small farmer

Chapter 98 Fishing in the Lake

Chapter 98 Fishing in the Lake (for collection recommendation)

Chapter 92 Fishing in the Lake

Time flows like a stream,
It's Friday again in a blink of an eye, and the weekend is coming.

Waking up in the morning, the family finished picking the vegetables in the backyard, and there was nothing else to do. Zhang Feng, who had nothing to do, was going to go for a stroll by the lake.

So Zhang Feng took the two puppies and walked towards the lake, but as soon as he walked out of the gate, Zhang Feng stopped suddenly, his eyes were fixed on the front, as if he saw something interesting.

"Damn it! Why did you forget about the fishing boat at home!" Looking at the thing covered by the rain cloth by the lake, Zhang Feng slapped his head in frustration. Isn't that the fishing boat of his family?

In the past, Zhang Feng's father was also a fisherman in Moon Lake, so it was not surprising that the family had a fishing boat. Unfortunately, after Zhang's father died, the family's fishing boat was completely abandoned, and it had been placed by the lake, and no one cared about it. Let it go for three or four years.

If it hadn't suddenly occurred to him today, Zhang Feng would have forgotten that he still had a fishing boat at home, so Zhang Feng walked over immediately, opened the rain, and a small wooden boat four or five meters long appeared in front of him.

This is the fishing boat at home. Zhang Feng has often played on it since he was a child. Zhang Feng is so familiar with every scratch on the wooden boat.

Then Zhang Feng checked it carefully, and found that the whole wooden boat was in good condition. It is estimated that the mother is usually maintaining it, so it has not been exposed to the wind and sun, but the original oars are missing, and the mother probably put them away.

"Mom! Where are the oars of our fishing boat?" Zhang Feng asked as his mother was setting up a stall by the lake.

"You mean the paddle of the wooden boat. It's on the pigsty in the backyard. Go and see if it's still there?" Sure enough, it was put away by the mother.

Zhang Feng immediately walked to the backyard, and soon found the oars in the pigsty, and now the whole wooden boat was finally complete, as long as the hull was pushed into the water, he could set sail and go boating on the lake.

However, it is not easy to push a wooden boat into the water by one person. Although the wooden boat is not big, it weighs a few hundred catties at least. However, this is not difficult for Zhang Feng, because he grew up by the lake since he was a child, and the method of launching the boat is familiar. too much.

The easiest way is to use logs to pad the bottom of the boat, and then push the boat to the lake, so Zhang Feng went home, found some logs, and called his sister to help.

"Zhang Lin, I will push the wooden boat later, please help me put the log." Zhang Feng put the first log on the bow, and said.

"Understood brother." Zhang Lin immediately understood what brother thought.

So she held the log and was ready at any time. As long as the eldest brother pushed the wooden boat, she would put the log under the boat, and pay attention to the distance between the logs, not too far apart.

With the close cooperation of the two brothers and sisters, the wooden boat was pushed down the slope little by little into the lake, and the launching of the wooden boat was finally completed.

"Yeah! It's finally in the water." The excited brothers and sisters cheered endlessly.

Then Zhang Feng took out the rope and tied one end tightly to the bow of the boat, and the other end to the concrete pile on the pier. It is not time to sail the boat yet, so he has to observe carefully to see if the hull is leaking. The only way to make sure the wooden boat is safe , to be used.

"Let's go! Let's go back and come back later." Zhang Feng prepared to come back after a while, and then walked home with his younger sister.

When he got home, Zhang Feng found the fishing nets in the utility room. It may have been too long, and several large nets were broken and unusable. Only a few hand-throwed nets could barely be repaired.

So Zhang Feng came to the yard with a fishing line and a few throwing nets, and began to repair the fishing nets. Because he had been familiar with it since he was a child, it was not difficult for Zhang Feng to repair the fishing nets.

About an hour later, Zhang Feng finally repaired several fishing nets, "Ah! It's finally done, let's try it in the lake now, how about these fishing nets."

"Zhang Lin go! Let's go fishing in the lake!"

"Okay brother!" The younger sister was also very interested. Since the family's fishing boat was idle, she hasn't been on a boat for a long time.

"Zhang Lin is ready!" Standing on the boat, Zhang Feng was also very excited, "Let's go..."

