small farmer

Chapter 992 Become a master?

Chapter 992 Become a master? (twenty two)

I saw someone catching fish in the field, and even caught a big black fish
More tourists came to watch. In less than a quarter of an hour, hundreds of tourists surrounded the entire paddy field.

"What a big black fish!"

"Look, that man is amazing, he actually entered the paddy field barefoot in such a cold day!"

"It's awesome, doesn't such a person know how to be cold?"

Everyone couldn't help exclaiming when they saw the black fish, and they were even more stunned when they saw Zhang Feng stepping into the paddy field with bare feet. ?
Civilization is its spirit, and barbarism is its physique. In fact, many people take cold baths in winter, so everyone was surprised for a while, and immediately reacted.

At this time, Zhang Feng had already arrived at the place where the first target was. He bent down, dug and picked up the mud with his arms, and a black fish more than one foot long was picked up into the open space on the side.

Seeing his movements passing by like clouds, the tourists were stunned. They didn't expect such an operation to catch fish. It's amazing!This technology is simply not too awesome!

"Fuck, what a coquettish operation!"

"The masters are among the folks, the technique of catching fish is really amazing!"

"Brother Feng, you are so arrogant!"

"Brother Feng, everyone has the same compulsory education, why are you so outstanding?"

Not only did the tourists open their mouths in horror, but even A Hong Dafang and the others in the village felt that they had really seen it. It turns out that catching fish can be so good.

"Stop talking, I'm going to continue catching fish!" Zhang Feng waved his hand, ignoring these excited guys, and continued to act.



In less than 5 minutes of guessing, he caught seven or eight big black fish, the smallest one was as big as one catty, and the largest one was about thirty catties.
Every time Zhang Feng caught a fish, the tourists on the bank cheered and shouted excitedly, as if they had met their idols.

"Brother Feng, what are you going to do with these fish?"

Several guys rushed ashore and gathered together the big fish that Zhang Feng had caught.

"Leave it alone, and you can help me transport it back later!"

"Okay, Brother Feng, don't worry, leave it to us!" Several guys said happily, patting their chests, as if they had caught these black fish.

"Brother, why don't you sell me a black fish?"

"Brother, I want one too!"

"And me, and me!"

Originally, Zhang Feng was going to transport it back first, and he was watching to deal with it. If it didn’t work, he would put it in the pool for raising. He didn’t expect the tourists to be so awesome. One of them was sold out in less than 2 minutes.

A total of ten snakeheaded fishes cost 30 yuan per catty, which is more than 50 catties. Zhang Feng sold them for more than 1000 yuan in just a short while.

Moreover, Zhang Feng also kept the biggest one, and planned to distribute it to A Hong and the others. After all, everyone contributed a little bit of effort, okay?

"Brother Feng, no need, we still have a big one here!"

"That's right Brother Feng, we caught enough fish for our share, and we can't finish eating too much!"

At the very beginning, the few of them also caught a big black fish, estimated to be seventeen or eight catties, divided among five people, and one person could get more than three catties, enough for the whole family to eat!
So several guys declined Zhang Feng's kindness.


Along the way, the villagers were amazed to see Zhang Feng carrying a large black fish about one meter long.

"Wow, Xiaofeng, you caught such a big fish?"

"Hehe, good luck!" Zhang Feng smiled and nodded, responding to the villagers.

Walking to the door of Yiyi's house, seeing the old man feeding the birds in the yard, Zhang Feng said loudly: "The old man won't cook today, come over to eat fish later!"

"Hey, this fish is really big!" The old man also had a horrified look on his face when he saw the big black fish that Zhang Feng was carrying, "You must be very lucky!"

"Hey," Zhang Feng smiled embarrassedly.

At this moment, Yiyi also came out: "Wow, what a big black fish, madman, where did you catch it?"

"It's in the rotten fields by the entrance of the village!"

Tut tut!Several people had to lament Zhang Feng's good luck to be able to catch such a big snakehead. Such a snakehead is really rare, and it is rare to encounter it once in a few years.

"Grandpa and grandma, I'm going back first!"

"Okay, we're ready to go!"


Seeing Zhang Feng walking into Shanshui Farm with a big fish, the tourists living in the homestay also became excited.

"Xiao Zhang, do you sell this fish?"

"I won't sell the whole thing, but I will kill it later and eat part of it myself. I will make the rest into boiled fish, and everyone can eat it at noon!"

"That's really good, I want one!"

"I want one too!"

"And I……"

"And I…………"

Such a large black fish is really rare, and the tourists who can stay in the Shanshui Farmhouse are those who are not short of money, and everyone rushes to buy it.

"Don't worry, everyone, such a big fish is enough for everyone to eat!" Zhang Feng quickly appeased the excited tourists.

After hearing Zhang Feng's words, everyone calmed down. After thinking about it carefully, it was true. There were only fifteen or six tourists staying at Shanshuilong's house, and everyone must have a share, so they began to order in an orderly manner under Zhu Xiaomin's arrangement. .

"Brother Jun, go and help me get a big basin out."

"it is good!"

Li Jun also came out to watch the fun, and when he saw the big fish Zhang Feng was carrying, his face also showed joy,

After a while, the old man rushed over with his tools and followed Zhang Feng to kill the fish. At the same time, the tourists who watched the fun surrounded him, just like watching a Western opera.

Mao Ya and Xiao Shitou also sneaked in at some point, squatting beside Zhang Feng, watching the big black fish in the big basin without blinking.

"Crazy brother, has this big fish of yours become a spirit?"

"Of course, this fish can still escape the ground. Brother A Hong and the others couldn't find it when it got into the ground. In the end, I used magic to catch them out of the mud!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"You child, you are talking nonsense!" Seeing him fooling the two children, the old man couldn't help shaking his head.

"Hey!" Zhang Feng smiled unwillingly.

"Oh, madman brother, so you lied to us!" Seeing this, the two brats didn't know whether what Zhang Feng said was true or not, they poked their mouths up and stared at him angrily.

"Who told you to ask such a stupid question, where are the goblins now!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Ah, so there are no goblins anymore?" Xiao Shitou frowned in disappointment.

"Then...then why are there so many goblins on TV?" Mao Ya asked with a puzzled expression, biting her finger.

What bull devil, spider spirit, snake spirit... There are so many more in Journey to the West! .


Hearing the questions of the two little guys, the tourists nearby couldn't help laughing, thinking that the two kids are really interesting.

So a tourist explained with a smile: "The ones on TV are all fake, they are all played by people, or made by computers!"

The two little guys finally understood now, it turns out that all fairies are deceiving people!
(End of this chapter)

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