small farmer

Chapter 97 The wooden house is completed

Chapter 97 The wooden house is completed (recommended for collection)

Chapter 91 log cabin completed

After a heavy rain,
The summer night in the mountain village gradually becomes cooler;
The east wind is blowing outside the window, the leaves are constantly swaying and caressing, making the sound of hee hee and swish, just like boys and girls whispering, long and long;
After a heavy rain, it was wet outside, so Zhang Feng didn't go out. Instead, he stayed at home and watched TV with his family. After ten o'clock, Zhang Feng returned to his room.

Zhang Feng loves the night sky in his hometown the most, because it is pure, ethereal and quiet, as if it can cleanse and sublimate his soul.

Standing in front of the window, looking at the familiar night sky, it is still so full of stars, without the dazzling lights of big cities, so the night sky looks extraordinarily clear and peaceful;
One autumn rain and one cool. Although it is still summer at this time, the climate in the mountains is like this. The four seasons are distinct and the temperature difference between day and night is large. At night, you have to cover yourself with a quilt.

Zhang Feng felt that this kind of weather was quite good, unlike the furnace city, where the temperature was constant day and night, and it was so hot all day long, which was unbearable.

Although Zhangjiawan is just a small remote mountain village, Zhang Feng feels that the mountains, rivers and waters here seem to have been integrated into his blood, and he and his hometown have been completely integrated. The air, the bright moonlight, the beautiful night, and of course my favorite family.

Lying on the bed, thinking about it, I gradually fell asleep.


early morning
The sky was blue and cloudless.

The scorching sun still hangs high in the sky, scorching the earth with scorching sunlight, and it is so hot again today.

However, yesterday's heavy rain completely drenched the land in the mountains and forests. The fruit trees in the orchard were lush and verdant, and the fruits were juicy and full of vitality.

In the vegetable garden in the backyard of Zhang Feng’s house, neat rows of Chinese cabbage are green and green, like a green ribbon.And the red tomatoes, like beautiful rubies, are extremely beautiful;

There are also purple eggplants, green cucumbers, and slender beans. Every vegetable is so beautiful, like a piece of exquisite art.


"Uncle Carpenter, it should be finished today, right?" In recent days, due to the expansion of the home, no tourists have been allowed to stay. This disappointed many tourists who came here because of the reputation, but the upstairs is under construction, and Zhang Feng has nothing to do. We had no choice but to let the tourists live in the second uncle's house temporarily, and add some extra money to the second uncle's house by the way.

"Yeah, I guess it will be finished in one or two hours. As long as this door is installed, it will be completely finished." The carpenter uncle also heaved a sigh of relief. After seven or eight days of busy work, he finally finished the two rooms.

There was also a relaxed smile on Uncle Carpenter’s face. Although it’s hard these days, hard work pays off. Just such a project, as long as it is successfully completed, you can earn four to five thousand dollars. This is much easier than farming. .

Knowing that the house will be expanded today, Zhang Feng's family is also very happy, and they are going to have a good celebration at noon, so Zhang's mother, Wang Guilan, asked Zhang Feng to kill chickens and fish, and invite the second uncle and Er Niu uncle to gather at noon , Lively and lively.

After stewing the chicken on the stove, Zhang Feng walked to his second uncle's house.

"The second uncle is at home." At this time, the second uncle was smoking in the yard, puffing up the clouds.

"Xiaofeng is here, and Xiaoyi is surfing the Internet in his room." The second uncle thought he was looking for Zhang Yi, so he said.

"Second Uncle, my house is about to be remodeled today, so I would like to treat you to a meal at noon." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Oh, it's about to be done? The little carpenter's hands and feet are not slow." The second uncle was a little surprised, and then nodded, "Okay, we will go there later."

"Then second uncle, remember to come here later." After reminding him again, Zhang Feng said goodbye and left.

Then Zhang Feng called Uncle Er Niu again: "Uncle Er Niu is okay today?"

"What do you have to say, I'm spraying medicine on the fruit trees in the orchard." Uncle Er Niu put down the medicine cartridge and asked.

