small farmer

Chapter 95 Viewing the System

Chapter 95 Viewing the System
Quiet at night
Zhang Feng stood alone in front of the window, looking at the beautiful starry sky.

The sky is full of stars, and the bright moonlight sprinkles the earth, rendering the whole world into a silver-white world, just like the legendary fairyland, beautiful, poetic and picturesque, so beautiful that it cannot be described in words.

Looking at the ethereal night sky and the vast sea of ​​stars, Zhang Feng felt that his soul had been washed and sublimated, and he was as graceful as a fairy, as if he had merged with the whole world.

Think about how it has been three years since I graduated from college and returned home. During these three years, I have achieved nothing and become decadent. Fortunately, God gave me a chance to get the system and completely change my life.

Suddenly Zhang Feng thought of the system that he hadn't used for a long time, lying on the bed, closing his eyes, Zhang Feng began to check the latest changes in the system.

Host: Zhang Feng

Strength 25 (+16+5)

Speed ​​21 (+13+2)

Reaction 22 (+10+3)

Stamina 21 (+14+4)

Flexibility 20 (+10+6)

Spirit 19 (+11+1)

(Note: The average level for adults is 10)

"Not bad, not bad. All the physical statistics have improved. It seems that gymnastics is very effective." After reading the personal attributes, Zhang Feng was overjoyed. He didn't expect that he hadn't checked it for a few days, and his physical fitness was fully improved. Orientation improvement.

Points: 7650 (Note: Points can be used to purchase various products in the system mall, and one hundred points can be used for one lucky draw.)
Number of draws: 1
Skills: primary hunting skills, primary cooking skills, primary calligraphy and painting skills, primary brewing skills.

Possessed items: Rihua Auxin 3, Yuehua Auxin 2.

Unfinished tasks:
Side quest——become a millionaire, the mission is for one year, 500 points will be rewarded for completing the mission, a chance to draw a lottery, and [-] points will be deducted if the mission fails.

(Systematic evaluation: The host's combat power is underground, and the lazy cancer has been successfully cured. I hope the host will continue to work hard. It will become a strong, hardworking, and positive new farmer of the era as soon as possible.)
"There is still a chance to draw a lottery, so just use it up." Zhang Feng thought for a while, "The system will start a lottery draw."

"Okay, host, please wait a moment." Soon the familiar lottery roulette reappeared in the system. As soon as Zhang Feng pressed the start button, the pointer on the roulette began to spin rapidly.

"Stop!" Following Zhang Feng's order, the pointer slowly stopped.

"I'll go, ten bags of super fertilizer, it seems to be only fifty points." Zhang Feng shook his head, this time the lottery was lost again.


Afterwards, Zhang Feng opened the system mall, ready to see if there was anything to exchange.

Super fertilizer 5 points/bag (50 kg)

Super pesticide 5 points/bottle (100ML)

Yuxiang rice seeds 10 points/kg
Fruity fragrance potion 10 points/bottle

Super weeding goat 50 points/only

Rihua growth hormone 50 points
Yuehua growth hormone 100 points
No.30 Eight sets of gymnastics 100 points
150 points for a serving of Enlightenment
Primary genetic liquid 500 points
Primary driving skills 500 points
Primary calligraphy and painting skills 500 points
Foreign language proficiency skills 800 points
Primary hunting skill 800 points
800 points for primary culinary skills
Primary engraving skill 800 points
1000 points for primary brewing skills
Primary skills education card 1000 points
(Note: 100RMB can be exchanged for 1 point.)
"The system will exchange for a basic driving skill for me." Zhang Feng is going to buy a car, which will be convenient for travel, so now is a good time to exchange for a basic driving skill.

"Okay, host, please wait a moment." A few seconds later, the system prompts again "Skill exchange is successful, may the host use it now?"

"Use it immediately." Zhang Feng held his breath, concentrating on preparing to receive the skill transmission.

"Okay, host, please wait a moment..."

As the mechanical sound of the system fell, strange memories appeared in Zhang Feng's mind, including the driving experience of various cars, trucks, and buses. I have to feel that the technology produced by the system is good.

After receiving the basic driving skills, Zhang Feng was also a little dizzy. He fell asleep in bed and fell asleep until dawn.


