small farmer

Chapter 96

Chapter 96
the next two days

Zhang Feng’s family’s peaches are all sold out. Zhang Feng made a preliminary estimate that the income should be around [-] yuan.

Therefore, the whole family was very happy, and specially invited Zhang Yi and Niu Ershu's family to have a big meal to celebrate this year's harvest.

The peaches at home have been sold out, but the plums in the orchard are not yet ripe. It is estimated that there are still about ten days left, so these days, Zhang Feng has started to have a leisurely time again.


After dinner, Zhang Feng came to the yard with the carving tools and continued to practice his carving skills. Zhang Feng planned to carve all the animals in the house and put them at home. It would definitely be very interesting.

Since Big Black, Little Black, and Little Ba have already been carved, so Zhang Feng plans to carve two silly and cute big white and little white this time, as well as the new member of the family, Xiao Miao.

Zhang Feng quickly found three suitable sections of Chinese fir. After some ideas, Zhang Feng started to do it. Because he had several experiences, Zhang Feng was much more proficient in the technique. Zhang Feng was holding a carving knife in his hand. , the blade flipped, sawdust flew, and soon a goat's head appeared on the wood.

Zhang Feng's engraving skills have already entered the room, with a strong wrist and a blade that does not stop, he outlines smooth lines with one knife, and portrays a lifelike image of a goat.

Soon, a cute wood carving of a goat took shape. Zhang Feng trimmed it carefully, nodded in satisfaction, and continued with his carving.

Zhang Feng, immersed in the sculpture, seems to have forgotten everything about the outside world, unaware that a great change is coming.

At this moment, a dark cloud floated from the sky, following the southeast wind, slowly drifting towards the northwest, this dark cloud was like a leading wild goose, followed by groups of large and small black clouds, they floated In the blue sky, like the moving islands in the sea, drifting with the current.

Soon, the entire sky was covered with dark clouds, and the air seemed to become heavy. The black clouds were overwhelming the city, and a storm was about to come.

"Wow..." Dahei Xiaohei, seeing the dark clouds in the sky, cried eagerly and arched his head against his master's arm.

"Huh? What's wrong with Big Black and Little Black?" Zhang Feng was immersed in the world of sculpture, and after feeling the movements of the two puppies, he turned around and asked.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." Dahei Xiaohei raised his head to look at the sky, then looked at his master and cried.

After being reminded by Dahei, Zhang Feng finally noticed the change in the weather, so he rubbed Dahei Xiaohei's head happily, and said with a smile: "Haha... Dahei Xiaohei is so good, thank you for your reminder, I will reward you with a bone later."

"Hehe, Dahei and Xiaohei are really smart. I was about to wake you up, but I didn't expect them to chase you away." The mother said to her son with a smile while washing the clothes. She didn't expect the two puppies would be so smart.

"Wow..." Hearing Zhang's mother's praise, Da Hei and Xiao Hei squinted their eyes and wagged their tails at Zhang Feng, like a child wanting an adult's praise, very cute.

Seeing Dahei's recent performance, Zhang Feng also had to marvel at the power of the system. There is such a magical potion as Enlightenment Liquid, and even wolf dogs can be transformed so smart. Zhang Feng estimates that their IQ is no longer Children under the age of three or four.

Moreover, as they continue to grow and learn, their intelligence will definitely improve greatly. According to the introduction of the system, they may eventually have the intelligence of a seven or eight-year-old child, so it is certain that they will become more and more intelligent. clever.

At this moment, the sky was full of wind and clouds, and the wind suddenly picked up.

The trees in the yard were rattled by the blowing, and the flowers and plants under the wall were also blown to this side, which was horrible.

The wind was getting stronger and faster, blowing up the fallen leaves and dust on the ground and sucking them into the sky, causing the yard to become a mess.

The dark clouds in the sky are also dancing with the strong wind, like a dragon in the deep sea, overturning the river and the sea, exuding an icy cold light in the afterglow of the setting sun, baring its teeth and claws, as if to tear the whole world apart.

