small farmer

Chapter 981 Uphill

Chapter 981 Uphill (12)

On the other side, Xu Yang was still sitting in the office, dazed by what Zhang Feng said.

After a while, he sighed leisurely: "Oh! I didn't expect this guy to study cancer treatment technology!"

To be honest, he was very shocked in his heart, but he also hoped that Zhang Feng could succeed. However, this is really too difficult, a problem that the whole world wants to overcome. I don't know what kind of confidence Zhang Feng has to guarantee his success.

"Forget it, let him try!" Finally Xu Yang shook his head, but decided to support Zhang Feng to try, what if his efforts really succeeded?

If a drug for data cancer is successfully developed, it will not only be of great benefit to the company, but also the hope of life for those patients and the gospel of continuing to live.

"Little Wang, come in..."

"What else does Mr. Xu want?" Xiao Wang asked Xu Yang respectfully after he came in.

"Go and help me find XX..."

After thinking for a while, Xu Yang immediately found the deputy manager, prepared the materials, and submitted the application to the superior as quickly as possible. It can be seen that he is still very supportive of this laboratory.


The screen turns back to Moon Lake Village
At this time, Wang Guilan and Mao Ya were still chatting with each other at the booth.

Because today's weather is not very good, there is fog in the morning, and the weather is wet and cold, so there are many fewer tourists in the city. In the past, there were many tourists by the Moon Lake, but today it is sparse. At a glance, there are only 30 to [-] people.

When Zhang Feng walked out of the house, he saw his mother and Mao Ya, the old and the young, having a lively chat. He smiled as if thinking of something, and went back into the house, and walked out with two glutinous rice cakes in his hands after a while.
"Mom, I'll give each of you a glutinous rice cake. It's the most delicious when roasted in this fire cage."

This glutinous rice cake was given by Grandma Liu two days ago. Now every household in the village burns firewood in winter, and it is perfect for roasting glutinous rice cakes.

"Hee hee, madman brother, you are so kind!" Before Wang Guilan could say anything, Mao Ya had already taken the glutinous rice cake from Zhang Feng, with a happy smile on her face.

"Hehe, Mao Ya is so good, you're welcome!" Zhang Feng patted the little girl's head, and then walked towards the house.

When he got home, Zhang Feng carried the basket on his back and walked towards the back mountain with Dahei Xiaohei.

The truffles in the woods of his family have not been dug up yet, and there is still a small piece left at the end. Zhang Feng plans to dig them all up today.

Almost none of the truffles harvested by Zhang Feng’s family were sold out this year, and they were all stored in the freezer. Of course, some of them were secretly hidden in the system space by him. When it came out, it was the same as fresh.

So Zhang Feng plans to store more. Next year, when other restaurants are out of truffles, the eldest sister's restaurant will still be able to sell them. It is estimated that the effect should be pretty good.

"What is Uncle Er Niu doing??" Passing through the forest of Uncle Er Niu's house, Zhang Feng heard the sound of chopping firewood inside, so he shouted loudly into the forest.

"Chop some firewood and go back to burn it. There is a lot of firewood this winter. By the way, what are you going to do with Big Black and Little Black?" Hearing Zhang Feng's voice, Uncle Er Niu walked out of the woods with a hatchet.

"There is still a field of truffles in my family that hasn't been dug up yet. Aren't we planning to dig all of them!" Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"You're just lazy, I've dug up my house in less than a week!" Uncle Er Niu said with a smile.

Hearing his words, Zhang Feng suddenly felt that he was more wronged than Dou E, am I lazy, am I going to let the truffle grow again, okay? ?Because the quality of truffles is the best only in the middle and late December.

Shaking his head, he knew that this guy was envious of his appearance, so he deliberately said that about himself,

"Why are you shaking your head? Could it be that you have head-shaking madness?" Seeing Zhang Feng shaking his head in disdain, Uncle Er Niu asked jokingly,
"Fuck off, didn't you know when it became so sharp? Aren't cows' teeth flat?" Zhang Feng immediately snapped back.

"Hey..." Uncle Er Niu smiled complacently, as if he had taken advantage of it.

"Speaking of business, how much did you sell your truffles this year?" Zhang Feng asked seriously.

"Ahem, I didn't sell much, less than 20!" Uncle Er Niu shook his head, as if he was not very satisfied with this year's harvest.

"Bitch is hypocritical! It's sold for almost 20 yuan, how much more do you want?" Zhang Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes,
"Isn't this less than 20 yuan? And compared with the second uncle and the others, it is much less. This year, the truffles of the second uncle's family sold more than 30 yuan!" Uncle Er Niu shook his head and said.

"Can you compare with the second uncle? His second uncle is so diligent and meticulous in his work. He protected the bacteria ponds so well when digging truffles. You are clumsy in your work. You must have destroyed a lot of bacteria ponds last year. That's why it's not as high as his family's income!" Zhang Feng said bluntly.

"This... Didn't you have no experience last year?"

Last year, Uncle Erniu didn’t pay much attention to the fungus pond, but after this year’s lesson, he discovered that the original picking method is also very important. If he was not careful last year, it caused a loss of more than [-] yuan this year. Unfortunately, he has regretted it now late.

The two chatted for a few minutes before Zhang Feng said goodbye and left.
"Start work! Start work!" Zhang Feng gave orders to the two dogs as soon as he entered the woods.
The two dogs have long been familiar with this operation, and after hearing the master's order, they began to search in the woods seriously.

In this way, one person and two dogs cooperated with each other and searched all the rest of the woods in less than half an hour. Today's harvest is not bad. I dug half a basket of truffles. Maybe these truffles have enough time to grow and they are bigger. , and the appearance and quality will also be better.

"Let's go, let's go home!" Carrying truffles, he walked down the mountain with two dogs.

As soon as he walked into the orchard, Zhang Feng suddenly found that there were a lot of wild vegetables in the orchard, and most of them were wild rapeseed. This is a good food for hot pot, so he decided to dig some back.

"Where is Xiaofeng digging wild rape??" At this moment, the second uncle came to him at some point.

"Yes, Second Uncle, what are you going to do in the mountains?" Seeing Second Uncle carrying a hatchet on his back, Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"Hehe, I'm going to cut a moso bamboo to weave some chicken coops, but the chicken coops at home are broken."

"Do you want me to help, Second Uncle?"

"No, you do your own work. A bamboo doesn't weigh too much." The second uncle waved his hands repeatedly, rejecting Zhang Feng's kindness. Although he is over 70 years old, it is still not a problem to do ordinary farm work, and even now he is still at home. a major labor force.

Zhang Feng smiled and nodded. Since the second uncle didn't need help, he continued to dig his own wild vegetables. When the second uncle disappeared into the forest, Zhang Feng had already dug up a catty or two of wild rapeseed.

"Enough, I can send some to Yiyi and the others when I go back later!"

Zhang Feng looked at his big harvest just now and felt very satisfied, so he carried truffles and wild vegetables and walked home with two naughty dogs.

(End of this chapter)

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