small farmer

Chapter 980 Laboratory

Chapter 980 Laboratory (22)

After listening to the explanation of the system

Zhang Feng finally showed a relaxed look on his face, and he fell asleep after lying on the bed for a while.

oh oh oh...

Before dawn the next day, the village was already buzzing with chickens and dogs.

The sky outside was shrouded in a faint mist, and the temperature dropped sharply again. On the weeds on the ground, crystal dewdrops also gave off a cold light.

Every day at six o'clock, Zhang Feng would wake up naturally, the biological clock has formed a habit.

As the weather turned cold, Zhang Feng gave himself a down jacket on the bed and went downstairs. At this time, the lights in his mother's room were also turned on.

"Mom, it's cold today, you need to wear more clothes!"

"Understood, you see, I'm already wearing three pieces!" The mother walked out of the room, pulled her clothes, and responded with a smile. At the same time, her concern for her son was very beneficial.

Zhang Feng nodded, still very worried, so he planned to burn a fire cage for his mother later, and then take the little cat at home to use as a hand warmer for his mother.

As for asking her mother not to set up a stall today, Zhang Feng knew that it was useless to say it, because for some people, if she didn't work every day, or didn't make money, she would feel uncomfortable all over.

it's time to go to work

Zhang Feng immediately called Xu Yang.

"Is Yangzi at work?"

"Of course, I didn't go to sleep until after one o'clock last night when I was dealing with documents, and I'm still sleepy now. You think I'm like your kid..." Then Xu Yang kept complaining to Zhang Feng.

"Hey, you've worked hard! You've worked hard! I'll definitely give you an extra bonus next month!" Zhang Feng quickly apologized with a smile.

"Okay, I knew you kid would say that, tell me, what's the matter with you?" Xu Yang, who was sitting in the office, shook his head and asked Zhang Feng.

"That's it. I'm going to build a laboratory and I'm affiliated with our company. I hope you can arrange for someone to help me with the specific procedures..." Then Zhang Feng told about the laboratory.

"What? Why do you want to build a laboratory??" Hearing what Zhang Feng said suddenly, Xu Yang was very surprised, because he had never heard of him having such an idea before.

"I'm going to invest some funds in the research of leukemia and other cancers!" Zhang Feng directly stated his plan.

"What?? Are you sure??" Hearing Zhang Feng's explanation, Xu Yang was taken aback.
Now there are not one thousand but eight hundred companies that are researching terminally ill diseases. However, these things have been researched for dozens or hundreds of years, and there is still no hope of success.

Every year, the research funds invested by major institutions go to the sea. If you invest [-] to [-] million yuan, there will be no waves.

Even if billions or tens of billions were invested, it might all be in vain, so Xu Yang didn't have much confidence in Zhang Feng's idea.

"Don't worry, when did you see me do something you're not sure about?" Zhang Feng replied with a smile.

Xu Yang was silent for a while, "Well, I will support you in whatever you do, and I very much hope that your plan will be successful. If you can really develop a drug to treat cancer, it will be a huge benefit to mankind. contribute!"

"Don't worry, I'm all ready, just waiting for the approval and hardware facilities, as long as the laboratory is completed, I believe it will not be long before our first scientific research results will come out!" Zhang Feng is very confident about this.

"Are you all ready?? Where did you go to find talents??" Xu Yang was very surprised. He didn't expect that Zhang Feng had even got his hands when the laboratory was still gone.

"Hey, keep it secret for now!" Zhang Feng laughed triumphantly.

"It's fine if you don't say anything, you kid actually wants to keep it a secret from me!" Xu Yang shook his head and couldn't help complaining.

"You will know soon!" Zhang Feng said with a smile,

"Okay, then I'll wait and see who is so sacred that you attach so much importance to it!"

"Hehe! It's good that you understand, what about the laboratory??" Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, and then asked.

"Don't worry, I'll arrange someone to apply for you right away, but I don't think it's a big problem, because our company is very popular in the province, and everyone can see our potential, so the leaders above are very kind to us. Pay attention, if you want to build a laboratory, it should be approved soon!" Xu Yang is very confident in such an approval, and believes that the above will definitely give the green light all the way.

"That's good, how long will it take to apply?" Zhang Feng is very concerned about the laboratory.

"I don't know the specifics, it's probably about a month!" Xu Yang was not very clear about the application for the laboratory.

"A month for what??" Zhang Feng opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"Ahem, why are you so excited? This is just my speculation. If it's just a city-level laboratory, you only need to apply to the city. With our company's relationship, it shouldn't take that long. If everything goes well, It may be done in about a week!" Xu Yang continued to explain,

"Well, I understand, you can do as you see, and call me if you encounter any trouble!"

"Don't worry, I'll let you know right away!"

After hanging up Xu Yang's phone call, Zhang Feng also heaved a sigh of relief, as if he had killed a big boss, and his mood became much more comfortable.

For the rest, you just need to wait quietly. As long as you apply, your own laboratory will be opened soon, and then a lot of technologies will be born from this laboratory. While making money for yourself, you will also Bring hope to more terminally ill friends.

At this moment, Mao Ya ran towards Zhang's mother with a snot in her nose.

"Auntie, do you still have a fire cage here?"

"That's right, look at your snotty nose coming out, come here and enjoy the fire!" Wang Guilan was sitting by the lake alone, and there was no one to talk to, so she was very happy after seeing the little girl.

"Hee hee, it's so cold today!" The little girl ran over, squatted down in front of her aunt, and stretched out her cold, red hand to put it on top of the fire cage.

"Hehe, let's roast more!" Zhang's mother grabbed the little girl's hand and pressed it on the fire cage.

"Yeah, it's so warm!"

Seeing the snot hanging from the little girl's nose, Wang Guilan shook her head with a smile, took out a tissue, and wiped the little girl.

After wiping it clean, the little girl obediently took the tissue and threw it into the trash can beside her. Seeing the sensible look of the little girl, Wang Guilan nodded with a smile.

"Why didn't you play with Xiao Shitou today?"

"Little Shitou...Little Shitou is still at home!" The little girl replied with her mouth raised.

After a while, the little girl became curious when she saw the dense water vapor on the lake.

"Auntie, where did the fog come from?"

"It's formed by the water vapor in the lake!"

"Then will these fogs become clouds when they float into the sky?"


In this way, the old and the young chatted by the beautiful Moon Lake.

(End of this chapter)

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