Gradually, the entire sky has become completely dark. The dark clouds in the sky are like a huge black curtain, covering the entire sky.

Seeing the changes in the sky, the people on the ground were suddenly overjoyed and excited. The recent continuous sunny days and little rain made everyone miserable. The mushrooms in the forest did not grow, and everyone had no income.
So when everyone saw the black clouds all over the sky, instead of worrying, they wept with joy. The long-awaited heavy rain was finally coming.

"Haha, my's going to's raining..." The old man who was smoking a pipe excitedly put down the big pipe, and hurriedly shouted to his wife.

"Dangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdang it's raining, let's go home and collect the clothes..." The excited bear children knocked on the tiles and yelled to vent their joy.

"Why is it going to rain?" The people who received the news looked out one after another, seeing the dark clouds all over the sky, everyone was overjoyed and excited.

"Hahaha, it's going to rain, it's finally going to rain..." The second uncle who was watering vegetables in the vegetable garden saw the change in the sky, his whole body trembled with excitement, and he didn't even notice that the water scoop fell to the ground.

Soon, bean-sized raindrops fell from the sky, like dense bullets, hitting the ground, forming circular 'craters' one after another.

"Dahei and Xiaohei hurry up, it's raining." Zhang Feng quickly put away his tools, and called Dahei to run quickly into the house. Dahei and Xiaohei also tucked their tails, and hurriedly followed behind Zhang Feng. He ran into the house, extremely fast.

Seeing the dark clouds outside and the dense raindrops falling like thousands of arrows, Zhang Feng was also very happy. It was really a timely rain.

Sure enough, the rain was getting heavier and heavier. The originally sparse raindrops suddenly became denser and instantly turned into a downpour. The pouring rain flew down from the thick clouds, like a silver-white waterfall of the Milky Way. Hanging above the Tianhe River, the rushing rainwater flows straight down from the Tianhe River, majestic, magnificent and unstoppable.

"Hahaha...Okay, it's going well...With this heavy rain, the fruits in our orchard don't have to worry." Seeing the torrential rain outside the house, my mother was very excited. After ten consecutive days of drought, if If there is no more rain, the fruits in the orchard will definitely be affected, and the production may be reduced or even lost.

"Yeah, with this heavy rain, it's enough to water the land on the ground." Seeing the heavy rain outside the window, the fruit trees in the orchard were supplemented by the rain in time, and it would definitely not affect the growth of the fruit, and they could even grow better.

The heavy rain lasted for about two hours, and the rainfall reached [-] to [-] millimeters. The ground outside the house was full of rainwater, and the dry land was fully watered. A heavy rain that arrived in time successfully alleviated the drought. Let everyone finally let go of their worries.

"Xiaofeng, the rain has stopped. Hurry up and clear the ditch outside the door." Seeing that the yard was full of water, Wang Guilan shouted to Zhang Feng.

"Understood, Mom!" Zhang Feng hurriedly took a hoe, put on his slippers, and walked into the yard.Because of the violent storm just now, a lot of garbage was washed into the ditch, blocking the ditch, and the rainwater could not be discharged in time, so it accumulated in the yard.

When Zhang Feng cleaned up the twigs, plastic bags and other rubbish in the ditch, the accumulated water rushed down the gutter and flowed into the vast Moon Lake.

After a heavy rain, not only the weather becomes cooler, but the air is also very fresh, as if the whole world has been baptized, becoming more pure and more beautiful.

The sky is already full of stars, and the blinking stars above the sky are like water droplets hanging in the sky, crystal clear and sparkling.

PS: Thank you very much for the first time someone rewarded a disciple in 'Xiaofeng Remnant Dream 1', thank you for your great support, and also thank you for the reward from 'Book Friends 20170910000742491', thank you everyone, everyone, please help me save it after reading it, thank you very much Everyone's support.

(End of this chapter)

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