small farmer

Chapter 991 Catching Fish

Chapter 991 Catching Fish (12)

Although the researcher is not yet in place

However, Zhang Feng had already exchanged a blueprint for the construction of the laboratory from the system, and asked Professor Wang to introduce an experienced engineering team to immediately carry out the construction and renovation of the laboratory.

As for the various equipment in the laboratory, he doesn't need to worry about it at all. After the researchers arrive, they can exchange any equipment they need from the system.

The matter in the laboratory came to an end for the time being, and Zhang Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.


The next day

Zhang Feng was free again
Tourism in the village has also entered the off-season recently, and with the arrival of winter, there are fewer and fewer tourists from other places. I only hope that there will be more tourists on weekends and New Year's Day.

After breakfast in the morning, Zhang Feng walked towards the entrance of the village, and first visited his eel farm. He was very satisfied with the well-organized management of the old man's eel farm. Tens of millions, nearly one hundred million, so Zhang Feng is going to continue to operate.

After bidding farewell to Uncle Yu and the farm, Zhang Feng came to the field at the entrance of the village again to see everyone busy in the field, some picking vegetables, some watering and fertilizing vegetables, removing weeds, etc. Everyone helped Excited.

At this time, in the rotten fields beside the fields, a group of young people were fishing in the paddy fields, and there were many tourists watching.

"It's these guys again!" Seeing that they were all Dafang Ahong and Chubby, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing, so he prepared to go over to see the excitement.

Five or six guys in waterproof suits were catching fish in the rotten fields with dustpans and buckets. Unfortunately, they heard roars, but they didn't see the harvest, and the buckets were empty.

"Ah Hong, you guys are too good, right? Why didn't you catch a single fish?" Zhang Feng walked over and asked with a smile.

"It can't be our fault, today is really weird, there is not a single fish in the water!"

"That's right, Brother Feng, we caught so many fish last year, but today we didn't even catch a single loach and eel!"

Ahong, Dafang and the others explained to Zhang Feng with wry smiles.

Hearing what a few guys said, Zhang Feng was also very surprised. How could this be?Last year, everyone still caught a lot of fish here, why didn’t there be any fish this year?

"Could they all escape?" Da Fang rubbed his chin, then guessed.

"Impossible. The paddy fields are still flooded with water. Where can they escape? I wonder if they were polluted by pesticides. They all died!" A Hong shook his head and expressed his guess.

Hearing Ah Hong's words, Zhang Feng still shook his head: "Now our village uses non-toxic pesticides, how could it kill the fish? I wonder if there are natural enemies in the water."

"That's right, is there a black fish in here??" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, everyone's eyes lit up, thinking that this possibility was the greatest.

"It's a pity that we don't know where this black fish is!" The rotten field is about an acre, and the situation in the water is complicated. As long as the black fish burrow into the water, no one can find them, so A Hong spread his hands and said helplessly. .

"Why don't we release the water in the field??" Fatty suddenly suggested to everyone.

"Okay, let's do it like this!" Everyone clapped their hands, and it was such a happy decision!

Ahong borrowed a hoe from the side, and Bangbang dug a big hole in the ridge of the field in two or three strokes, and the water in the paddy field flowed into the ditch.

About 10 minutes later, the water in the field finally bottomed out. At this time, I saw a few small fish struggling and jumping in the dry field. Among them, there was no big fish weighing more than one catty. Not only Zhang Feng and the others saw it , Even the tourists are a little dumbfounded.

This paddy field is too clean, right? ?I don't know what it is that eats up all the fish and shrimp in such a large paddy field. Is there any water monster lurking in the mud? Everyone feels that such a scene is very strange.

"Wow, there is a fish, what a big black fish!!" At this moment, Ah Hong suddenly exclaimed,
Everyone looked in the direction of his finger, and sure enough, a big black fish was drilling into the soil, and half of its body had already penetrated into the soil.

Just now everyone didn't notice it at the first time, that's because the color of the black fish is almost the same as the mud in the rotten field, so everyone didn't notice its existence immediately.

"Hurry up and grab it!" Fat Dun shouted excitedly immediately.

A few guys tried their best, like sprinting for a hundred meters, and ran towards Heiyu quickly. Although the field was full of mud and it was difficult to move an inch, they still ran very fast, and they came to Heiyu within ten seconds.

"Quick! Grab him by the tail!"

"Be careful, don't get slapped by its tail!"

The guys have been catching fish in the fields since they were young, so they have rich experience. They cooperated together and quickly caught a half-meter-long big black fish to the shore.

"It's so big, this black fish probably weighs [-] to [-] catties!"

"Ah, this black fish looks so fierce!"

"Of course, the black fish is a carnivorous fish, so of course it is fierce!"

When the tourists saw the black fish being caught, they immediately became excited, and even wished they could go to the field to catch some big fish.

It's a pity that there is only one black fish that can be seen by the discerning eyes in the field. The other black fish are probably hidden in the mud, and it will definitely not be so easy to find them.

Because black fish has strong adaptability to changes in environmental factors in the water body, it has a strong adaptability to hypoxia, water temperature and poor water quality.

When the water body is deprived of oxygen, it can raise its head out of the water.The rear is flattened.The head is long, slightly flattened in front and slightly raised in back.Oxygen in the air is directly breathed by means of the supragillary apparatus composed of the supragillary bone on the back of the first gill arch and the bone piece extending from the hyoid and maxillary bone in the gill cavity.Therefore, it can survive for a long time even in humid areas with little or no water.

In winter, when the water temperature is close to 0°C, snakehead fish will hibernate in the bottom mud and stop eating. Therefore, there are probably many snakehead fish hidden in the soil in the paddy field, because if there is only one snakehead fish, it is impossible to eat the fish and shrimp in the paddy field. It was clean, and there must be a lot of fish that slipped through the net in the soil.

However, the snakeheads hide very well in the soil, and everyone can't find any traces of them at all, so they can only grope in the paddy fields. Unfortunately, after digging the mud for a long time, there is not a single scale of the snakeheads.

"Let me do it!" Zhang Feng couldn't stand it any longer, and decided to use the system to cheat. The system scanned the paddy field, and the black fish lurking in the soil immediately showed their true colors.

Zhang Feng rolled up his trousers, took off his shoes and socks like walking in water.

"Brother Feng, you are not cold!"

"Brother Feng, how about I give you the waterproof jacket!"

"No, I'm fine!"

Zhang Feng waved his hand and politely rejected everyone's kindness. After more than a year of non-stop practicing gymnastics, his body has already surpassed ordinary people. Dress just like everyone else.

 It has been snowing recently, it is very cold, there is no air conditioner, and the code words are shivering, so the update is a bit late, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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