small farmer

Chapter 982 Meow Meow Meow

Chapter 982 Meow Meow Meow (22)

at this time
A puff of smoke rose from the barren hills not far away.

Zhang Feng looked up and found that it was Xiaoshitou and Erdan, who probably stole sweet potatoes or glutinous rice cakes from home, and came to the mountain together to roast them.

Smiling and shaking his head, these little brats are really bold. It has not been a few days since the last poaching incident, and these little guys dared to form a team into the mountain.

Soon, Zhang Feng came to the foot of the barren mountain where the little guys set fire,

"What are you doing, little stone??"

"Ah, Brother Crazy! It's Brother Crazy!" Xiao Shitou said to his friend in panic.

"It's okay, we'll come if we come, we didn't steal his sweet potatoes." Erdan was calm, waving his hands without fear at all.

The voices of the laughing guys were not low. Zhang Feng heard everything they said, so he asked with a smile:
"Why did you steal another sweet potato? Be careful and get spanked when you go back!"

"Hee hee, madman brother, we didn't steal it!" Xiao Shitou replied with a smile.

"That's right, that's right, we brought it from home!" Er Dan also nodded quickly.

Believe you are a ghost!

Zhang Feng shook his head, knowing that these little guys must have collected materials from the local area. There are only sweet potatoes in the second uncle's home nearby, and there are still missing sweet potatoes. The little guys probably dug them from the second uncle's home.
"You stole from the second uncle's house, right? I saw it just now!" Zhang Feng smiled and tricked the little guys.

"Oh, madman, you've seen it all!" Xiao Shitou wrinkled his face when he heard this, and then said to Zhang Feng with a pleading face: "Madman, don't tell the second uncle, okay?"

"That's right, Brother Crazy, the second uncle's sweet potatoes are gone!"

Erdan and the other little kids all looked at Zhang Feng expectantly, hoping that he could help everyone keep the secret, otherwise the little guys would definitely be reprimanded again when they go home.

"Well..." Zhang Feng frowned, pretending to be a little embarrassed, ready to tease these little guys.

"Crazy brother, you promise us, right?"

"Crazy brother, please, please?"

"It's not impossible for me to keep you a secret, but you have to give me the biggest sweet potato." Zhang Feng smiled and robbed the little guys.

"Ah..." The little guys opened their mouths wide in surprise, never expecting such a request from Brother Crazy.

"Why don't you give it?"

"But, but we only dug up three sweet potatoes!" The little ones suddenly became embarrassed.

There are five of them in total, and three sweet potatoes are not enough. What if they give the biggest one to Brother Crazy?As a result, the little ones were in pain, and they couldn't make up their minds for a while.

"Haha, I am teasing you! Be careful when roasting sweet potatoes, don't cause a fire, remember to put out the fire after roasting."

"Understood, madman!" The little guys nodded quickly.

After Zhang Feng told a few little kids, he continued to walk home with Big Black and Little Black,
Seeing his leaving back, the little ones finally breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the biggest sweet potato was finally saved.

Along the way, Zhang Feng also saw many old people digging wild vegetables in the fields. Now because of the convenient transportation of Moon Lake, there are buses at the entrance of the village, so the old people in the city will come here to walk and exercise. The old man also fell in love with the wild vegetables all over the mountains and plains.

Wild rapeseed, shepherd's purse, dandelion, scissors, mugwort, plectrum, etc. These old people will bring a plastic bag almost every day, walk in the mountains to dig wild vegetables, and exercise their bodies by the way.

When Zhang Feng walked to the forest of Uncle Er Niu's house, there was no sound inside. It is estimated that he had finished chopping firewood and returned home.


Putting the truffles in the yard temporarily, Zhang Feng grabbed a handful of wild vegetables and walked towards Yiyi's house.

At this time, the old man and Grandma Liu were sitting in the kitchen warming up the fire, Yiyi was not here today, and went back to the city yesterday to deal with the company's affairs.

"Old man, Grandma Liu, I brought you some wild vegetables back!"

"Hey, Xiaofeng, come in and sit down. Your Grandpa Liu and I have all the dishes for today!" Grandma Liu was very happy to see the wild rape that Zhang Feng brought.

"Stop sitting, the truffles I just dug are still in the yard, I'm going back to clean the truffles!"

After leaving, Zhang Feng returned home and poured the truffles into the automatic cleaning machine. In less than 5 minutes, half of the truffle basket was cleaned without any dirt.

After moving the washed truffles into the house, Zhang Feng received them into the system space and stored them there. Even if there is no problem for ten or eight years, they will still be as fresh as they are taken out later. The freshness preservation effect is surprisingly good .

At this moment, the lovely Mao Ya sang nursery rhymes in the yard.

kitty kitty where are you

Meow meow meow meow meow I'm in the yard.

kitty kitty what are you doing,
Meow meow meow meow I'm catching mice.

Although the tender voice is a little lost, it can still hit people's hearts, like the sound of nature, it sounds warm in the heart, which makes people like it very much.

"Mao Ya, who taught you to sing this song, it's really nice!" Zhang Feng came out and asked the little girl with a smile.

At first, Mao Ya bent over and looked around in the yard, as if looking for something, when she saw Zhang Feng coming out, she smiled and replied, "Hee hee, my mother taught me that!"

"Then you sing really well!" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Hee hee, madman brother, where is your Meow Meow?" The little girl smiled happily, and then asked Zhang Feng.

"Didn't Miaomiao be outside with you?" Zhang Feng remembered that he gave the cat to his mother as a hand warmer in the morning.

"Oh, it ran away just now!" Mao Ya said while looking at Zhang Feng with a pouted face.

"Then go look in the house and see if it is in the cat's litter?" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Yeah!" The little girl nodded, stomping her calves like running into the house.

Soon, Mao Ya's voice sounded again in the main room: "Crazy Brother, Meow Meow is not here!"

"It's fine if you're not here, why don't you go find Dabai Xiaobai at the back, they are at home today!" Zhang Feng suggested with a smile.

"Yeah, then I'll go find Dabai Xiaobai!" Thinking of the two sheep, as cute as the lazy beautiful sheep on TV, Maoya's eyes lit up, and she happily ran to the backyard.

Zhang Feng smiled softly. Everyone liked the two snow-white goats at home. For this reason, he specially built a small wooden house for the two goats in the backyard, and even spread blankets. Provides shelter from wind and rain, and keeps warm in winter.

(End of this chapter)

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