Hear the crowing of the cock and see the rising sun

As soon as the sky was shining, the roosters in the village were crowing, and the eastern sky was getting brighter and brighter. The sun was about to come out of the mountains and illuminate the whole world.

Zhang Feng also slowly opened his eyes, looked at the cloudless sky outside the window, shook his head, it was another sunny day, it seemed that the recent mushroom business could not be done.

Zhang Feng didn't have a lazy bed, so he got up without hesitation, got dressed, and after washing, Zhang Feng started to exercise every day, that is, to practice gymnastics once.

"Hey, Xiaofeng, are you practicing your Sunflower Collection again?" Seeing Zhang Feng practicing these strange movements in the yard again, Uncle Er Niu laughed and teased outside the gate.

"Fuck off, buddy, this is Shaolin's "Yi Jin Jing", okay?" Zhang Feng replied angrily.

"Okay, hurry up and practice your "Yi Jin Jing", and be careful that one day you will go crazy." Uncle Er Niu smiled, and walked up the mountain leading his family's scalper.

Zhang Feng shook his head helplessly, and continued his practice. Although gymnastics is just a commodity in the central universe, it is simply a peerless magic skill for him. It hasn't been long since he persisted in practicing, and his physical fitness has improved a lot. It's great, it tastes delicious, and my physical condition is better than ever.

After breakfast, Zhang Feng walked to the orchard with his load. There were still many late-ripening peaches in the orchard, and he should be able to pick out more than 100 catties of ripe peaches today.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." The two puppies chased after their master when they saw their master going out.

"What's the matter, you want to go too?" Zhang Feng turned his head and saw the two puppies, "It's okay to go, but you can't run around, you know?"

"Woof..." Although they didn't know what the owner said, the two puppies barked as if something happened, as if they were responding to the owner.

"Okay, follow me closely..." Then Zhang Feng walked up the mountain with two cute puppies.

As we walked, the mountain road became more and more rugged, and the two puppies became more and more strenuous, and finally they couldn't keep up with Zhang Feng's footsteps.

"Woof... woof..." Zhang Feng, who was walking ahead suddenly, stopped when he heard the anxious barking of the two puppies. Looking back, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing.

It turned out that there was a higher ridge there. The two little guys climbed and climbed with short legs, but they couldn't climb up and keep up with Zhang Feng, so they cried anxiously.

"Haha, I'll help you right away." Zhang Feng looked at the two chubby little guys, put down the pick, and carried the two puppies up.

Since the mountain road behind was not so easy to walk, Zhang Feng simply put them in his basket, one on each side, like carrying two fat babies, and then Zhang Feng continued to walk towards the orchard.

The two little guys sat in the bamboo basket, wobbling nervously, whining nervously, as if they were afraid of heights.

"Hey, Xiaofeng brought your two little ancestors here." Uncle Er Niu joked on the side of the road.

"Fuck you, isn't my ancestor also your ancestor?" Zhang Feng counterattacked mercilessly.

"Hehe, how's it going? Do you need help today?" Uncle Er Niu stopped joking and said seriously.

"No, there is not much today, I can handle it by myself." Zhang Feng refused Uncle Er Niu's help, the two chatted for a few more words, and then parted ways, Zhang Feng continued to walk into the orchard.

There were not many peaches in Zhang Feng's orchard, but in about an hour, Zhang Feng picked all the ripe peaches, and then returned home with two puppies.

Zhang Feng's "Moon Lake Immortal Peach" has already gained a good reputation and won the favor of many tourists, so when Zhang Feng's peaches arrived at the door, they were sold out by the tourists who heard the news, and it was very popular.

"Sister, have all the vegetables been taken away?" Zhang Feng asked the eldest sister when he saw the broken vegetable leaves on the ground.

"Xiao Wang just took it away, and sold it for more than 600 yuan today." The eldest sister is also very happy. The family can earn nearly [-] yuan a month just by selling vegetables.

Today's tasks were all completed. Zhang Feng put down his burden, took a shower in the bathroom, and lay leisurely in the yard again, admiring the wild flowers in the yard and the colorful butterflies in the flowers.

PS: Please recommend for favorites, please help after reading it.

(End of this chapter)

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