang Feng is no exception. Knowing that this food is also a kind of delicacy, he couldn't sit still. He immediately got up and prepared the tools according to the method in the article.

Cicada larvae originally lived in the burrows under the trees and fed on the sap in the roots of the trees. In June and July every year, they would take advantage of the darkness to climb out of the burrows and prepare to climb onto the trees. Spread your wings and fly high.

However, the larvae at this time are very slow and cannot fly yet, so it is the easiest time to catch.

So Zhang Feng prepared a flashlight and a small bucket, called Zhang Yi and Zhang Lin, and walked towards Moon Lake.

"Brother, can cicada monkeys really be eaten?" Zhang Yi was a little skeptical, cicada looked weird, and felt a little uneasy.

"Why not? If you don't believe me, I'll search the Internet for you to read." Then Zhang Feng turned on the traffic, and there were countless news about Cicada Monkey after searching.

"See? Cicada monkeys are eaten in so many places." Zhang Feng handed over the news above for Zhang Yi and Zhang Lin to read.

"Wow! A cicada monkey can be sold for one yuan, so if we catch hundreds of them every day, wouldn't it be hundreds of dollars?" Zhang Yi's eyes lit up when he saw the above information, and Zhang Lin also widened his eyes in surprise. I closed my eyes and wondered if I could also catch cicada monkeys for pocket money.

"Hehe, I think you are thinking too much, how can there be so many cicada monkeys in our village for you to catch?" Seeing the expressions of the two, Zhang Feng knew what they were thinking, but not all cicadas in every place There are so many monkeys.

The growth environment of cicadas is very unique, not all trees have so many, because cicada monkeys like the sap of trees, so they generally live on trees rich in sap.

"Hey! Why are there so many in other places, tens of thousands of them can be caught in one night?" Zhang Yi said with a regretful expression.

"Don't think too much. They can catch tens of thousands of them in one night. That's the harvest of hundreds of people. The average distribution is only more than 100 per person, and they can earn about [-] yuan a day." Zhang Feng Said with a slight smile.

"It's not bad to have 100 yuan!" sister Zhang Lin said excitedly.

"Hehe, then who are you going to sell to after catching it? There needs to be a market, so someone dares to eat it." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Oh! It's true." Zhang Lin sighed, her money-making plan was shattered.

After that, everyone stopped discussing the matter of catching cicada monkeys to make money, and each of them carried the small bucket and walked towards the lake with a flashlight.

The larvae of cicadas all live in the soil, they will pierce and suck the sap from the roots of plants, weaken the tree vigor, make the branches die, and affect the growth of trees.

Only when they are about to emerge, they will drill out of the soil surface at dusk or at night, climb to the tree, then grasp the bark, and molt to emerge.

"Look carefully, they may be on willow trees, or they may be in underground caves." When they came to the lake, Zhang Feng told them while searching.

"Ah, brother, look that I caught one..." Soon the little girl shouted happily to Zhang Feng.

"Hey! Not bad, it's this thing, you all look carefully, there must be some around here." Zhang Feng was also very happy when he saw it. It seems that today's trip will not be in vain.

So the three of them started looking for it with great interest, and as expected, there were not many cicada monkeys around here, and everyone got harvest one after another.

After finding the cicada monkey, everyone was very excited and encouraged, and then continued to search. The three of them happily searched under the tree just like playing treasure games when they were young.

Maybe cicadas prefer willow sap, almost every tree can be harvested, and sometimes there can be three or five on a tree.

When the three walked around Moon Lake and found all the poplars by the lake, more than an hour had passed. At this time, there were dozens or hundreds of clematis in each person's bucket.

"Go! Xiaolin, Xiaoyi, let's go home!"

"Brother, let's not look for it anymore?" Zhang Yi was still not satisfied, and Zhang Lin also looked at Zhang Feng expectantly, hoping to play for a while.

"Hehe, we've already turned around, where else can we find it?" The two of them seemed to be too involved, and they forgot that everyone had returned to the original point.

"Ah, I found it so quickly." The two said in surprise after looking around.

"Okay, let's go home quickly and see if Zhizhi asked if it's as good as it says on the Internet."

"Yes, let's go, let's go back and try." When it comes to eating, Zhang Yi can't wait.


When the three of you get home

It's 08:30 PM

There are few moon stars in the sky, and the bright moonlight sprinkles the earth. The whole Moon Lake seems to be covered with a layer of white gauze, which is dreamlike and very beautiful.

When he got home, Zhang Feng began to clean the cicada monkeys. Because they live in the mud, their whole bodies are like mud monkeys, so they need to be cleaned carefully. Only by washing off all the mud and sand on their bodies, will they not taste bad. Crackling teeth.

After cleaning it five times, he finally cleaned the cicada monkey quickly. Then Zhang Feng lit a big fire and poured a catty or two of cooking oil into the pot. in a frying pan.

Immediately, there was a rushing sound in the hot oil pan, and a strong smell of meat permeated the entire kitchen, making everyone salivate.

Although Zhang Feng fried the cicada monkey for the first time, he still has a good grasp of the heat. After about five or six minutes, the cicada monkey in the oil pan was fried brown.

"Zhang Lin, have you tried frying it yet?" Zhang Feng took one and handed it to his sister.

Click!My sister took a bite, and it was immediately crispy and delicious, full of fragrance. "Well, it's delicious."

"Let me try it too." Zhang Yi said impatiently, and Zhang Feng smiled and picked one up for him.

"Okay?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile when he saw the two of them.

"Okay, okay, it's really delicious." Zhang Yi said impatiently.

After frying, Zhang Feng immediately turned off the fire in the stove sugar, and then scooped up the fried golden cicada monkey with a colander.

He carried a large bowl of delicious food to the main room, "Mom, eldest sister, how about coming over to taste the cicada monkey?"

As soon as the fried golden cicada monkey enters the mouth, the chicken tastes crunchy, crispy and delicious, with a rich aroma, and the rich meat aroma is fascinating.

"Well, it's delicious. I didn't know this thing could be eaten before."

"I didn't expect such a humble thing to taste so good"

After tasting it, everyone applauded. They didn't expect that cicada monkeys could make such a delicacy.

In the countryside, everyone has eaten grasshoppers, bee eggs, etc., so there is no taboo, and they are not afraid of these things at all. Everyone eats them with relish, calling them delicious.

Soon, a big bowl of cicada monkeys was wiped out by everyone. After eating, Zhang Yi still yelled that he would go there tomorrow. It seemed that he could never get enough of such delicious food, and he would never get tired of eating it.

PS: After reading it, please help me save it, thank you all, and at the same time thank the two book friends 'Fat Brother who Loves Reading' and 'Xing Chen Cang Yu' for their rewards, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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