small farmer

Chapter 983 Making glutinous rice cakes

Chapter 983 Making glutinous rice cakes (12)

After a while, the two lambs were brought out by Maoya
When the two of them saw Zhang Feng, they quickly bleated to the master, as if they were saying: Master, are we going out to play?
"Go! Go, but you can't run away, you know?" Zhang Feng waved his hand with a smile.

baa baa! !
Both Dabai and Xiaobai nodded happily, and Maoya cheerfully pulled the ears of the two lambs and walked outside. The two pure white lambs, like three or five-year-old children, are just playful. When I was young, I was very happy to be able to go out to play with the children. I walked up and down, jumping and jumping, really like the little kids.

Suddenly the mobile phone on the table rang. Zhang Feng took it over and saw that it was his cousin Zhang Sheng.

"Hey, brother Sheng, what do you want from me?"

"Xiaofeng, that's it. Isn't it winter? My family will start making glutinous rice cakes and bait cakes tomorrow. If your family wants to make rice cakes, hurry up and send the rice over!"

Because my cousin’s house has a machine for making glutinous rice cakes, every year after winter, I start to help the nearby villagers make glutinous rice cakes or bait cakes, and even many people from the city come here.

"Okay Brother Sheng, I'll send the rice over later, thank you!"

"It's okay, thank you for taking care of my business!" Zhang Sheng laughed, and then hung up the phone.

Wang Guilan was about to enter the house to pick up the goods, when she heard her son talking on the phone and mentioned some kind of rice, she asked curiously, "Son, who is calling?"

"It's Brother Sheng, his family is going to have a papa tomorrow, so tell me to send the rice over there quickly." Zhang Feng explained to his mother with a smile.

"It turns out that's the case, then you can send the glutinous rice over there. Unfortunately, our family hasn't bought the rice for bait yet!" Zhang Mu, Wang Guilan nodded, and then said with a frown.

"It's okay, mom, I'm going to try it with our Yuxiang rice, and see if it can be made into bait cake!" In fact, Zhang Feng already had an idea in his mind.

"Can Yu Xiangdao do it??" Wang Guilan was surprised.

"It should be ok. I'll ask Brother Sheng later, what does he think?" Zhang Feng replied with a smile.

"Well, I should ask first, it would be a pity if it doesn't taste good!" Hearing what her son said, Wang Guilan nodded in agreement.

A catty of Yuxiang rice costs 20 yuan. It would be a pity to lose the bait cake if it is not tasty. Therefore, before making it, I need to consult some experts Zhang Sheng. My cousin has been doing this business for several years. The rice for baiting cakes must be clear, so you must be right to ask him.

Then Zhang Feng brought five liters of glutinous rice, about [-] catties, and prepared to make some glutinous rice cakes, also known as glutinous rice cakes. There are almost all kinds of glutinous rice in the north and south of the river, and there are various situations and different ways of eating. But the taste is the same good, very popular with everyone.

When Zhang Feng came to his cousin's house with glutinous rice on his back

Many villagers have gathered here, all of whom came after hearing the news. There are bags of rice at their feet, waiting to be weighed in line.

"Yo, Xiaofeng, you're here too!"

"Xiaofeng, your family only beats this little rice?? I'm afraid it's not thirty catties?"

"It's about the same. I scooped five liters!"

Everyone greeted Zhang Feng with a smile, and Zhang Feng responded with a smile.

Sheng is a very old container, indeed very old, because few people in the village still use this kind of antique, but more than ten years ago, almost every household in the villagers had this kind of thing. We also use it as a container for grain. For example, today I will borrow a liter of rice from your family, and I will return a liter of rice to your family in a few days.

This kind of thing was quite common when Zhang Feng was a child, but since everyone's life improved, there was no such thing as borrowing food.

Now everyone's granaries are full of grain, and they can't finish eating. Some people even have millet from ten years ago in their granaries. This is not a joke. Such a thing happened in the village some time ago.

The rice from the third wife’s house in the village had been stored for too long, and when it was found, it was already yellow and was about to rot. In the end, it could only be used to feed pigs. The old man regretted that he hadn’t eaten for a few days.

When the news spread in the village, the young people felt it was unbelievable. The rice that had been stored for ten years was really horrible. Only the old people in the village sighed, because they all knew what the third grandma thought.

For the older generation of farmers, food is their life, and so much food is stored because they are hungry. Thinking about the famine in the 60s, the old people in the village still have lingering fears, worrying about it again, so Everyone is trying their best to store food in the granary, and it is very common to store food for three to five years.

There are even some old people who are like the third wife, who still have ten or eight years' worth of grain in the granary. (there is such a thing)

"Hey, Xiaofeng, why did you only bring glutinous rice? Your family won't make bait this year?" Uncle Dashan opened Zhang Feng's pocket and asked curiously.

There is still a big difference in shape between glutinous rice and ordinary rice. Glutinous rice is rounder and shorter, not as tapered as ordinary rice.

Even the color of some glutinous rice is different, and the whole body is milky white, so it is easy to distinguish between glutinous rice and ordinary rice.

"It should be done, but I haven't bought rice for baiting at home yet!" After Zhang Feng explained, he saw his cousin coming over, so he asked quickly: "Brother Sheng, I want to use Yuxiang rice as bait." Block, do you think it can work??"

"What? You want to use Yuxiang rice as bait??" Zhang Sheng was surprised when he heard his words.

"That's right, can't Brother Sheng do it?" Looking at Brother Sheng's expression, Zhang Feng thought it was impossible.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Zhang Sheng smiled wryly. Yu Xiangdao costs 20 yuan a catty.

Although every household in the village has this kind of rice, everyone is usually reluctant to eat it, and no one has thought of using it to make bait.

"Damn it! Local tyrants are different!"

"Brother Feng is really inhumane!"

"Of course, Xiaofeng can earn tens of thousands of yuan in a minute now, so why care about the hundreds and thousands!"

"That is, if I want to make money like Xiaofeng, I would be willing to eat dragon meat every day!"

After hearing Zhang Feng's words, the villagers were all shocked, and then heated discussions started.

"Brother Sheng, is it really not possible?" Seeing that his cousin hadn't spoken for a long time, Zhang Feng asked curiously again.

Zhang Sheng took a long breath, told himself to be calm, and then said back: "Okay, why not, as long as you are willing, you can definitely do it."

The rice used for baiting is actually not too particular, as long as the viscosity is moderate and not too sticky, otherwise it will be the same as glutinous rice cake, but it should not be too loose and stiff, otherwise the bait cake will not only crack, but even harden Teeth, seriously affect the taste.

Soon the news that Zhang Feng was going to use Yuxiang rice as bait spread throughout the village, and everyone was amazed, thinking that this guy is really rich, even more inhumane than Landlord Yang's family.

(End of this chapter)

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