With a stroke of Zhang Feng's strength, the boat cut through the water like an arrow leaving the string, and sailed towards the center of the lake quickly.

The two roamed in the lake with a small boat, enjoying the beautiful scenery in the lake. In ancient times, Fan Li went to the rivers and lakes and went boating on the five lakes. . 'The eternal poem.

"Brother, Moon Lake is so beautiful." Zhang Lin also opened her eyes wide, fearing to miss every beauty in the lake.

"By the way, brother, I have two classmates coming to play at home tomorrow."

"Oh, it's okay. There is no shortage of food and shelter at home. If your classmates want to come, come, but you can just tell Mom when you go back." Zhang Feng smiled slightly, and was very happy.

"Thank you brother, I have already told mom." My sister said happily.

"It's okay, I'll take you on a boat tomorrow, and you can also have a picnic on the river beach." Zhang Feng is also very happy to see his sister interacting with his classmates. Everyone should have one or two close friends.

Soon the two rowed along Moon Lake for a week, so Zhang Feng found a shallow water area and prepared to cast a net for fishing.

Then Zhang Feng took out the hand-throwing net, stroked it carefully, and then threw it vigorously with both hands, and the fishing net spread evenly, like a white morning glory, falling into the calm lake water.

Hand cast net fishing is relatively simple. First of all, when unpacking the net, the net outline must be straightened out, so that it will be thrown out in sequence when casting;

When casting the net, the movements of twisting the waist, turning around and shaking the wrist must be done in one go, so as to form a greater resultant force and let the net be fully spread under the action of centrifugal force;

The basic point of casting the net is the coordination of movements. Just like throwing a bomb, when the moment arm is the longest, the greater the inertia, the wider the net will be cast.

A few seconds later, before the fishing net touched the bottom, Zhang Feng quickly pulled up the fishing net, so as to prevent the fishing net from being scratched by things at the bottom of the lake.

When Zhang Feng was pulling the net, he felt that there was a lot of resistance. There should be fish in the net, "Brother, there are fish..." Zhang Lin shouted happily as the fish were pulled up one by one soon.

"Not bad, not bad. I didn't expect to catch so many in one net." The brothers and sisters picked up all the fish in the fishing net into the cabin in twos and threes. Zhang Feng saw for the last time that there were seven or eight fish, carp, crucian carp, There are grass carp, and several fish are not small, and the smallest one weighs about half a catty.

Afterwards, Zhang Feng cast a few more nets, each time without fail, and each time was rewarding. In the end, the two caught more than [-] catties and returned satisfied.

"Mom. We're back"

"Ah! Xiaofeng, you are back." When the mother saw her fishing boat returning, she hurried over and was very happy to see the fish in the warehouse.

Then the three of them happily carried the fish back home, and the family began to get busy killing the fish and putting it in the refrigerator.


After lunch, Zhang Feng was sitting in the main room watching TV, when he suddenly received a call from Yang Guang, who was Jiajia's father, the guest who came last week.

"Hello, is it Brother Yang?"

"Yeah, Xiaofeng, do you still have a guest room at home? We're going to come over this weekend to play."

"Yes, they are all free. When will you come over, I will keep them for you." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Haha, that's really great. We'll come over today after get off work." Yang Guang was very happy. It took a lot of effort to order last time. Got the room.


"Okay, okay, I will prepare a room for you." Zhang Feng had just hung up the phone when he received another call from his old classmate Liu Yiyi. She and her grandparents were also planning to stay in Moon Lake for two days.

"You must remember, I will settle accounts with you if there is no place to live." The female man did not forget to remind.

"I know my aunt, the guest rooms at home are still empty." Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head helplessly.

"That's it. Remember to pick us up at the entrance of the village in the afternoon."

"Understood, just call me when you arrive." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

For some reason, it may be that his family’s farmhouse has gained a certain reputation, and then Zhang Feng received a lot of reservation calls. Unfortunately, there are already two groups of guests at home, and the family has limited manpower, so Zhang Feng no longer accepts tourists’ reservations.

If you add Zhang Lin's classmates, it will be three waves of guests, and Zhang Feng promised Zhang Lin that tomorrow he will not only accompany them on the boat, but also go to a picnic with them, so the family cannot entertain any more guests. guest.

(End of this chapter)

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