small farmer

Chapter 988 Fuck

Chapter 988 Fuck (22)


After finishing the tree jade ornaments, Zhang Feng took a few photos and immediately sent them to Moments.

After a while, everyone saw his new work and started talking about it.

"Fuck, this ornamental stone looks like a piece of wood!"

"It really looks like, I'm afraid it's not fake?"

"I guess it should be carved by hand, and even painted, otherwise how could it be so similar?"

"Hey, it's terrible to be uneducated. You guys are so ignorant that you don't even know this stone??" At this moment, Shitou spoke.

"Fuck off, why are you pretending to be a cultural person here? Of course you know this is your relative?"

"Why are they his relatives??" Fatty asked in confusion.

"Fuck, they are all rocks, aren't they relatives? Even if they are not relatives, they are the same kind!" Monkey immediately explained.

"Oh, I got it! Got it!" Hearing the monkey's explanation, Xiaopang understood immediately, and also joked with Shi Shi.

"Shi Lei, tell me, what is this? It's not really your relative, is it?"

"Fuck off, you uneducated guys, this is the legendary tree jade that is easy to cut?? You don't even know this thing? Did you all go to feed pigs when you went to college?" Shi Lei's 'angry into anger' retorted road.

"Hey, we are going to feed the pigs in college, are you going to move stones? How else do we know each other?"

So a group of people quarreled in the group, and it was very lively.

Seeing everyone's speeches in the group, Zhang Feng smiled heartily, and felt that it seemed interesting to have a few such bad friends in his life.

Leizi: Beauty Town Building

Shi Lei sent a picture of a beautiful woman, she is indeed very beautiful, very similar to a certain celebrity named Zhao Xiaoying, even more beautiful without makeup, a pure natural goddess.

Fatty: Wow!Still a nurse lady! (There is also a squinting, squinting expression at the back.)
Monkey: Fuck you fat, you are so wretched, don't tell people that I know you!
Leizi: I met a beautiful nurse yesterday, it was love at first sight, and I wanted to hook up, everyone said what should I do?Wait online!urgent! !

Zhang Feng replied with a smirk: You just tell her that you are sick.

Monkey: Damn it, lunatic, are you so flirtatious? ?
Fatty: Madman, you are so awesome! (There is also a thumbs up at the back)

Leizi: Holy crap, brother, can we still chat happily? ?
Seeing the replies from the veterans, Lei Zi was so angry that he almost vomited blood. It’s fine if these guys don’t give a little support, but they actually made trouble for him. Running neuropathy.

monkey: what?Isn't it nice for us to chat?

Fatty: Yes, we had a great chat!

Zhang Feng: +1
Huazi: +1
Leizi: You bastards (there is a bloody knife in the back)

Big Bear: Okay, everyone, stop talking, or Leizi will go crazy. By the way, madman, where did you get the tree jade? It seems to be rare, right?
Zhang Feng smiled and said, "I picked this up in the mountains when I entered the mountains today!"

The monkey was amazed, "Fuck, you're so fucking lucky, you can even pick up such a big piece of jade when you go into the mountains."

Fatty was also drooling enviously: "Such a big piece of jade, the money sold would be enough for me to eat for a lifetime!"

Zhang Feng smiled and replied: "You're thinking beautifully, this thing is worthless at all, such a big piece is worth two to three thousand at most."

"So cheap??" Fatty couldn't believe it.

"Of course, why lie to you?" Zhang Feng replied directly.

The monkey saw that it was only one or two thousand dollars, so he prepared to pocket it: "Madman, why don't you sell it to me?"

"Why did you buy it back, kid? To decorate the wedding room??" Zhang Feng joked with a smile.

"Wool? Let's just say whether you can sell it or not?" Monkey rolled his eyes.

"I don't want to sell it. It took me so much effort to memorize this piece of tree-shaped jade. How could I sell it to you? I'll put it in the main room and decorate my home."

Seeing that Zhang Feng didn't sell it, the monkey didn't continue to pester it, and everyone continued to chat about the latest hot topics.

"I read on the news yesterday that Da Mi Mi got divorced!" Leizi lamented a bit, the entertainment industry is really a vanity fair, no one can stand so many temptations.

"What's your business with other people's divorce?" Monkey curled his lips.

"That's right, even if she gets divorced, you don't have a chance!" Xiaopang also chimed in.

"Fuck off, did I say what I mean to her?" Leizi became a little annoyed.

"Hey, who knows, maybe you have been in unrequited love all the time!" Monkey was not afraid of him, and continued to tease that guy Leizi.

Leizi: ...? ?

Leizi was very speechless at once, and he was speechless, only tears a thousand lines, and left the group silently.

Watching these guys chatting for a while, Zhang Feng also started to clean the house, wiping all the tables, chairs and benches at home with a rag.

There are also floors upstairs, doors and windows, etc. Zhang Feng didn't let go of it, so he treated it as a general cleaning.

Zhang Feng was mopping the floor upstairs, and Mao Ya came in with a piece of bait cake, eating it.

"Crazy brother, where are you?" The little girl poked her head, looked around, and asked curiously.

"I'm here, why are you here?"

"Hee hee, I came to your house to play on the swing!" Mao Ya replied with a smile.

Seeing Zhang Feng upstairs, the little girl wanted to climb up. Zhang Feng hurried down and hugged her to the ground.

"Mao Ya, what are you eating?" Zhang Feng let go of the little girl and asked with a slight smile.

"This is papa, the bait cake from my family yesterday! It's delicious!"

After teasing Maoya for a while, Zhang Feng sent the girl to play in the yard by himself, and he continued to clean the upstairs.

Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye, Zhang Feng stretched his waist, and finally cleaned the upstairs and downstairs.

Ah... hee hee


At this moment, Mao Ya's silver bell-like laughter came from the yard,

Zhang Feng went out to take a look, no wonder the girl smiled so happily, it turned out that she found a good helper who pushed her behind her back as a swing.

"Hee hee, look at the madman..." I saw Dahei behind Mao Ya pushing her to swing on the Qianqiu, and the little girl let out bursts of laughter.

But Dahei is not so easy to control. After a few pushes, it will go on strike. No matter what the little girl says, she just stops exerting herself.

"Dahei, what's wrong with you? Hurry up and push me?"

"Dahei, can you push me a few more times? I'll give you something delicious later!"

It's a pity that Dahei still didn't buy it, and instead yelled at Maoya, as if he was talking about something.

"Brother Madman, what is Dahei talking about?" Mao Ya suddenly didn't understand, so she asked Zhang Feng for help.

"Hehe, Dahei is saying, it has been pushing you for a long time, and it is time for you to push it!" Zhang Feng smiled slightly, and seeing Dahei's appearance, he knew what it was thinking.

"Ah??" The little girl's face was confused, she didn't expect the dog to play on the swing! !

Seeing the cute look of the little girl, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing. This little girl is as interesting as a dog.

(End of this chapter)

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