small farmer

Chapter 989 Dahei who ran away from home

Chapter 989 Dahei who ran away from home (12)

"Crazy brother, your big black is so smart, even smarter than Little Shitou!"

Mao Ya looked at Dahei with both eyes shining, and said with rolling eyes.

"Of course, my family Dahei is very smart!" Zhang Feng smiled, but I don't know if Xiaoshitou will protest if he finds out, but fortunately Xiaoshitou is not here, otherwise he must be in a hurry with Maoya!
woof woof woof woof woof

Seeing Maoya jumping off Qianqiu, Dahei jumped onto the swing with a leap, his two front paws tightly hugged the wooden board on the swing, and he even yelled at Maoya beside him, which looked ridiculous.

"Hee hee, sit down, Dahei, I'm going to push you!"

Dahei nodded, Mao Ya felt it was very novel, and smiled and pushed Dahei's buttocks, swinging on the swing.

In this way, one person and one dog had a great time playing, and the laughter in the yard continued, and the two little guys had a lot of fun.

Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing when he saw this, his dog has grown up, and he actually played with Mao Ya on the swing.

Zhang Feng, who found it very interesting, immediately made a short video and posted it on Moments. When everyone saw Mao Ya pushing the dog on the swing, they also exclaimed in disbelief, thinking that this dog is really a monster, and can command Mao Ya pushed herself, it was so clever.

"Fuck, I'm afraid this dog has become a spirit!"

"Sure, you can see that it has taken a female slave to serve itself!"

"Fuck, the imagination upstairs is really rich, I won't take any medicine, I will take you!"

"Cough cough, Pindao figured it out, this is a roaring dog from the lower realm of the heavens, and came to the world for a private visit!"

"Your IQ is so high and your imagination is so good, I can't refute it. In the end, I can only describe it in one sentence: I believe in your evil!!"

Seeing these guys talking nonsense in a serious manner in the group, Zhang Feng couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

After a while his eyes lit up, as if thinking of paying attention.

"Dahei, come on, let's change our sitting positions!"

Dahei: Shrimp? ?

Dahei's face was covered in circles, wondering what the hell the master was trying to get up to?However, it is still very obedient, being at the mercy of Zhang Feng.

"Crazy brother, what are you doing?"

Seeing Zhang Feng sitting on the swing with the dog in his arms, his two front paws grabbing the Qianqiu rope, and the other two legs raised up, he looked like a big boss.

"Maoya, do you think Dahei is handsome?" After playing with it, Dahei still looked confused, but Zhang Feng felt very fulfilled.

"Handsome, Dahei is so handsome!" Mao Ya clapped her hands and nodded in surprise.

Zhang Feng smiled, looked at Dahei again, and felt that if he wore another pair of sunglasses, wouldn't it be cooler, the big boss of Wang Xinglai.

As soon as he thought of it, he immediately ran to the house, and immediately brought a pair of sunglasses.

"Come on, Dahei put it on, don't move!" Zhang Feng put the sunglasses on Dahei's eyes, and then told Dahei not to move.

As expected, Dahei was very obedient, his limbs were stiff and motionless.

"Okay, keep it up, Maoya, come and push Dahei as a swing, I'll record it for you!"

"Hee hee, good, good!" Mao Ya also thought it was very interesting, and ran behind Da Hei with a smile, pushing Da Hei's body vigorously.

Only Dahei is nervous, be careful not to fall off the swing, it will hurt if you fall!

It's a pity that both the owner and Mao Ya were playing crazy, so they didn't consider its opinion. The dog has no human rights, and this is the best proof.

"OK! You can come down!" Seeing that Dahei almost fell down in a daze, Zhong Zhangfeng finally called to stop.

Dahei suddenly became clever, jumped down with a hush, and then ran out of the courtyard with his tail between his legs as if fleeing, to seek protection from the Lafayette at home.

When Zhang Feng posted this video to Moments, the group became lively again.

"See if I'm right, this precipitous dog is the smartest dog in the universe!"

"I'm going, what a poor Dahei, look at its pitiful appearance, it's so delightful, hahahaha..."

"Crazy, you are such a sympathetic fellow, you can see that you are going to ruin Dahei!"

"Poor Dahei, how did you meet such an unreliable master!"

"It's really pitiful. It's really unfortunate for Dahei to meet such a second-hand owner!"

The envious and jealous guys in the group quickly aimed their artillery at Zhang Feng, thinking that he was abusing the well-behaved Wang Xingren, so they verbally criticized and spattered him.

Hehe, Zhang Feng let out a smirk, and simply pulled out the bottom line, closed WeChat, out of sight and out of mind.

As for Dahei, he is currently hiding at Wang Guilan's feet, lying obediently by the fire cage, being comforted by Lafayette. As for the little girl Mao Ya, he is complaining on the sidelines about the tragic situation of the madman who abused Dahei '.

"Okay, Dahei, don't be afraid, I'll get rid of him later, and see if he still dares to play tricks on you?" Wang Guilan patted Dahei's head to comfort Dahei.

woo woo woo...

Dahei nodded excitedly, thinking that Lafayette is better, just like in a song: A dog with Buddha is a treasure.

At this moment, Zhang Feng came out, saw Maoya and Dahei beside Wang Guilan, and understood something.

"Xiaofeng, why did you play tricks on Dahei? Look, you scared Dahei to such an extent!" Wang Guilan gave her son a lesson as if glaring at her son.

Huh... Dahei immediately showed a pitiful face.

After being criticized by his mother, Zhang Feng quickly admitted his mistake, apologized to Dahei, and promised to boil two bones for him in the afternoon. The shadow in Dahei's heart dissipated instantly, and he cried happily.

"You're such a kid, show me the video you just shot!" Zhang's mother glared at her son,
"Huh?" Zhang Feng didn't expect his mother to watch the video he just shot.

"Ah what? Come here!"

"Yes... yes!" Zhang Feng quickly turned on the video and showed it to his mother and Mao Ya.
Seeing Dahei's funny appearance in the video, both Wang Guilan and Mao Ya couldn't help laughing.

Poor Dahei stood aside, wanting to cry but not crying, thinking that he would do justice for me, why did everything become the same.

"Haha, it's really interesting, you kid, how can you treat Dahei like this, what if you fall off? Next time, pay attention to Dahei's safety!" Wang Guilan said with a smile.

Hearing his mother's words, Zhang Feng immediately smiled wryly. Just now he thought he was about to be scolded again, but his mother would actually say that, so he just asked himself to pay attention next time.

The poor dog was sold to Clean again, so it was disheartened, and it ran away from home directly, and ran to Yiyi's house with firm steps.

"Crazy brother, Dahei has escaped!" Mao Ya quickly reminded him after seeing it.

"It's okay, it will come back by itself in a while!"

Zhang Feng smiled, he didn't expect that Xiaodong was getting smarter and smarter, he would get angry, and he was going to run away from home.

(End of this chapter)

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