The strongest god in the city

Chapter 159 It's Scary

Chapter 159 It's Scary

A soft hum came into Ye Beichen's ears, and Ye Beichen, who was sleeping in a daze, was suddenly shocked.

He quickly opened his eyes, and the scene in front of him gave him the urge to have a nosebleed.

At this moment, the quilt had already been kicked to the end of the bed and twisted into a ball, and Yu Xin, who was tightly wrapped before, was lying on her side beside him, with a big white leg resting on his leg.

At this moment, Ye Beichen finally realized that he had somewhat underestimated Yuxin's strength.

"It looks like it's just an adult, how could it be... how did it grow?"

"Don't miss this opportunity, time never comes again!"

Ye Beichen's heart was wretched, and his actions were even more wretched.

He made up his mind to take advantage of this opportunity and take advantage of it.

Yuxin suddenly opened her eyes.

"Hmm... brother, what's the matter?"

what the hell!

Ye Beichen's heartbeat increased sharply after being caught straight, and his body tensed up.

This is the second time I've been caught!Moreover, the facts are all there this time, and they cannot be washed away!

How could he do such a wretched thing, thinking that he is a handsome young man with a jade face?

Shame on you!

However, to Ye Beichen's surprise, Yuxin blindfolded her eyes, and after asking a question in a daze, she slowly closed her eyes and her breathing calmed down again.

At this moment, Ye Beichen felt like he was alive after a catastrophe.

Fortunately, fortunately, Yuxin was sleeping in a daze and was not really awake.

Ye Beichen secretly rejoiced and heaved a sigh of relief.

Slowing down, listening to Yuxin's rhythmic breathing, Ye Beichen's mind became active again.

It's not as good as a beast that has been working overnight, this name needs to be washed!
"Well... take it easy, let me take it easy."

I muttered in my heart.

At this moment, a scream suddenly exploded in his ears, and Ye Beichen, who was so shocked that he was concentrating, almost screamed too.


It's Yuxin's cry!

Discovered again?
Ye Beichen was about to vomit blood.

Yuxin's reaction was bigger than Ye Beichen imagined!
After she screamed, she suddenly jumped up from the bed, her almond eyes widened, and she stared blankly at Ye Beichen. won't be looking for life or death, will you?
Just as Ye Beichen thought of this, Yuxin suddenly asked, "Brother, is it dawn? Is it dawn?"

Hearing this, Ye Beichen nodded in a daze, the sky is indeed bright.

"Ahhh! I can eat delicious food! I had a dream last night, and I dreamed of a lot of delicious food, such as soup-filled steamed buns, potstickers dumplings... I want to eat them all!"

While Yuxin was talking, she was jumping up and down on the bed with excitement, but Ye Beichen was not in the mood to look at it, his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Even he himself didn't know whether it was fear or admiration for Yuxin's wonderful brain circuit.

Fortunately, he escaped another disaster.

After clenched his fist, the remaining warmth and touch are still there.

Seeing that Ye Beichen's reaction was flat, Yuxin blinked her eyes, and asked with a coquettish smile, "Brother, what do you want to eat? Shall I cook takeaway for you?"

"Can you use the word 'order' takeaway?"

Ye Beichen was speechless, he obviously ordered takeaway, why did he insist on cooking takeaway?
This made him always feel that what he ate was not the takeaway, but the deliveryman.


Yuxin nodded obediently, and asked again: "Then... brother, what do you want to eat? Can I cook you some takeaway?"

Cook some takeout?Well, the "dot" was indeed added.

What else could Ye Beichen say?
He said that there is no F to say.

Ye Beichen silently grabbed the trousers beside the bed, took out the wallet and handed it directly to Yuxin.

Only he himself knows how much he wants to push Yuxin down now.

"Thank you brother!"

Yuxin thanked her sweetly, grabbed her phone and was about to go downstairs.

"Wait, are you going to wear this?" Ye Beichen quickly stopped her.

Yuxin looked down suspiciously, her face turned red.

She was a little confused and didn't realize it until now.

She turned around quickly, looked at the long legs again, turned her head and said, "Brother... I have no clothes to wear, what should I do?"

Last night, her clothes had been killed in the "cooked takeaway", dirty and obviously unwearable.

Ye Beichen thought for a while and said, "I'd better wear mine. I'll go out during the day and buy you some."

Yuxin hesitated for a while when she heard the words, and then replied: "Then I'd better buy it online.

Although she didn't say anything, Ye Beichen still saw suspicion in the other party's eyes!
Doubt my taste?
How can it be!

Although we haven't practiced it, we have watched the film. The theoretical experience is very rich, okay?
Other Tongyan girls look seductive in clothes, can't it be you?


Huh, something seems wrong.

Ye Beichen suddenly realized that all the experiences in his mind were not suitable for children.

"Okay, I'm going out later, you save more money."

Ye Beichen waved his hand, and looked at the time, it was only early seven o'clock.However, Ye Beichen didn't intend to continue sleeping.

Distraught, Ye Beichen quickly jumped up from the bed.

After getting dressed, Bang Bang Bang rushed downstairs.

"Brother, where are you going? I haven't ordered takeaway yet!"

Hearing Yuxin's cry from behind, Ye Beichen didn't turn his head, he just waved his hands behind him and said, "You can eat by yourself, I have something else to do, go out and eat."

What breakfast!
I just want to eat people now!

This is Ye Beichen's most urgent need.

Walking downstairs, Ye Beichen suddenly remembered that besides him and Yuxin, there was another person in the family——Yan Zhonghe.

But when he turned his eyes to Yan Zhonghe's room, he found that the door was open.

"Huh? Are you up already?"

Ye Beichen walked into the room, swept his eyes, but did not find Yan Zhonghe, but the bright red words on the white wall attracted his attention.

"The great revenge must be returned."

Ye Beichen carefully stared at these words, looked again and again, and finally confirmed that these words were written by Yan Zhonghe with blood.

"Hi Yan Zhonghe!"

Ye Beichen loves the wall at home, the blood book, it's so creepy!

 Thanks to Shuluo 2088 for the reward, and thanks to TAT100 for the reward.Thanks!
  On Monday, ask for a recommendation ticket...

(End of this chapter)

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