"Hehe, so my house has been expanded, so I want to invite you over for a meal..."

"Haha, it looks like I'm lucky today. I was just thinking about where to go for a meal, but I didn't expect the opportunity to eat a big family." Uncle Er Niu laughed. He is busy today, and Aunt Er Niu also has to go to work. , No one cooks at home.

"That's just right, bring the ducklings with you later, remember to come early!" Zhang Feng ordered and hung up the phone.

After notifying everyone, Zhang Feng began to prepare the ingredients. Zhang Lin and his elder sister also helped to choose and wash the vegetables. Soon all the vegetables needed for noon were prepared, and everything was ready.

"Xiaofeng, it's finally finished. Come up and check it out." At about 09:30, the expansion project of the home was finally completed.

"Okay, I'll come right away." Zhang Feng was overjoyed, and immediately climbed up to the second floor, happily inspecting the two new rooms, and finally he was very satisfied.

"Okay, very good, that's it." Zhang Feng patted the wooden boards of the room excitedly. There were two more rooms in the house, and a few more tourists could be accommodated.

"Hehe, as long as you are satisfied, you can come to me if you have any questions in the future." Uncle Carpenter was also very happy, and said to Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Of course, the wooden house you built, who else can I turn to except you for problems?" Zhang Feng said half-truthfully.

"You boy, are you still worried about my craftsmanship?" The carpenter uncle said with a smile.

"Hey..." Zhang Feng smiled, "By the way, Uncle Carpenter, don't forget the leader, let's have a meal together at noon."

"Understood, I'll take all the tools home first, and bring them here later." The carpenter uncle said, collecting all his tools one by one, putting them in the cloth bag, and walking home with them.

After Uncle Carpenter left, Zhang Feng began to clean the new house, and soon the two new rooms were cleaned. Zhang Lin also wiped all the wooden boards in the room with a towel, making the windows clean and spotless.


At noon, there were two big tables in the house, one of which was full of women and children, and the other was full of alcoholics.

The mother and the others finished eating in less than half an hour, and the other table of drunkards ate until three o'clock in the afternoon, and then reluctantly ended
In the afternoon, the scorching sun still hangs in the sky, and the weather is extremely hot;

The big cypress tree in front of the gate is green, with luxuriant branches and leaves, like a giant green umbrella, covering most of the courtyard, giving people a little coolness in the scorching heat;
The cicadas on the tree chirped... like a chainsaw sawing wood, the sound resounded through the sky, very lively;
After drinking and eating, Zhang Feng sat under the shade of a big cypress tree to enjoy the cool, enjoying the leisure time;
"This gust of wind is too cool?" Suddenly a gust of wind blows, Zhang Feng feels as if he is in a world of ice and snow, and his whole body feels icy, which is really a rare enjoyment;

"The watermelon in the refrigerator should be completely frozen." Zhang Feng thought to himself, hurriedly got up and walked into the house in two or three steps, and took out the watermelon that was put in the refrigerator in the morning.

"Not bad! Not bad!" Zhang Feng clapped his hands, the watermelon was icy cold, it must be very pleasant and refreshing to eat iced watermelon on such a hot day;
Putting the watermelon on the stone table, Zhang Feng took out a fruit knife from the kitchen and cut it in half with a snap. The black melon seeds and red flesh appeared in front of Zhang Feng's eyes instantly, and the deep red flesh exuded a faint fragrance. , a piece of ice cold;
Zhang Feng swallowed, took a spoon and impatiently dug a large piece and stuffed it into his mouth, the sweet and icy feeling immediately refreshed his heart;
Seeing Zhang Feng eating, Dahei and Xiaohei ran over again with the food bowl in their mouths, and they knew their purpose at a glance.

"It's really two greedy cats." Zhang Feng smiled, scooped up two large pieces of watermelon and put them into their bowls, the two puppies didn't fight for each other, and ate one piece with gusto.

PS: There are too few collections, please help to collect after reading, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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