The strongest god in the city

Chapter 160 The Spring of the Aunts

Chapter 160 The Spring of the Aunts
Tell me about you, just leave, just write a note or something?

Even if you leave quietly without taking a cloud, we won't blame you for anything!
Taking a ten thousand step back, even if you fancy something valuable in our family, taking some away is better than leaving a blood book?
It's bloody, I have to find someone to paint the wall, okay?
Before Ye Beichen could get rid of the fire, this fire started again.

"Sooner or later, I will be pissed off by this guy! When you show up again, I will let you go to the tiger's mouth to watch the gate! I will let you be a security guard for the rest of your life!"

After speaking indignantly, Ye Beichen grabbed the car keys and walked out quickly.

But when he saw his car, he became even more angry.

I was vomited in the car, how to drive?

Could it be that he was looking for Xian'er with the smell of barbecue and alcohol all over his body?
For a moment, Ye Beichen almost rushed upstairs, so he slapped Yuxin first.

Hmm... just a little bit.

In the end, Ye Beichen had no choice but to walk away from Villa No. [-].

Coincidentally, I just walked not far, and ran into a few old sisters from last night—the Square Dance Aunts Group, part-time Pengci.

Of course, there is one person missing - Aunt Li.

At this time, four people were standing on the side of the road in the community, each with their heads down looking depressed.

Ye Beichen was puzzled, these four people planned to... stand on the street?
Well, it is "Stand Street" full of profound meaning.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the four of them almost raised their heads, looked at Ye Beichen, and were stunned.

Ye Beichen saw surprise, surprise, and hesitation in their eyes.

(Author Bacteria: Think of you as a scanner!)
What do they want to do?
Ye Beichen was puzzled and smiled coldly, pretending he didn't see it.

The other party had better not provoke him, otherwise, he had no choice but to try the effect of the micro-curse.

The accident did not happen, and the four of them watched Ye Beichen leave without saying a word.

Ye Beichen walked out of the community and was about to take a taxi when he suddenly saw six men in sunglasses walking into the community with their heads down.

Ye Beichen frowned. He seemed to have seen these people before.


While Ye Beichen was wondering, a cry of pain came suddenly.

I saw one of the young men twist his feet and fell to the ground.

At this time, no one came to pull him, and someone even spoke up in displeasure.

"What are you doing? Why are you flopping again?"

"That's right! Boss gave you a chance, you are getting worse!"

"If you don't change your nature, there must be a big conspiracy!"

Hearing this, Ye Beichen felt ashamed.How did it get connected?
The young man who fell to the ground said with a bitter face, "It's really not a flop this time! I fell down the stairs last night, and my ankle was swollen!"

"So, you fell down the Junyi stairs last night, did you flop?"

The person who spoke was the tallest and seemed to be the leader.

The young man sat on the ground blankly, wanting to cry, but Ye Beichen finally knew why he felt familiar.

Aren't these the people who chased and killed Yan Zhonghe at the gate of the Junyi Club last night?

As for the young man who fell, it was Ye Beichen who was fooled by Ye Beichen's absolute luck last night when he raised his gun to shoot.

Seeing the other party's miserable state, Ye Beichen almost couldn't help but stepped forward to prove it for him.


What are they doing here?
Could it be that it was found out so quickly?
Thinking of this, Ye Beichen's heart immediately set off a storm.

Ma Wangying's power is actually so powerful!It's only been a few hours, and they have already caught up to the door!

Fortunately, Ye Beichen didn't show his face last night, and the other party didn't see his face clearly through the night.

If he guessed correctly, he should have come after the car.

At this time, the young man struggled to stand up and limped into the community with several other people.

Ye Beichen didn't follow immediately, but was thinking about how to solve it.

If he really came to seek revenge, the chances of going to his villa are very high.

Yuxin is still in the villa, Ye Beichen is determined not to sit idly by.What's more, who knows if these people will pee in front of his house in anger because they can't catch anyone!
Just, for sure.

So... let's lure you into the urn, and wipe out the whole group?Give them a cool song at the end?
Good idea!

A wicked smile emerged from the corner of Ye Beichen's mouth.

He glanced at the few people not far away, and followed slowly.

Soon, Ye Beichen suddenly realized that it seemed... that he didn't need to contribute?

Because not far away, the six-member gang had a hand-to-hand fight with the Square Dance Aunts!
Auntie's hands were like lightning, everything happened so fast, Ye Beichen's brain was a little out of order.

He blinked his eyes and sorted out everything that happened three seconds ago.

Three seconds ago, six men passed by the group of aunts, and the four aunts got up at the same time, and then... fell in front of them.

The four aunts had a clear division of labor, two of them hugged the thighs of two men, and the other two hugged the thighs of the other four men.

Ye Beichen was surprised: "Is this a lie? Isn't it too radical?"

According to Ye Beichen's experience last night, the five people had a clear division of labor, one for porcelain and four for help.

But now, all four of them joined the battle, and they were wiped out in one wave!
Ye Beichen guessed, maybe, it was because Aunt Li didn't join the group, and the mentality of the aunt group must have collapsed.Just like Master Lu Dong, when I wrote a novel, no one voted for it, my mentality collapsed, and the updates were not good enough!

Alas, poor!
"What are you doing!"

"Get out, believe it or not, I will kick you to death!"

"Don't, don't hug my leg, it's swollen!"

"Ah...don't touch there!"

The six men were in a hurry, but the aunt group was calm and composed.

"Why are you tripping me!"

"What are you pushing me for?"

"My old bones are falling apart, and I can't get up without a hundred thousand!"

"It hurts……"

Ye Beichen was inexplicably surprised, one hundred thousand?

It's only been one night, and the auntie group's appearance fee is already so high?

It's so terrifying!

However, the aunts didn't know that the people they encountered were all ruthless characters!

However, having said that, they are more ruthless, they have never been afraid of anyone!

The leading man snorted coldly, and raised his foot abruptly, intending to kick the fat aunt who was hugging his thigh away.

But the reality told him that he thought too much.

His leg didn't move, and the fat aunt hugging his thigh didn't move at all, still screaming.

The leading man hurriedly looked around, and found that no one noticed his embarrassment just now, he was relieved, and stepped hard again

Hmm... As expected, it still didn't move.

Forced, nothing happened.

He tried again, but still nothing happened.

After three or five times of hard work, the leading man's forehead was already sweating, but the fat aunt under his feet never moved.

It was embarrassing to encounter such a situation when leading a team out on a mission for the first time.

"Boss, what should I do?"

A young man retired from the national football team grinned in pain and asked with a mournful face.

Hearing this, the leading man glared at him fiercely, then looked at the fat aunt again, his face immediately collapsed.

"That... aunt, that... it's my first mission, can you give me a sincere price?"

 Thank you Xianyu for the 588 reward, thank you Huaxianzi for the 399 reward, thank you TAT, it is still your 100 reward.

  The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and I plan to do some small activities to give back to the readers.

  Welcome to join the group: 680797835, take advantage of the Chinese New Year, let's have fun together.

(End of this chapter)

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